The Prussian administration united Nassau, Frankfurt and Hesse-Kassel into the new Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau. És l'únic nucli urbà gran del nord de Hessen, raó per la qual actua com a centre econòmic i cultural de la regió. This redirect is within the scope of WikiProject Solar System, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of the Solar System on Wikipedia. Kassel (do roku 1926 úradne Cassel) je jediné nemecké veľkomesto v severnej časti Hesenska.Je tretie najväčšie mesto Hesenska po Frankfurte nad Mohanom a Wiesbadene.V minulosti bol Kassel hlavným mestom Hesenska. Secret societies, such as Rosicrucianism flourished, with Christian Rosenkreutz's work Fama Fraternitis first published in 1617. Kassel (frem til 1926 officielt Cassel) er en tysk by som ligger ved floden Fulda i det nordlige Hessen.Med 194.000 indbyggere (2009) er det den tredjestørste by i delstaten efter Frankfurt am Main og hovedstaden Wiesbaden.. Kassel er hovedsæde for de administrative enheder Regierungsbezirk Kassel og Landkreis Kassel. It has about 195,000 inhabitants and a university. Herkules, Kassel Orangerie jauregia 1805 urtean Grimm anaiak bertako liburutegian lanean ari zirela aurkitu zituzten gerora bilduma osatuko zuten ipuin eta kondairak. Die wichtigsten Kenndaten finden Sie hier im Überblick: Bundesland: Hessen Regierungsbezirk: Kassel Höhe: 167 m ü. NHN Fläche: 106,78 km2 Einwohner: 199.062 Bevölkerungsdichte: 1864 Einwohner je km2 Postleitzahlen: 34117–34134, 34355 Vorwahlen: 0561, 05543 Kfz-Kennzeichen: KS Gemeindeschlüssel: 06 6 11 000 Stadtgliederung: 23 Ortsbezirke Adresse derStadtverwaltung: Obere Königsstraße 834117 Kassel Webpräsenz: Quelle: Wikipedia, Stand 13. Der Regierungsbezirk Kassel ist einer von drei Regierungsbezirken im deutschen Bundesland Hessen. It is surrounded by the beautiful Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe with many appealing sights. The most recent exhibition, documenta 14 is being held from June to September, 2017. There were 25,000 students enrolled at the university in 2018, 3381 of them non-Germans. Bettenhausen ist ein östlicher Stadtteil der hessischen Großstadt Kassel. Learn More Start Mapping The Electorate was restored in 1813. [3] The most severe bombing of Kassel in World War II destroyed 90% of the downtown area, and some 10,000 people were killed and 150,000 were made homeless. [15] This is the fifth division and the lowest men's competition in the state of Hesse. Eelmine "documenta" toimus 2017. aastal. The University offers a wide range of study programs from organic agriculture to social work. The complex includes Wilhelmshöhe Palace (with the Antiquities Collection and Old Masters), the Hercules monument, and the Lions Castle. Dezember 2018,, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, Mediabestanden die bij dit onderwerp horen, zijn te vinden op de pagina. In the late 1930s Nazis destroyed Heinrich Hübsch's Kassel Synagogue. Every Sunday and Wednesday afternoon at 14:30 (from May until October) the famous water features take place. The Documenta now takes place every five years. Wiesbaden, Ausländische Bevölkerung in Hessen am 31. It is located in northern Hesse, comprising the city of Kassel and surrounding parts of the Landkreis Kassel district. Mesto je sídlom vládneho obvodu Kassel a krajinského okresu Kassel. In the early 19th century, the Brothers Grimm lived in Kassel. From its base down to Wilhelmshöhe Palace runs a long set of artificial cascades which delight visitors during the summer months. The Hercules monument is a huge octagonal stone structure carrying a giant replica of Hercules "Farnese" (now at Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Naples, Italy). During World War II, Kassel was the headquarters for Germany's Wehrkreis IX, and a local subcamp of Dachau concentration camp provided forced labour for the Henschel facilities, which included tank production plants. Kassel (German pronunciation: ; spelt Cassel till 1928) is a ceety locatit on the Fulda River in northren Hesse, Germany. The US 80th Infantry Division captured Kassel in bitter house-to-house fighting during 1–4 April 1945, which included numerous German panzer-grenadier counterattacks, and resulted in further widespread devastation to bombed and unbombed structures alike.[4]. View History. Europe's first public museum, the Museum Fridericianum was founded in 1779. St. Bonifatius was designed and built in 1956 by Josef Bieling. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks. The Kassel Huskies were founding members of the DEL in 1994, belonging to the league from 1994 to 2006 and again from 2008 to 2010. This laser installation is nowadays still visible at weekends. Other art museums in Kassel include: Hessen Kassel is the football club in the city, who plays in the Hessenliga after being relegated from the Regionalliga Südwest in the 2017/2018 season. Està situada a les ribes del riu Fulda. Hosting is supported by UCL, Bytemark Hosting, and other partners. 34123 Uedayukika este un asteroid din centura principală de asteroizi.. Descriere. During World War I the German military headquarters were located in the Wilhelmshöhe Palace. Wilhelmshöhe Palace above the city was built in 1786, by landgrave Wilhelm IX of Hesse-Kassel. The city was almost completely rebuilt during the 1950s and is a combination of renovated or reconstructed old buildings and architecture of the 1950s. Kassel has a public university with 25,000 students (2018) and a multicultural population (39% of the citizens in 2017 had a migration background). Kassel (fram til 1926 offisielt Cassel) er ein by i Tyskland ved elva Fulda nord i delstaten Hessen med om lag 200 000 innbyggjarar. In 1991 the central rail station moved from "Hauptbahnhof" (English: main station) (today only used for regional trains) to "Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe". The Huskies ran into financial difficulties and dissolved in 2010. Kassel (oant 1926 Cassel) is in stêd yn Dútslân yn de dielsteat Hessen oan de Fulda, mei hast 200.000 ynwenners.It is it ienige stêdlike sintrum yn it noarden fan Hessen en jildt dêrom as it ekonomyske en kulturele swiertepunt fan de regio. De stêd is benammen ferneamd troch de documenta, in fiif-jierlikse keunstmanifestaasje oer eigentiidske keunst. The Allied ground advance into Germany reached Kassel at the beginning of April 1945. Bent u hier via een pagina in Wikipedia terechtgekomen? De beste bezienswaardigheden in Kassel, Duitsland. Several courts are located in Kassel, including: Media related to Kassel at Wikimedia Commons OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license. Welcome to OpenStreetMap! In 1972 the Chancellor of West Germany Willy Brandt and the Prime Minister of the German Democratic Republic Willy Stoph met in Wilhelmshöhe Palace for negotiations between the two German states. The main Protestant church of Kassel, it was begun in 1364 and finished in 1462. Other Documenta remnants (mainly sculptures) can be found in many places in Kassel; among those are the "7000 Oaks", a work of land art by the German artist Joseph Beuys. Kassel is an electoral constituency (German: Wahlkreis) represented in the Bundestag.It elects one member via first-past-the-post voting.Under the current constituency numbering system, it is designated as constituency 168. All over the city are art pieces from former Documenta exhibitions. Post-war, most of the ancient buildings were not restored, and large parts of the city area were completely rebuilt in the style of the 1950s. The palace is now a museum and houses an important collection of Graeco-Roman antiques and a fine gallery of paintings comprising the second largest collection of Rembrandts in Germany. Kassel je sa 193.803 stanovnika treći po veličini grad u njemačkoj saveznoj pokrajini Hessenu, iza Frankfurta na Majni i Wiesbadena.Nalazi se na sjeveru pokrajine, blizu granice s Donjom Saskom.Kroz Kassel protječe rijeka Fulda.Nekadašnja prijestolnica države Hesse-Kassel ima brojne palače i parkove, uključujući Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe, koji je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. In the late 18th Century, Hesse-Kassel became infamous for selling mercenaries (Hessians) to the British crown to help suppress the American Revolution and to finance the construction of palaces and the Landgrave's opulent lifestyle. Having sided with Austria in the Austro-Prussian War to gain supremacy in Germany, the principality was annexed by Prussia in 1866. Dit is een doorverwijspagina, bedoeld om de verschillen in betekenis of gebruik van Kassel inzichtelijk te maken.. Op deze pagina staat een uitleg van de verschillende betekenissen van Kassel en verwijzingen daarnaartoe. Kassel ceased to be a princely residence but soon developed into a major industrial centre, as well as a major railway junction. 1970. aastal asutati Kasseli Ülikool. Kassel is a city in Germany, in the state of Hessen. Kassel (officieel: Cassel) is een stad in het Franse Noorderdepartement, gelegen in de Franse Westhoek en Frans-Vlaanderen.Ze heeft ongeveer 2500 inwoners op een oppervlakte van 13,13 km². Redirect This redirect does not require a rating on the project's quality scale. At that time, around 1803, the Landgraviate was elevated to a Principality and its ruler to Prince-elector. Kassel's deepest point is in the north-eastern Fulda valley at 132.9 m above sea level. Kassel was its capital and became a centre of Calvinist Protestantism in Germany. By the end of the 19th century the museum held one of the largest collections of watches and clocks in the world. Kassel (German pronunciation: (); in Germany, spelled Cassel until 1926) is a city on the Fulda River in northern Hesse, Germany.It is the administrative seat of the Regierungsbezirk Kassel and the district of the same name and had 200,507 inhabitants in December 2015. The former capital of the state of Hesse-Kassel has many palaces and parks, including the Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Kassel (până în 1926 s-a numit oficial Cassel) este un district urban al Germaniei, centru administrativ a regiunii Kassel și districtului Kassel.Este al treilea ca mărime din landul Hessa, Germania.Din 1277 Kassel a fost capitala a landului istoric Hesse, a principatului Imperial german Hessa-Kassel (1567-1803) și a electoratului Hesse (până în 1866).