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Regie führte Oliver Stone, der außerdem am Drehbuch und als Executive Producer beteiligt war. | Rating: 3/4 Sometimes entertaining, but overall Any Given Sunday is a disappointment coming from Oliver Stone. Add the first question. N00b1g went live on Twitch. I don't know, maybe the reason why this film and "JFK" were so exciting is because of the star-studded casts, because as we all know, a star cast can go a long way... or at least when they're backed up by a blaring soundtrack, relentlessly vulgar dialogue and camera operators who love crazy angles almost as much as the editor loves cutting back and forth between the aforementioned crazy angles over and over again, and that's good, because we can't afford to be bored when dealing with films this long. Please reference “Error Code 2121” when contacting customer service. However this is an awful sports film that had potential of being a great film. Again, the film is overwhelmingly lengthy and overstylized at points, yet make no mistake, this film is among the handful of wildly entertaining sports films, with consistent flare and even a soundtrack that's pretty hit-or-miss (The many then-contemporary mainstream '90s songs and "original" rap songs are, of course, terrible), but really hits hard when it does hit, really sparking a lot of fun energy in the film, sometimes too much so, but generally to where you'd be hard pressed to not want to stick with the film, as it is so rewarding as, if nothing else, pure entertainment. It's one thing to say there are groupies in football, it's another thing to delight in showing them. He wakes up my neighbors, and – as mundane as it sounds – I can’t hear my tv and am constantly rewinding just to get through a show. Al Pacino - An jedem verdammten Sonntag - Ansprache An jedem verdammten Sonntag ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 1999. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! You're almost there! I love how the director's cut to this film is actually almost 15 minutes tighter than the theatrical cut (Speaking of Al Pacino, the director's cut to "Revolution" didn't cut that much excess material, though it probably should have), and yet, it's still too long. Now, this film still isn't quite "Natural Born Killers" overstylized (I don't know what is), yet it surprisingly stands as one of Oliver Stone's most overstylized films, not necessarily throwing crazy imagery at you relentlessly, but going tainted by overemphasized cinematography, as well as wildly frenetic overediting that really does help in knocking you out of the film a bit, particularly during the dialogue pieces, which are made more overwhemling by sound design that is also wildly overstylized, to the point of occasionally rendering dialogue borderline incomprehensible, or at least until someone nearly throws his or her voice out shouting, or in other words, during every second or third dialogue piece. |. Besetzung und Stab von An jedem verdammten Sonntag, Regisseur: Oliver Stone. The material was lacking, the talent was there, but ultimately the execution was poor and ultimately not worth your time. |, August 22, 2008 Cameron Diaz plays an owner who only cares about profits and not about it's legendary-but-over-the-hill coach (Al Pacino). There's nothing on-screen to appeal to viewers and sports drama enthusiasts. Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. Catch up on their Path of Exile VOD now. At one point near the ending, we see a sports caster played by director Oliver Stone shake his head as if he realized his film was bad, and it is. The point is, can you win or lose like a man. Title: A behind-the-scenes look at the life-and-death struggles of modern-day gladiators and those who lead them. Still, that's not the only thing that Oliver Stone delivers on, because although he is such a messy filmmaker, especially here, when he hits, he cuts deep, and sure enough, there are quite a few potently well-directed moments in this film, as Stone will sometimes pull back to deliver on a degree of provocative messaging, as well as a few poignant moments of depth that really do bring this story to life. ... Das TV-Battle "The Vortex", in dem die weltweit besten Tanzcrews gegeneinander antreten, s... Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel (1973) Sonntag. English Translation for An jedem verdammten Sonntag - Danish-English Dictionary Cinemark Warner Brothers, Any Given Sunday (pt/br: Um Domingo Qualquer [3] [4]) é um filme de 1999 dos Estados Unidos, um drama realizado por Oliver Stone e escrito por John Logan e pelo próprio Stone, com base em história de Daniel Pyne e John Logan Please click the link below to receive your verification email. This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. This was really the start of a creative rut for Stone, and he would not recapture that energy until 2006's World Trade Center. Take a look back at the talented actors and actresses who took home a Golden Globe for Best Actor/Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama since the category was created in 1951. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie. Having ridden the bench for years because of a string of bad luck stories and perhaps insufficient character, Willie Beaman seizes what may be his last chance, and lights up the field with a raw display of athletic prowess. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. You felt after watching Stone was too tired to fight anymore.Well, as ANY GIVEN SUNDAY proves, Stone, like his on-screen alter-ego, Tony D'Amato(Al Pacino), may look tired, but he's still got fight left in him. Copyright © Fandango. Jim Brown (ehemaliger NFL-Star & Runningback der Cleveland Browns 1957-1965, 9-facher Pro Bowl/ All Star, 4-facher MVP, Das dreckige Dutzend, Eisstation Zebra, Mars Attacks!, An jedem verdammten Sonntag) als FIREBALL mit Raketenrucksack und Flammenwerfer ("So ein Hitzkopf!") They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. | Rotten (59). When both his talent and passion are at full strength, the results are impressive(SALVADOR, PLATOON, JFK, NIXON). Now, with all of my praising, the film is much too faulty to keep consistent as enjoyable, yet the fact of the matter is that the film does still have plenty to praise, and that's enough for it to keep you going and enjoying yourself through thick and then, and at the end of the day, that leaves this film to, like the football players it studies, to go long... or far, or the distance, or whatever it is they say in football. An jedem verdammten Sonntag ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 1999. 3/5 - Good. There are sympathetic woman here, particularly Ann-Margaret as Diaz's mother, who shows what being a football wife costs, and Lela Rochon as Willie's girlfriend, who is unwilling to have that happen to her(the scene at the party, where she feels both isolated from Willie and the other wives, is nicely drawn). Just confirm how you got your ticket. Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Before Ron Howard enslaved him, cinematographer Salvatore Tatino caught his big break shooting for this film, and doing a pretty fine job of it, for although Stone is overemphatic about Tatino's contributions to the point of occasionally rendering the film more style than substance, the photography on this film boasts that good old fashion Oliver Stone handsome haziness that's not terribly stellar, but catches your eye and breathes life into this film, much like most every other piece of style within this film. und der 1,96 m große Andrew Bryniarski (Butterfinger in Hudson Hawk, Zangief in Streetfighter, Patrick "Madman" Kelly An jedem verdammten Sonntag) als Leatherface. Jim Brown (ehemaliger NFL-Star & Runningback der Cleveland Browns 1957-1965, 9-facher Pro Bowl/ All Star, 4-facher MVP, Das dreckige Dutzend, Eisstation Zebra, Mars Attacks!, An jedem verdammten Sonntag) als FIREBALL mit Raketenrucksack und Flammenwerfer ("So ein Hitzkopf!") A really good movie about the business of football and all the things that go along with it. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Is that good enough? After all, we decry flashy players, and then complain about those who are too boring, we talk about tradition out of one side of our mouth and demand the game be updated out of the other side, we call white players who exhibit boorish behavior "colorful" while calling black players who exhibit similar behavior "punks"(and that's putting it mildly), we complain about players who are overpaid while thinking nothing of owners who spend lavishly on themselves and move teams around, we complain about football being too dominated by TV yet sit around like couch potatoes every Sunday and Monday night, we react with horror when players get hurt badly and get addicted to drugs, yet we yell at them to murder each other on the field and call those who don't chicken(to put it mildly), and so on.This is a wide canvas to cover, and yet Stone does a pretty good job of it. With Al Pacino, Dennis Quaid, Cameron Diaz, James Woods. That's what a leader's about; sacrifice. I was particularly impressed with how well the athletes did as actors, particularly Jim Brown(though he's an actor, so this isn't surprising) and Lawrence Taylor. Joe Robbie Stadium - 2269 NW 199th Street, Miami, Florida, USA. [of Christina Pagniacci] I honestly believe that woman would eat her own young. However, with all of my problems with Oliver Stone - of which, there are many -, through all of his filmmaking faults... and being just so blasted left wing, he's still a considerably talented director, and further proves that with a film that ultimately transcends its many faults to stand as a really worthwhile watch, or if nothing else, mostly enjoyably stylish effort. Just leave us a message here and we will work on getting you verified. Regie führte Oliver … |, February 10, 2009 ... An jedem verdammten Sonntag: Greece (transliterated title) | Fresh (65) Willie has to learn that playing for the team really does mean, as quarterback, getting them to respect you so they'll play for you, and Tony has to learn that tradition can't be stodgy, that it has to accept change.Stone is less sure in other aspects. At the end of the sunday, or whatever day of the week you watch this, a promising project goes tainted by common Oliver Stone faults at pretty high intensity, whether it be the overlong runtime, or overstylzing, or noisiness, or simply the profound lack of subtlety that leaves the film's messages to bear down and intensify the overall overbearingness of the film, until by the end, it fails to make the touchdown it should have, yet in spite of that, this film still scores pretty big, boasting fine style - often overblown though, it may be - and livliness to spark consistent and wild entertainment value, while Oliver Stone establishes many a high, if not golden moment of effectiveness, really sold by the massive collection of charismatic performances within the star-studded cast, held together by razor-sharp chemistry, thus leaving "Any Given Sunday" to play an imperfect game, yet one that's still lively, generally interesting and ultimately rewarding enough to really win you over through thick and then. To be fair, Stone does have an eye for capturing great looking, stylized movie moments, and that shows up for the most part in the well-executed game sequences. Coming Soon. Again, the film is excessively overstylized, yet more often than not, the style really does amplify the engagement value of the film, with most great frenetic editing (Even if a couple of pieces of dialogue cut unevenly) giving the film a lot of flashiness and intense sound design giving the film a lot of pump, and when that style comes into play on the field, the result is some top-notch football sequences, which isn't to say that all of this style keeps the film from dulling out when our players take a break from bashing into each other. Still, the film's bluntness doesn't just end with the noisiness, because just when you thought that Oliver Stone couldn't get any more unsubtle with his critiques, he finds himself presented with a topic that's a bit hard to deconstruct, as made obvious by Stone's palpable stretching to make such a deconstruction. Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. Die machtbesessene Team-Besitzerin hat es besonders auf ihn abgesehen. You do the math - is it worth it to sit through loads of tedious interplay between boring characters to catch some hard-hitting stunts? | Top Critics (37) Call it not quite a touchdown, but a film which convinces us Stone still has fight left in him. The film has an entirely compelling emptiness and exhaustion. 516 talking about this. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Coming Soon. Finally, Stone can't resist the ROCKY-type cliches near the end.But though it's flawed, there's still a lot of power here. Hard-hitting football drama has strong language, sex, drugs. National Football League (Liga, USA) ⬢ 17. Four years ago, DAmato's (Al Pacino) Miami Sharks were at the top. Cameron Diaz does a good job as the team's owner, but her character is a little too one-dimensional at times. She also expresses doubts about an aging quarterback (Dennis Quaid), whose injuries open the door for pig-headed third-stringer (Jamie Foxx) to rise to prominence. His stunning performance over several games is so outstanding and fresh it seems to augur a new era in the history of this Miami franchise, and forces aging coach Tony D'Amato to reevaluate his time-tested values and strategies and begin to confront the fact that the game, as well as post-modern life may be passing him by. | Rating: 4/5 ), yet those flaws are even more intense here, and for goodness sakes, this is a blasted football film, so on top of often being too much, the lengthiness, stylizing and blatantness doesn't really fit, thus making for a film that's all over the place, but eventually comes back to simply not striking as deeply as it should. The percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher. Oliver Stone's hyperkinetic, ultraviolent football epic distills America's most popular sport to its essence, adds caffeine, taurine, and guarana... After you've seen the first ten minutes, you could probably write out the plot yourself, beat by beat. Despite this, there are still some interesting shots of in depth Football footage, and it's cool to see, if you can get past the frantic pace. Don’t worry, it won’t take long. The film "tackles" (Football pun intended) the flaws of the American sports industry and overall culture, and Oliver Stone isn't about to let you forget that, blatantly hucking his messages at you with restless intensity that is often passable, sometimes overbearing and consistently present, thus diluting the film's substance, which in turns actually dilutes the messages that the film tries so hard press on you. If that seems like a lot to keep track of, the uninteresting subplots keep piling on and include LL Cool J as a running back, James Woods as a creepy team doctor and the great Charlton Heston as the league's commish (why he agreed to do this movie I have no idea). Seine Mannschaft, die "Miami Sharks", wird jedoch entzweit, als der legendäre Quarterback Jack "Cap" Rooney verletzungsbedingt ausfällt.