Römer haben nix zu lachen, wenn sie Asterix und Obelix begegnen. Directed by Alexandre Astier, Louis Clichy. Following a fall during mistletoe picking, Druid Panoramix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. The chief sends Asterix and Obelix up north to get him back but the nephew has fallen in love with the viking chief's daughter v.v. Im Kino prügeln sich … Diese erschienen in nicht chronologischen Abständen zwischen den 1960er bis 2010er Jahre. Following a fall during mistletoe picking, Druid Panoramix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. It doesn't take an Asterix fan to understand what she was doing, only being aware of most family-friendly movies trends. Didn't he fall after saving a bird and making stunts that could have made Disney's Tarzan yodel with jealousy? Asterix und das Geheimnis des Zaubertranks ein Film von Louis Clichy und Alexandre Astier, deutsche stimmen: Milan Peschel, Charly Hübner. Der Kinostart in … Leider ist Asterix & Obelix: Mission Kleopatra derzeit bei keinem der auf Moviepilot aufgelisteten Anbietern zu sehen. Asterix & Obelix (oder auch nur Asterix) ist ein auf einer Comicreihe basierndes französisches Film-Franchise welches derzeit acht Zeichentrick-, vier Spiel- und einen Animationsfilm umfasst. In order to wipe out the Gaulish village by any means necessary, Caesar plans to absorb the villagers into Roman culture by having an estate built next to the village to start a new Roman colony. Zum Film: Wir befinden uns im Jahre 50 v.Chr. It’s set in a parallel world where superheroes are living alongside ordinary mortals. These Romans are crazy! Asterix and obelix cleopatra full movie french. Inhaltsangabe: Im Jahre 50 v. Chr. Animation. Pathé is handling international sales and will be distributing the film, with principal photography expected to start this spring or summer. Albert Uderzo Dies: ‘Asterix’ Illustrator & Writer Was 92, French Movies Grossed $272 Million at Overseas Box Office in 2019, Review: Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion (2019). Read Next: Time’s Up Condemns Brett Ratner’s Return: ‘There Should Be No Comeback’, With Success of ‘CODA,’ American Remakes of French Titles Are Finally Starting to Break Through, Wide Acquires Joe Duca’s Road Movie ‘Her Name Was Jo’ (EXCLUSIVE), Berlinale Documentary ‘Who We Were’ Acquired by Films Boutique (EXCLUSIVE), Sidney Poitier: A Living Legend Who Changed Hollywood, Time’s Up Condemns Brett Ratner’s Return: ‘There Should Be No Comeback’, ‘Saturday Night Live’ Parodies Apology Culture with Chloe Fineman as Britney Spears, Aidy Bryant as Ted Cruz. 12 of 16 people found this review helpful. I came, I saw the trailer and then two fears conquered me.First, the title "The Secret of the Magic Potion" gave the first major hint: it wasn't an adaptation, while this didn't prevent "The Twelve Tasks" to be a masterpiece, I was afraid Astier would get too carried away by the previous success and go a little overboard, making the kind of stories similar to the recent albums from Uderzo. The film is set in the future, in a world where laughing is forbidden. Caesar has had enough when another legion is hacked to pieces by the damned single indomitable village in Gaul because of the druid's magic potion, so he decides to tackle the problem at ... See full summary ». Zudem wurde der Film im Jahr 1984 zur Kino-Wiederaufführung neu synchronisiert. Asterix must save the Druid Getafix from the Romans. The film will be released by Warner Bros. France in October, and is being sold by Kinology. Bon Anniversaire, Asterix! And it also helped that the film was a faithful adaptation of one of the best comic-book adventures, a sedentary one with an interesting commentary on deforestation, urbanism and its effect on environment, to put it simply an ecological and social view on the march of progress from the village's perspective.While I was hoping a second Astier movie, I didn't know there was one in preparation so it caught me totally off guard. Obelix falls for a new arrival in his home village in Gaul, but is heartbroken when her true love arrives to visit her. Das neue Werk des Erfolgsduos Jean-Yves Ferri und Didier Conrad ist bald da! Search for "Astérix: Le secret de la potion magique" on Amazon.com, Title: Add the first question. Die Abenteuer des listigen Kriegers Asterix (Clovis Cornillac) und seines zaubertrankgestärkten Gefährten Obelix (Gerard Depardieu) führen diesmal ins ferne Griechenland. This new segment will hopefully make you discover some films, tv shows, rs etc. Asterix – By Teutates! Hugo Van Herpe. However, the lovers are kidnapped by Romans; Asterix and Obelix set ... See full summary ». I suspect some marketing behind that choice, it didn't have the Astier zest in it.Overall, the film provides a nice backstory of Getafix and an interesting rival in Sulfurix, the druid who's clearly more powerful and whose only flaw is not to have invented the magic potion, his alliance with the Romans and the fact that the Gauls left the village to pick before the journey, made the climax rather predictable but I guess it was spectacular enough to make for a positive impact, maybe because there's always that self-awareness in Astier that has a certain ring to it.So I liked it in the sense that it stayed faithful to the first film's spirit and didn't take any major deviation, I only wish it could have deviated more for some stuff we've seen in so many animated movies, especially coming from Astier...ix. Accompanied by Astérix and Obelix, he undertakes to travel the Gallic world in search of a talented young druid to transmit the Secret of the Magic Potion. Asterix und Obelix - Im Auftrag Ihrer Majestaet Unter dem Kommando von Julius Cäsar haben die ruhmreichen Legionen Roms mittlerweile auch Britannien erobert. Oktober 1986 war der Film in den Lichtspielhäusern der DDR zu sehen. Astérix and Obélix go to Egypt to help architect Numérobis who is building a palace for Cleopatra. 474 talking about this. 1. With Christian Clavier, Guillaume Briat, Alex Lutz, Alexandre Astier. Gaul invaded! In line with his long-term collaborations with actors-turned-helmers, such as Canet and Lellouche, Attal is also working on the feature debuts of two well-known French actors, Laurent Lafitte with “The Origin of the World,” and Pierre Niney with “No Kidding,” a dystopian film, which Niney is now writing with Igor Gotesman. Of course, once the little girl pops up in a school scene, my intuition anticipated everything and accurately so, I was afraid it would another of these Moana-Frozen "chosen one" things again. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. 2002 entstand die Realverfilmung Asterix & Obelix: Mission Kleopatra nach derselben Vorlage. Certificate: TV-Y7-FV Gesprochen werden Asterix und Obelix übrigens von den Schauspielern Milan Peschel und Charly Hübner. Die Comicserie wird dieses Jahr 60. Asterix und Obelix erobern im Frühjahr 2019 endlich wieder die große Leinwand!ASTERIX UND DAS GEHEIMNIS DES ZAUBERTRANKS startet am 14.März in den deutschen Kinos. Asterix im Land der Götter ein Film von Louis Clichy und Alexandre Astier, deutsche stimmen: Milan Peschel, Charly Hübner. Freut Euch auf ein echtes Kinovergnügen voller Witz und Spannung! The film combines plots of several Astérix stories, mostly Asterix the Gaul (Getafix's abduction), Asterix and the Soothsayer, Asterix and the Goths … “There is so much competition out there that the only way to make people care is to awe or inspire them,” said Attal, citing the Oscar-nominated “Les Miserables” and “Parasite.”. The movie centers on Jean-Louis, a 40 year-old man, who realizes one day that his heart isn’t beating anymore, and frantically searches for the reason behind his condition. Darum geht es: Der Film ori­en­tiert sich an dem Com­ic und dem Zeichen­trick­film, in denen Aster­ix, Obelix und Mira­c­ulix beim Bau eines Palasts helfen. Film, Animation. Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR) - Best Roman Epic? We have had to wait a long time but now it's finally time and the new film "Asterix and the mystery of the magic potion" is in the cinemas. © Copyright 2021 Variety Media, LLC, a subsidiary of Penske Business Media, LLC. Written by Inhalt Neu im Kino - «Asterix und das Geheimnis des Zaubertranks»: ein Volltreffer. Darin sprechen unter anderem Frank Zander (Asterix) und Günter Pfitzmann (Obelix) die beiden Hauptcharaktere. He cited the $20 million submarine thriller “The Wolf’s Call” by Antonin Baudry, and Regis Roinsard’s whodunnit hacking-themed thriller “The Translators,” which will be the first film released in France by Tresor Films on Jan. 29. Film rund um die kultigen Gallier – und kommt in 2D und 3D ins Kino. Die DVDs sind gelaufen, daher ist der Zustand als gebraucht zu beschreiben. 1967 – Asterix the Gaul (Astérix le Gaulois) with Roger Carel as Asterix and Jacques Morel as Obelix View production, box office, & company info. Attal said the tone of “No Kidding” will be in the vein of “The Truman Show.” “It will be a very ambitious, singular film, not a comedy,” said Attal. Merke dir den Film jetzt vor und … The new Asterix album will publish on 21st October 2021! Attal said Pathé was in negotiations with a major Chinese distribution/co-production partner, who will cover a big chunk of the budget. This year, besides “Asterix & Obelix: The Silk Road,” Tresor is producing another fantasy-filled film, “How I Became a Superhero,” a $13.6 million movie … Attal said he was also developing the next films of Lellouche, as well as Stéphanie Di Giusto (“The Dancer”) and Jeanne Herry (“In Safe Hands”). Attal, who is also producing the film with the banner Les Enfants Terribles, said the price tag was on a par with previous instalments of “Asterix,” and reflected the scope of the film and commercial potential of the comicbook franchise. He looks all over Gaul with Asterix and Obelix as Demonix is out to get the recipe. Leider ist Asterix & Obelix: The Silk Road derzeit bei keinem der auf Moviepilot aufgelisteten Anbietern zu sehen. Außerdem sollte man bedenken, dass „Asterix der Gallier“ damals ohne das Wissen der beiden geistigen Väter René Goscinny und Albert Uderzo entstanden ist. Directed by alain chabat produced katharina, renn productions genres. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? After delivering two of the highest-grossing French films of last year, Alain Attal’s Paris-based production company Tresor Films (“Sink or Swim,” “Little White Lies 2”) is kicking off 2020 with its most ambitious project yet, Guillaume Canet’s “Asterix & Obelix: The Silk Road.”. So the initial idea was good, though the fact that it was a broken ankle that pushed Getafix to contemplate his decline was rather far-fetched. For a short overview: The movie is about Getafix (the magic potion making druid). Brutus also tries to win the game with his own team and get rid of his father Julius Caesar. Asterix und das Geheimnis des Zaubertranks (Originaltitel: Astérix: Le Secret de la potion magique) ist ein französischer Computeranimationsfilm von Alexandre Astier und Louis Clichy aus dem Jahr 2018. - Asterix und die Wikinger - Asterix & Obelix (Realfilm) - Asterix, Mission Kleopatra (Realfilm) - Asterix bei den Olympischen Spielen (Realfilm) Zu den ersten sieben Filmen gibt es zusätzlich den auf dem Bild zu sehenden Schuber!!! “It’s a costume film set 2,000 years ago, so we’ll be building a village, filming gigantic battles and that will require plenty of extras, and we’ll also need a lot of visual effects and of course a high-profile cast with some cameos,” said Attal. Not that it matters but who are their parents anyway? Sie sind während des Lockdowns sehr fleißig gewesen und haben uns einen Zaubertrank für unerschütterliche gute Laune gebraut ... ein neues Asterix … Alain chabat produced katharina, renn productions genre. The chief sends Asterix and Obelix up north to get him back but the nephew has fallen in love with the viking chief's daughter v.v. What to do? Ab dem 3. Of course, one won't expect 100% realism for a series whose narrative is driven by a magic potion but it's pretty much handled like a McGuffin and only Uderzo is blamable for having gone as far as showing people getting bigger, turned into granite and worse, cows flying in the Atlantis or Alien invasion.The second trouble was with the voices, for non-French speakers, Roger Carel is to Asterix what Mel Blanc was to many Looney Tunes characters, that he could voice the little Gaul during a time span of 47 years was a credit to his longevity and irreplaceability. „ Asterix und die Wikinger“ beruht auf dem Comic „Asterix und die Normannen“, während der Realfilm „ Asterix und Obelix ... Einzig und alleine RTL ging mit seinem Asterix-Film … Getafix/Panoramix decides it's time to pass the magic potion recipe on to a young, trustworthy druid. Astérix and Obélix compete at the Olympics in order to help their friend Lovesix marry Princess Irina. Set in China, during the year 50 B.C., “Asterix & Obelix: The Silk Road” is based on an original story inspired by the franchise’s characters, and written by Philippe Mechelen, Julien Hervé and Canet, who will also star in the film alongside another well-known French actor, Gilles Lellouche. Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar (French: Astérix & Obélix contre César) is a 1999 feature film directed by Claude Zidi, the first of what went on to become a series of live-action films based on Goscinny and Uderzo's Astérix comics. He did act like a prima-donna that was so unlike his usual venerability.Anyway, what Getafix wants, Getafix gets. Use the HTML below. They spent a productive concocting an invigorating potion for us: a new Asterix album available on 21st October 2021 … But the lone survivor of a generation of voice-actors who shaped the childhoods of millions of children retired before the release, which prompted Astier to cast Christian Clavier. This FAQ is empty. Surrounded by a tight team of 15 executives, Attal said he believed the key to attracting audiences to theaters nowadays was “the quality of script and a singular story or topic,” more than the inclusion of stars. Asterix und Obelix nehmen mit einem kleinen Fischerboot die Verfolgung auf und stoßen im fernen Westen auf unbekanntes Land. Was this review helpful to you? Studiocanal is co-producing and will be distributing the movie in France. When Roman troops carve a path through Gaul to reach the English Channel, Caesar and his aide de camp Detritus discover the secret elixir and capture the Druid leader who knows its formula, and Asterix and Obelix … Dort wollen sie dem jungen und wagemutigen Gallier Romantix (Stephane Rousseau) helfen, die Olympischen Spiele und gleichzeitig das Herz der wunderschönen griechischen Prinzessin Irina (Vanessa … Das neue Asterix-Album erscheint am 21.Oktober 2021! Oscars Predictions: Best Picture – Is ‘Nomadland’ Still the Academy Frontrunner or Is Netflix Closing In? Miraculix wird natürlich wiedergefunden, mit den zuerst feindlichen Indianern Frieden geschlossen und Obelix verliebt sich in die vollbusige Indianerschönheit Ha-Tschi. An architect is given 3 months or else.. Fortunately, Getafix/Panoramix, Asterix and Obelix come to Alexandria to help. Ganz Gallien ist von den Römern besetzt… 1 Inhalt 2 Produktionsgeschichte 3 Zeichentrickfilme 3.1 Mundartfassungen 4 Realfilme 5 … Wie traurig die erste Realverfilmung der Gallier-Comix ausfiel, überraschte dann aber doch: „Asterix & Obelix gegen Cäsar“ (1999) besaß den Pfiff des drögen Geklampfes von Dorfbarde Troubadix. Die Bauarbeiten werden jedoch von dem hinterhältigen Pyradonis behindert, und die Freunde müssen - um die Lieferung neuer Steine zu sichern - ins Innere des Landes reisen. Liste der Asterix-und-Obelix-Realverfilmungen . Eddig 45474 alkalommal nézték meg. Aren't they worried over her disappearance? He looks all over Gaul with Asterix and Obelix as Demonix is out to get the recipe. “Asterix & Obelix: The Silk Road” will be co-produced with China. Attal said he and Canet, as well as his other partners on the film, have made several trips to China, including an official trip with France President Emmanuel Macron, in order to present the project to Chinese authorities and be allowed to shoot in China, co-produce the film with a Chinese company, and release it widely there. With the help of a magic potion, Asterix comes to the rescue of the Queen of the Nile as Caesar and an angry architect … Mit dem geheimnisvollen Zaubertrank gestärkt, reisen Asterix, Obelix und Miraculix samt Hündchen Indefix kurz darauf nach Ägypten, um Numberobis zu helfen. Like, comment & subscribe. And the druids part restored my confidence in Astier's humor, except for one tiny detail, not so tiny but the size of a child actually.The first film had a cute relationship between Obelix and a Roman child, one that wasn't overplayed and didn't make an underdog hero out of the child. Merke dir den Film jetzt vor und wir … Accompanied by Astérix and Obelix, he undertakes to travel the Gallic world in search of a talented young druid to transmit the Secret of the Magic Potion. Getafix/Panoramix decides it's time to pass the magic potion recipe on to a young, trustworthy druid. The French producer said Tresor, which is best known for modern French dramas and comedies exploring societal issues and relationships such as Lellouche’s “Sink or Swim” and Canet’s “Little White Lies,” said his company was increasingly looking to get out of its comfort zone and venture along unbeaten paths. Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion It's always difficult to judge a sequel on objective terms as the original always carries the edge of being "unprecedented" in a way or another.Sure "The Mansion of Gods" wasn't a newcomer as the eight animated Asterix film but it was preceded by adaptations that belonged to the lesser category and movies that -despite their success- sowed incertitude over Asterix' adaptability in the minds of many fans... until Astier came.And I loved his film because unlike its predecessors, it didn't try to emulate Disney or Pixar trends and that was the first credit I gave to the director and writer Alexandre Astier, a comedian who proved to be as much a fan of the little Gaul as Alain Chabat and a worthy successor. Asterix & Obelix gegen Caesar (1999) Asterix & Obelix: Mission Kleopatra (2002) Asterix bei den Olympischen Spielen (2008) Asterix & Obelix - Im Auftrag Ihrer Majestät (2012) Asterix crosses the channel to help second-cousin Anticlimax face down Julius Caesar and invading Romans. Asterix Omnibus 8: Asterix and The Great Crossing, Obelix and Co., Asterix in Belgium by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo | 3 Jul 2014 4.9 out of 5 stars 179 Nur ein Dorf leistet dort noch erfolgreich Widerstand, kann aber nicht mehr lange standhalten. Cleopatra and Julius Caesar have made a bet, with Caesar wagering the project cannot be completed in a few weeks time. (2018). It wasn't the most unwise choice as Clavier is still the best live-action version of Asterix. The vikings come to Gaul and kidnap the chief's nephew. A(z) "Asterix és Obelix: A Kleopátra-küldetés" című videót "BIGMOVIEWORLD" nevű felhasználó töltötte fel a(z) "film/animáció" kategóriába. Provoked, Cleopatra bets Caesar, that she can build a big palace in 3 months. (60th Anniversary). First of all, she doesn't belong to the film's canon. No need to waste time endlessly browsing—here's the entire lineup of new movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix this month. Inhabitants of the last unconquered village in Gaul (ancient France) use a magical potion to hold their independence from Roman invaders. Obelix falls for a new arrival in his home village in Gaul, but is heartbroken when her true love arrives to visit her. Inhaltsangabe: Schon lange sind … I didn't have any problem with his voicing especially since Astérix isn't given a central role, the real focus is Getafix who must find a heir to transmit the secret of his most famous recipe, the magic potion that give a superhuman power to its drinker, except Obelix who "fell inside where he was little".While indispensable in the series, the magic potion has catalyzed a few adventures such as "The Golden Sickle", "The Great Crossing" and "The Black Gold" which allows many fans to know a few ingredients, beside the mistletoe and the lobster (for the flavor) there must be some fish (reasonably fresh), some black oil, ultimately replaced by beetroot juice, for a better taste and the rest lies on Getafix' unique knowledge and can only be transmitted from druid's mouth to druid's ear.The magic potion has always been a popular trope like the French equivalent of Popeye's spinach and the expression "to fall into something as a child" (meaning being good at it from the start) or "magic potion" (meaning a secret) has entered common language in French (like so many expressions coined by Goscinny). A group of indomitable Gauls are challenged by Roman Emperor Julius Caesar to accomplish twelve impossible tasks. The film follows two lieutenants who enlist the help of a pair of superheroes to dismantle a drugs ring in Paris. The diminutive Asterix and his rather larger companion Obelix, warriors of the last village in Gaul still free after the Roman invasion, set out on a mission to deliver a barrel of their ... See full summary ». The collaborators Jean-Yves Ferri and Didier Conrad are back again! There have been five Asterix movies since 2002 and all of them, ... Popular cities London New York Paris Chicago Los Angeles Lisbon ... Asterix and Obelix: Mansion of the Gods. 1 h 47 min french release. Tresor is also financing Alix Delaporte’s (“Angele & Tony”) next movie “Girl With a Movie Camera,” Patrick Mille’s “Repose-toi sur moi,” and Thomas Bidegain’s “Suddenly,” an ambitious English-language drama penned by Bidegain (“The Sisters Brothers”) and Noé Debré (“Dheepan”), based on the novel “Soudain, Seuls” by Isabelle Autissier, as well as Eric Lartigau’s new project. Unsere Mei­n­ung: Chris­t­ian Clavier und Gérard Depar­dieu gehen endlich als Aster­ix und Obelix auf und bescheren uns den besten der vier Real­fil­madap­tio­nen, da auch der intel­li­gente Humor zün­det. Popular animated hero Asterix and his faithful sidekick Obelix travel to ancient Egypt to help Cleopatra build a new summer home. Co-produced and financed by Jerome Seydoux’s Pathé, “Asterix & Obelix” is budgeted at $72.4 million, an exceptionally high budget by French standards. Now in post-production, “The Origins of the World” is based on Sebastien Thiery’s play and is headlined by Karin Viard, Nicole Garcia, Vincent Macaigne and Lafitte. The most successful opus, “Asterix and Obelix Meet Cleopatra,” grossed more than $108 million worldwide in 2002. Die offizielle Seite von Asterix und Les Editions Albert René Take a look back at the TV series that took home Golden Globe Awards for Best Television Series in the categories of Drama and Comedy. Der Film basiert auf den Asterix-Comics von René Goscinny und Albert Uderzo und wurde im Dezember 2018 in Frankreich veröffentlicht. Set in 50 B.C., Asterix and Obelix are living in a small but well-protected village in Gaul, where a magic potion concocted by Druids turns the townsfolk into mighty soldiers. This year, besides “Asterix & Obelix: The Silk Road,” Tresor is producing another fantasy-filled film, “How I Became a Superhero,” a $13.6 million movie directed by Douglas Attal and headlined by a strong French cast, including Pio Marmai, Leila Bekhti, Benoit Poelvoorde, Vimala Pons and Swann Arlaud. All Asterix movies I seen ranked in quality. The movie will revolve around the only daughter of the Chinese Emperor Han Xuandi, who escapes from the grips of a rogue prince and runs off to Gaul, seeking help from two valiant warriors, Asterix and Obelix, who have gained superpowers thanks to a magic potion. So he is escorted by Asterix and Obelix to the quest for the right successor, he sends a small herd of boars to call his 'fellow druids' for a special meeting at the Carnutes forest. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Variety and the Flying V logos are trademarks of Variety Media, LLC. Asterix und Kleopatra (Originaltitel: Astérix et Cléopâtre) ist der zweite Asterix-Zeichentrickfilm aus dem Jahr 1968, der auf dem gleichnamigen Comicband von René Goscinny und Albert Uderzo basiert. 2021 Oscars Predictions: All Awards Categories, ‘The Masked Dancer’ Finale Reveals Cotton Candy as Winner: Here’s the Identity of the Final Three Celebrities, Stacey Abrams on Her New Thriller ‘While Justice Sleeps’ and Why She Stopped Using a Pen Name, Netflix’s ‘Behind Her Eyes’ Can’t Escape Its Baffling, Deeply Silly Ending: TV Review, Viola Davis and Stacey Abrams on Oscar Season, Politics and Wielding Their Power as Black Women, CNN Overhauls Daytime, With New Anchors in Morning, Afternoon Slots, ‘Jackass 4’ Team Trying to Get Bam Margera Help After Meltdown, Mel Gibson’s Ex-Wife Robyn Moore Seeks $32 Million on the Malibu Sand, ‘SNL’: Buddies Bond Over Olivia Rodrigo’s ‘Drivers License’, Inside Entrepreneur and Influencer Roni Madhvani’s Eccentric Art Deco Watch Collection, Bielema Trial in Razorback Foundation Battle Pushed Back to 2022, Intel’s CPUs Have Been Unrivaled for 30 Years, but AMD’s Ryzen CPU Is Here to Change That.