* The BAE 146-200 was very similar to the BAE 146-100, but with a fuselage stretch of 2.39 meters (7 feet 8 inches) to a total length of 28.6 meters (93 feet 9 inches). Los British Aerospace 146 y las versiones modernizadas ARJ (Avro Regional Jet) o Avro RJ son aviones a reacción británicos con cuatro reactores turbofan y cola en T, que fueron construidos por British Aerospace (y posteriormente por BAE Systems) entre 1983 y 2002.Tienen desde 70 hasta 128 plazas o hasta 12 490 kg en contenedores de tipo LD3 o paletas. Dati tecnici relativi al BAe 146-200 voci di aerei civili presenti su Wikipedia Il BAe 146 è un aereo di linea regionale britannico , noto anche con il nome di Jumbolino , molto impiegato per le rotte medio-brevi e con capacità STOL , alla quale contribuiscono le superfici mobili, di grande estensione, e la presenza di un aerofreno apribile posto nel cono di coda, che supplisce alla … El BAe 146 / ARJ … Manufacture of the improved version known as the Avro RJ began in 1992. - Threshold: Question the Answers. The stretch consists of five extra fuselage frame pitches. Manufacture of an … The Skyjet BAE Systems 146 features 95 seats in a 2 cabin configuration. The BAe 146 is a medium-sized commercial aircraft which was manufactured in the United Kingdom by British Aerospace (which later became part of BAE Systems). A further-improved version, the Avro RJX – with new engines – was announced in 1997, but only … Economy has 94 seats; this is pretty standard for these aircraft. BAe bot im September 2013 an, eine Tankflugzeug-Version der BAe 146 zu entwickeln – ein Angebot, das sich vor allem an die Royal Air Force richtete, die die Maschine als Truppentransporter verwendet. Designed to be short to medium range jet will be able to handle almost any airport you decide the challenge it with. The Avro RJ series aircraft is a recreation of the British Aerospace BAe 146/Avro RJ; a short-haul airliner and a regional airliner. Legroom-wise, the Economy pitch of 0cm " is average, though of course what that means for you depends on how tall you are! Underfloor cargo volume was increased by 35%. Maximum seating was 112 passengers in rows of six, though more typical accommodations were 85 passengers in rows of five. Back in 2009, BAE Systems had offered an upgrade package for second-hand BAe 146s and RJ-series aircraft, known as the BAe 146M, that included a new glass cockpit, defensive systems… Das britische Verteidigungsministerium gab am 8. BAe 146-300 / Avro RJ100 – wersja o pojemności od 100 do 112 pasażerów; BAe 146STA – wojskowa wersja samolotu (tylko demonstrator) Avro RJX – wersja z bardziej ekonomicznymi silnikami; BAe 146C Mk3 – dwa samoloty wersji 200, przebudowane przez BAE Systems w zakładach Hawker Beechcraft Services. Oktober 2013 bekannt, man sehe keinen Bedarf an einer solchen Version der BAe 146. The BAe-146-200 is a stretch of the 146-100, and is essentially similar to its smaller stablemate, but has a 2.39m (7ft 8in) longer fuselage, features 35% greater underfloor cargo volume, has slightly different performance figures and heavier weights. Production ran from 1983 until 2002. The British Aerospace 146 (also BAe 146) is a short-haul airliner and a regional airliner that was manufactured in the United Kingdom by British Aerospace, later part of BAE Systems. Just Flight has provided new previews of their BAe-146 in X-Plane 11, showcasing various angles such as the cabin, systems, flight deck night lighting, and more. It was designed specifically for the X-Plane flight simulator. The production ran from 1983 until 2002.