[25], It was criticized for its scenes involving the members of the Nazi party,[23] with author Giles MacDonogh criticizing the portrayals as being sympathetic towards SS officers Wilhelm Mohnke and Ernst-Günther Schenck,[51] the former of whom was accused of murdering a group of British prisoners of war in the Wormhoudt massacre. #* Scene where [[Hitler]] is seen walking into a room #[[Battle Scenes]] (third part - Mohnke) Fegelein tries persuading Eva, his sister-in-law, to leave Berlin with Hitler, but she dismisses him. Login with Facebook 605 likes. Adolf Hitler’in internet ortamına düşmüş hemen hemen bütün videolarını izlemiş birisi olarak film boyunca bir oyuncu değil adeta Hitler’in kendisini izlemiş gibiydim. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zj5kh5egzdo mf (standalone)] He's also a surprisingly good (and kind-hearted) gamer. Downfall (Der Untergang in German) is a 2004 German/Austrian/Italian film which chronicles the last few days of the Third Reich from Adolf Hitler's assistants and generals to a boy who is part of the Hitler Youth. Even when said thing has no affiliation to Fegelein. #* Scene with Weidling on the phone in the heat of battle Everyone intelligent knows that evil comes along with a smiling face. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?iv223v3io3ab29x mf] #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?obe4vcakxzp3n3k mf] Hitler imagines more ways for Germany to turn the tide. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?683ewpjswasw89w mf] The following morning, Hitler learns that the 12th Army is stuck and cannot relieve Berlin. Rated the #14 best film of 2004, and #794 in the greatest all-time movies (according to RYM users). #[[Peter Kranz in the fog]] The document through which Himmler promotes Fegelein. Has almost no one else to perform antics to other than Hitler. Thomas Kretschmann Status. Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler tries to persuade Hitler to leave Berlin, but Hitler refuses. Now quit reading this and start watching it. ;Download file description … Hitler's provision of cyanide pills to those in the bunker and the Goebbels' murder of their children are shown as selfish deeds while people such as Schenck, who choose to help the injured and escape death, are shown as rational and generous. Mikhail Tukhachevsky (Stalin Parodies)Lt. Werner (U-Boat Parodies)Felicity Merriman Fegelein has quite a few lines in the film: In some other scenes, such as the Original Bunker Scene, Fegelein is shown but has no lines. #[[Hitler talks to Keitel]] Role(s) Various Downfall (German: Der Untergang) is a dramatic film from 2004 recounting the last days of Nazi Germany as the Red Army closes in on Berlin, when Adolf Hitler and the senior Nazi leadership that remained at his side waited around to die.. Tukhachevsky's 'Antic Armour' and Fegelein's 'Fege-alarm'). Both have created devices of their own (e.g. Claim Authorship Edit History. 30 October 1906 Ansbach, German Empire #* Bunker Jokes proper SS-Gruppenf?hrer Hermann Fegelein: Oh, great! [13], In 2005, Downfall was nominated for an Oscar at the 77th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film. Der Untergang (2004) AKA: Downfall. Said soldier dared him to pull antics on Hitler himself. [47] German author Jens Jessen said that the film "could have been stupider" and called it a "chamber play that could not be staged undramatically". Der beeindruckende und umstrittene Film basiert auf den Aufzeichnungen, die Traudl Junge kurz vor ihrem Tod veröffentlichte, und auf der Hitlerbiografie "Der Untergang" des Publizisten Joachim Fest. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?bjzmynknyz0 mf] However, he once said in a parody that he was "just a pawn in the great antic system". #:[http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3c4x2mv9xxs7d3j mf] With Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Lara, Ulrich Matthes, Juliane Köhler. Above ground, Hitler awards Peter his medal, hailing Peter as braver than his generals. I'm very proud of that, because if you do a war movie, you cannot do that and build sets. hitler, downfall, fegelein, adolf hitler, der untergang, bruno ganz, fegelein! Fegelein patiently waiting for an antic to commence. #* Scene with [[Helmuth Weidling|Weidling]], [[Joseph Goebbels|Goebbels]], [[Krebs]] and [[Burgdorf]] ranting in quick succession He oversaw the killing of around 20,000 Jews in the Pripyat Swamps in July 1941. #;Comes only with the next scene [15] Ganz auditioned in the casting studio with makeup for half an hour and tested his voice for Hirschbiegel who was convinced by his performance. #[[Magda, Eva and Bormann talk to Speer]] ##PLAN #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?0dsxo5s7h7wiv9s mf] '''If you're not familiar with wikitext, see this [[Help:Wikitext|help page]].''' Der Untergang German. Ganz conducted four months of research and studied a recording of Hitler in private conversation with Finnish Field Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim in order to properly mimic Hitler's conversational voice and Austrian dialect. Hitler refuses, leading Grawitz to kill himself and his family. The production team sought to give Hitler a three-dimensional personality, with Hirschbiegel telling NBC: "We know from all accounts that he was a very charming man â a man who managed to seduce a whole people into barbarism. ", Fegelein Prepare his Antic Rocket Launcher for incoming Hitlercopter, Hitler and Fegelein's all out war between their factions. Biographical Information [18][19], Principal photography lasted 12 weeks in the period from September to November 2003, under the working title Sunset. #[[Mohnke Convinces Schenck to Evacuate]] ^ However, Fegelein's most infamous talent (antics aside) is his Chuck Norris-level invincibility. #* Scene where they're surrounded by the Soviets #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?galhk333b8h7mwe mf (reviews, audio)] [4][17], Alexandra Maria Lara was cast as Traudl Junge; she was given Junge's book Until the Final Hour (2002), which she called her "personal treasure," to read during filming. Today's Top Image Galleries . #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gjjt2zty0lg mf (full)] (includes Hitler-Speer Chatting scene) It's where your interests connect you with your people. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?omjr94xtyomr8xy mf (full)] Although the most parodies shows Fegelein as Hitler's major adversary, Hitler never had anything against Fegelein in the actual movie (until he committed his "Fahnenflucht", desertion). Dezember 2019 um 14:59 Uhr bearbeitet. The cast also stars Alexandra Maria Lara, Corinna Harfouch, Ulrich Matthes, Juliane Köhler, Heino Ferch, Christian Berkel, Alexander Held, Matthias Habich, and Thomas Kretschmann. He was a General of the Waffen-SS in Nazi Germany, member of Adolf Hitler's entourage, brother-in-law to Eva Braun through his marriage to her sister Gretl Braun, and brother-in-law to Adolf Hitler through Hitler's marriage to Eva Braun. Hermann Georg Otto Hermann Fegelein (Ansbach, 30 oktober 1906 – Berlijn, 29 april 1945) was een Duits SS-officier.Hij werd onderscheiden met het Ridderkruis van het IJzeren Kruis met Eikenloof en Zwaarden als erkenning voor de extreme … Ditto, being objected the rank of Master by Mace Jodl. In November 1942, at the Wolf's Lair in East Prussia, Leader of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler selects Traudl Junge as his personal secretary. [34] It won the 2005 BBC Four World Cinema competition. #* Scene where Hitler knocks on the table and sit cross-armed Er ist nicht in der Bunkeranlage. #* Scene where Eva gives Traudl her fur coat #[[Hitler's last supper]] kicking Hitler in the testicle.). #[[Hitler congratulates the Hitler Youth]] [8] Ganz said that he was proud of the film; though he said people had accused him of "humanizing" Hitler. To lighten the mood, Lara's colleagues engaged in activities such as football, while Ganz tried to keep a happy mood by retiring during shooting breaks.[19]. #[[Fegelein talking to Traudl and Gerda]] #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?igglxy50qombsdi mf (BS4)] The film is ⦠#[[Schenck and Müller in a truck]] SomethingPerson. Fegelein's interrogation scene, behind the scenes. This has been seen several times in parodies, such as in Vzorkic's Untergang Wars (in which Hitler defeats him in a lightsaber duel) and Benad361's Fegelein vs Hitler: The Ultimate Showdown (in which he is beaten repeatedly in a sword fight with Hitler). Der Film thematisiert vor allem die Geschehnisse im Berliner Führerbunker während der letzten Tage des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Europa und erhielt 2005 eine Oscar-Nominierung in der Kategorie Bester fremdsprachiger Film. Nach seiner Ausbildung diente Hermann Fegelein ab 1925 beim Reiterregiment 17 und trat 1928 der bayerischen Landespolizei in München bei. #* Scene begins with Speer talking to Goebbels children He confronted the antic master and attempted to kill him with the normally lethal Avada Kedavra. Also the brother-in-law to Eva Braun through his marriage to her sister Gretl. #[[Himmler greets Hitler]] (aka Hitler Wants Himmler Scene) Filmrezension", "The rise, rise and rise of the Downfall Hitler parody", "Internetting: a user's guide #18 - How downfall gained cult status", "Oliver Hirschbiegel: from Hitler to Princess Diana and back again", "Parody, copyright law clash in online clips", "Downfall filmmakers want YouTube to take down Hitler spoofs", "Downfall Collector's Edition Blu-ray Detailed", "Film, NS-Vergangenheit und Geschichtswissenschaft. #[[Traudl, Gerda and Constanze talk in bed]] ^ #*Scene with a lot of silence #[[Mohnke caught in the artillery fire]] #[[Magda Goebbels and the Goebbels children arrival]] ^ Nach dem Tod Hitlers streitet man sich im Führerbunker darüber, ob man … Der Untergang. Full name He is the only Downfall character whom Hitler mentions more than once in succession (Fegelein! Take a shot whenever Fegelein is committing an antic. But seriously now I totally love it and you should too as it’s outstanding, not to mention the fact that this movie is behind one of the biggest internet memes out there : hitler rants. Fegelkkuri(Yukkuri Fegelein): Antics it easy! The website's consensus reads, "Downfall is an illuminating, thoughtful and detailed account of Hitler's last days. 1 In Downfall 2 In Parodies 3 Transcript (in German) 4 Triva 5 Gallery In the garage Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Fegelein, are gossiping about Hitler. #[[Eva and Magda write their letters]] ^ Additional cast members in smaller roles include Alexander Slastin as Soviet Colonel general Vasily Chuikov, Elena Dreyden [ru] as Inge Dombrowski, Norbert Heckner [de] as Walter Wagner, Silke Nikowski as Frau Grawitz, Leopold von Buttlar as Sohn Grawitz, Veit Stübner [de] as Tellermann, Boris Schwarzmann as Matvey Blanter, Vsevolod Tsurilo as Yevgeniy Dolmatovsky, Vasily Reutov as Weidling's chief of staff Theodor von Dufving. #* Scene where Hitler gives Magda Goebbels his party button #[[Hitler's generals discusses and Burgdorf gets angry]] ''(Bunker Scene 3, pt2)'' #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9z9fumdrx4pu14w mf] First Appearance. Er war über Eva Braun Adolf Hitlers Schwippschwager. Mohnke was rumoured, but never proven, to have ordered the execution near, sfn error: no target: CITEREFEngelenVande_Winkel2007 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFEngelenWiken2007 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFUhlEberleMacDonogh (, sfn error: multiple targets (2Ã): CITEREFFischer2008 (, Inside Hitler's Bunker: The Last Days of the Third Reich, Until the Final Hour: Hitler's Last Secretary, Hitler in private conversation with Finnish Field Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, "Eichinger-Film "Der Untergang": Bruno Ganz spielt späten Hitler", "The All-Too-Human Hitler, on Your Big Screen", "Whose Hi/story Is It? #[[Hitler's secretarial interview]] His antics range from mundane acts, like changing Hitler's voice to high-pitched voice Hitler rants about his mouse voice to the surreal, like turning the entire cast in the bunker scene into characters from the Cleveland Show Hitler rants about turning into an animated form. Sw] SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der W-SS Kdr 8. ", Hitler rants about turning into an animated form, Fegelein vs Hitler: The Ultimate Showdown, Hitler is informed that he's going to explode, Fegelein as he appears in Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Hitler and the 2014 FIFA World Cup series by, https://hitlerparody.fandom.com/wiki/Hermann_Fegelein?oldid=87463. Fegelein galt als rücksichtsloser Opportunist und Karrierist und wird mit zahlreichen Kriegsverbrechen in Verbindung gebracht. parody (without shadow), Fegelein in Bad Apple!! [N 1] But at a discussion in London, Hirschbiegel said in response that he did not find the allegations against Schenck convincing. Which, obviously, makes Hitler a prominent user of this prefix. #* Scene with Traudl, Gerda and Eva smoking while looking at a statue #[[Schenck's conversation with Stehr and Hewel]] nothing else in between them from start to finish) #* Scene where Traudl is struggling to walk in a tunnel and Gerda helps her walk Read Wikipedia in Modernized UI. Fegelein: Ich bin nicht in die Bunkeranlage. [5] The film made $93.6 million altogether. "[32], Downfall sold nearly half a million tickets in Germany for its opening weekend and attracted 4.5 million viewers in the first three months. * * - Scenes only in extended edition #*Scene where Mohnke is looking through a pair of binoculars at the battle and another German captain. #* Scene where Eva looks in the mirror Januar 1945 kamen Gretl und Eva Braun in der Reichskanzlei in Berlin an, kehrten aber am 9. In: Ronald Smelser, Enrico Syring (Hrsg. Hitler receives a message from Luftwaffe chief Hermann Göring, requesting state leadership. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?jruq1xq6234mn6i mf] Der Untergang is een Duitse oorlogsfilm onder regie van Oliver Hirschbiegel.De film toont de laatste tien dagen van Adolf Hitler, gezien door de ogen van Traudl Junge, zijn persoonlijke secretaresse.. De buitenopnamen werden gedraaid in Sint-Petersburg (), omdat de binnenstad op die van het Berlijn van 1945 lijkt. He dies. Fegelein's primary role and motive in the movie is to persuade others to flee from Berlin and Hitler, and eventually does so himself. If you need me, I’ll be in Europe starting a new life. A depiction of the Götterdämmerung of the Third Reich. #[[Battle Scenes]] (fifth part - well) Later, Himmler's adjutant Hermann Fegelein also attempts to persuade Hitler to flee, but Hitler insists that he will win or die in Berlin. Purchases his antic tools or use commonplace items. [17][1] The damaged Reichstag building was depicted through the use of CGI. Hermann Georg Otto Hermann Fegelein (Ansbach, 30 oktober 1906 â Berlijn, 29 april 1945) was een Duits SS-officier.Hij werd onderscheiden met het Ridderkruis van het IJzeren Kruis met Eikenloof en Zwaarden als erkenning voor de extreme dapperheid en/of succesvolle militaire leiderschap. #* Scene with one of the children bumps into Krebs and he giggles In 1942, young Traudl Junge (Alexandra Maria Lara) lands her dream job -- secretary to Adolf Hitler (Bruno Ganz) at the peak of his power. Fegelein predictably survives said curse and tells Hitler his skill in magic is way beyond Hitler's novice level magic, implying Fegelein has practiced magic for a while. ==Notes== Der … [20][21] Hirschbiegel noted the depressing atmosphere surrounding the shoot, finding relief through listening to Johann Sebastian Bach's music. Click the photo to see an animation. Tukhachevsky owns an 'Antic Jet', has the funds to develop his own 'Antic-Armour', etc. Reception of Downfall", "The Downfall - Interview: Oliver Hirschbiegel ⢠Director", "Alexandra Maria Lara über ihr Gefühls-Chaos", "Das Böse kann niemals eindimensional sein", "Controversial Hitler Film Opens Across Germany", "Film showing Hitler's soft side stirs controversy", "The Last Days of Hitler: Raving and Ravioli", "German film on Hitler's demise a box office hit", "The 100 Best Films Of World Cinema â 48. Enemies Fegelein is … Am 19. * ^ - Scenes without known download link As the film is set in and around the Führerbunker, Hirschbiegel used eyewitness accounts, survivors' memoirs, and other historical sources during production to reconstruct the look and atmosphere of 1940s Berlin. *'''mf''' - mediafire #* Scene Goebbels and Weidling getting into an argument #; Does not include the children entering the bunker #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3c4x2mv9xxs7d3j mf] #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?578lvayhwqf2hy0 mf] Peter, who destroyed two enemy tanks and will soon be awarded a medal by Hitler, calls his father a coward and runs away. Merriman spent her teenage years witnessing the events of the Revolutionary War. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qsgg3zb94uwbrcf mf (Magda)] Link not working Neadjelski/The Antics War Series 1 Episode 2: The Lines Are Drawn, Make suggestions for the wiki's Featured Content, "Where can I find the scene where (describe scene here)", "How do I put things over people's heads in Vegas? It also forms the basis of Hitler … [16] Alexandra Maria Lara also mentioned the depressing and intense atmosphere during filming. Fegelein is shown to be more playful and carefree. Occupation / Rank [63] This prompted more posting of parody videos of Hitler complaining that the parodies were being taken down, and a resurgence of the videos on the site. #*Scene where Peter finds Inge and other Hitler Youth dead At one point, he, as seen in "Hitler Plays Left 4 Dead 2", offers to heal Hitler, only for the latter to smack him with a cricket bat. #[[Eva walks Blondi]] woah, aku menggunakan virtualbox, bukan VMware workstation 12.Filmnya adalah Downfall/Der untergang. #[[Hitler meets Greim and Reitsch]] % Die Gesellschaft am Berghof löste sich am 14. Unfortunately, the war really took its toll on Fegelein and his platoon, as many of his soldiers died during fighting and the rest getting captured when they tried to flee. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hchv4azyvj3xev6 mf] #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4xalgpwgd58p4ic mf] My name is Fegelein, The king of Antics and welcome to my page of anticipating pain and suffering of antic after antic. Thomas Kretschmann Selvfølgelig ikke mindst af Bruno Ganz i sit livs rolle som Adolf Hitler. [30] Wim Wenders, in a review for the German newspaper Die Zeit, said the film was absent of a strong point of view for Hitler which made him harmless, and compared Downfall to Resident Evil: Apocalypse, stating that in Resident Evil the viewer would know which character was evil. Level 5 Hitler Is Informed Level 2 Learn these words ... Wir können den Gruppenführer Fegelein nirgendwo finden. He used to be best friends with his master, Dolfy-wan Kenobi. Dans le film allemand La chute (Der Untergang dans la version originale) sorti en 2004, Hermann est interprété par l'acteur Thomas Kretschmann. Hitler becomes enraged at what he sees as an act of betrayal and launches into a furious tirade, stating that everyone has failed him and denouncing his generals as cowards and traitors, before finally acknowledging that the war is lost, but that he would rather commit suicide than leave Berlin. #[[Mohnke calls Schenck]] #[[Original Bunker Scene]] He is an ally in The Frollo Show. FEGELEIN! #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?wsd5fzdcuntfw0j mf] fegelein! However, he does display impressive abilities in sword fighting and unarmed martial arts against Goebbels in Der Disneygang, implying Hitler is just too strong an opponent to defeat in direct combat, despite Fegelein being a somewhat competent fighter. Textile Embed. Kershaw also said that he found it hard to imagine anyone would find Hitler to be a sympathetic figure in his final days. [40][24] Ganz's portrayal of Hitler was singled out for praise;[41][42][43] David Denby for The New Yorker said that Ganz "made the dictator into a plausible human being". He administers poison to his dog Blondi, bids farewell to the bunker staff, and commits suicide with Eva. At dinner, Hitler learns of Himmler's secret negotiations and orders his execution. Speer makes a final visit to the Führerbunker, and admits to Hitler that he has defied his orders to destroy Germany's infrastructure. [1]. Both committed antics for fun (not employed by anyone.). Scrapbooker & Media Bus Boy . Downfall (2004) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. [60] Various YouTubers make Downfall reaction videos, and some have cited their reasons for making them. #: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S_enM_xpRo yt (joke scene, 8s)] #[[Hitler walks around the model of Berlin]] ([[Welthauptstadt Germania|Germania]]) Hitler celebrated by shooting Fegelein personally, despite knowing that he wouldn't be killed, and that he will return again as usual[4]. Der Untergang is one of the best historical films EVER. Gen. Wilhelm Burgdorf's only claim to fame was that he committed suicide in the Hitler bunker 2 days after the Fuehrer had blown his head off. Schenck witnesses civilians being executed by German military police as supposed traitors. Fegelein as a Jedi Knight in Star Wars. Hitler, Grawitz and Günsche is one of the (possibly the 2nd most famous along with the Fegelein Execution Scene) most famous scenes used in parodies of Downfall, after the Original Bunker Scene. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?f4a33ary6vpkg8s mf] Hitler greets Fegelein for the first time. In real life, those who were close to Fegelein actually nicknamed him. #[[Hitler, Grawitz and Günsche]] ([[Hitler Reviews Scene|Reviews]] / [[Günsche informs Hitler|Informed]] / [[Pros and Cons with Adolf Hitler|Pros and Cons]]) Both are shown to be playful, carefree, or splunky. #* Scene where Haase, Erna Flegel (the nurse) and Schenck meet Hitler, and Flegel cries #* Scene with [[Schenck]] running on the hallway Bad people do not walk around with claws like vicious monsters, even though it might be comforting to think so. Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang), Inglourious Basterds and Männerherzen ... und die ganz große Liebe Hitler wanted to announce something important to all ... General Krebs V.S Marshal Chuikov. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2wuoi7yogcckd3l mf] #* Scene with Hitler entering and exiting the situation room #[[Hitler wedding scene]] Male Hitler would so want to burn it. :Download links #[[Schenck and the burning of documents]] #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?58lloudqxwa22r5 mf] Parody counterparts #* Scene where Fegelein clasps his hands (Fist of Doom) You feel that it's all made to entertain, and it takes away from that horror that war basically means. #[[Peter Kranz in the bomb shelter]] *^ Otto Hermann Fegelein (* 30. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y8xzez5yz62mabk mf] Gunsche: Turns out he was waving at another person.