Jihlava is the capital of the Vysočina Region , situated on the Jihlava river (German Igel ) on the historical border between Moravia and Bohemia , and is the oldest mining town in the Czech Republic, approximately 50 years older than Kutná Hora . [4] In 2020, the festival presented 325 films. Ji.hlava IDFF organises various activities throughout the year. Dokumentarfilme über Politiker liegen im Trend. Sie kürte Gogolas Film zum Sieger in der Kategorie „Bester tschechischer Dokumentarfilm“. Sauper lebt seit 1994 in Frankreich und produziert vorwiegend Dokumentarfilme. Jihlava: internationale Dokumentarfilme 1997 Internationales Studentenfilmfestival Písek Písek: internationale Studentenfilme 1999 One World Film Festival Prag internationale Dokumentarfilme zum Thema Menschenrechte: 2000 Czech Gay and Lesbian Film Festival Mezipatra Brünn, Prag internationale Filme mit homosexueller Thematik 2001 Fort Film (bis 2004) Terezín: internationale Filme … DOC.DREAM, the organiser of the festival, is also a publisher (e.g. Das Filmfestival in Jihlava, Tschechien, ist das größte Festival für Dokumentarfilme in Ostmitteleuropa. Also, the winners of the Short Joy award are eligible for the pre-selection for the Documentary Short Subject category of the Academy Awards. From cinema to sofa: Jihlava film festival to stream Czech and international docs from October 27 From tomorrow, viewers based in the Czech Republic can catch hundreds of English-subtitled documentary films from home for cheap . It draws attention to socially relevant projects that possess innovative style and imagery, as well as a certain depth of reflection and confrontation. Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival (Czech: Mezinárodní festival dokumentárních filmů Ji.hlava), known as MFDF Ji.hlava or Ji.hlava IDFF, is a documentary film festival in Jihlava, Czech Republic, normally held in late October. [1], The 2018 festival was attended by over 40,000 visitors from over 80 countries. Jury statement Best World Documentary Film 2019: For the warmth, the intuition, the trust, the courage and generosity that are holding together a film … Alongside the competitions sections, the festival presents a number of non-competition sections covering different areas of documentary film. Používáním našich stránek s tímto souhlasíte. The Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival is the largest festival of creative documentary films in Central and Eastern Europe. It was like this that the film festival industry emerged, and it was its DNA that gave rise to its most versatile tool. The festival is accepting full-length, short, animated, and interactive documentary films. It brings original ideas and inspiration for … Vielleicht war Jihlava also ein idealer Ort, um eine Veranstaltung wie das Filmfest und den ebenso bedeutenden East Silver Market for Central and East European Films zu etablieren. Vergänglichkeit und Filme, ein roter Faden und eine weiße Linie im tschechischen Jihlava. 24. ročník Mezinárodního festivalu dokumentárních filmů. Der Text ist unter der Lizenz „Creative … You can find Principles Relating to Personal Data Processing for Ji.hlava IDFF here. It draws attention to documentaries notable for their innovative visual style and a deeper social reflection and confrontation. We approach documentary films primarily as unique artworks dealing with significant topics. e-mail: info@ji-hlava.cz Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival The idea to create an event known under its present title – Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival – was conceived in the minds of a group of Jihlava high school students in 1997. Caption Hong Kong Moments, … The 25th edition of the festival will run from 26 to 31 October 2021. Download Teilen An diesem Dienstag beginnt das 24. The section includes: Apart from the festival itself, which takes place in October, the Ji.hlava IDFF team organises various events at other times of the year: Ji.hlava IDFF participates in a number of educational activities: Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival", Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, "Ji.hlava IDFF | 22nd Ji.hlava IDFF is over. Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival 2020 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Tyto webové stránky používají soubory cookies, které nám pomáhají zlepšovat naše služby, personalizovat reklamy a analyzovat návštěvnost. Written by Raymond Johnston Published on 26.10.2020 16:07 (updated on 13.01.2021) Culture & Events Daily News. Its traditional motto is the call "Thinking Through Film!" Langweilig fand das die Jury des Filmfestivals im tschechischen Jihlava keinesfalls. Annual Jihlava Film Festival Rocked Its 20th Anniversary Every year, since 1997, a small city Jihlava in the Czech Republic, brings together film talents and professionals from all over the world. Was hat sich geändert in den 20 Jahren seit dem ersten Festival? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_documentary_film_festivals Hubert Sauper (* 1966 in Kitzbühel) ist ein österreichischer Filmregisseur.Er wuchs in Döllach in der Gemeinde Großkirchheim auf und studierte an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien in Wien und in Paris Film. DOC.DREAM services s. r. o. The festival is famous for its informal atmosphere, discussion character and full screening venues – more … Solutions for Filmmakers. Courtesy of Christian Aslund/Greenpeace From its first edition 24 years ago, the Ji.hlava Intl. Festival Identity brings together representatives of film festivals of various types and sizes from all over Europe and beyond. Bill Nichols: Introduction to Documentary; Guy Gauthier: Le Documentaire, un autre cinéma; Karel Vachek: The Theory of Matter; David Čeněk: Chris Marker) and runs the online dok.revue portal, dedicated to theory and criticism of documentary film. Jihlava IDFF is the largest festival for creative documentary films with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe. August 2018 um 00:25 Uhr bearbeitet. The films premiered in Jihlava have a chance to be nominated for the European Film Academy Awards and the winners of the Ji.hlava IDFF are also eligible for Oscar consideration in the Documentary Short Subject and Documentary Feature Subject categories. In “ Living Water,” the feature doc debut of Czech anthropologist Pavel Borecky, the forces of tradition and progress, conservation and recklessness are at … The Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival is the largest festival of creative documentary films in Central and Eastern Europe. Meeting and networking platform for film festival directors and programmers. Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival (Czech: Mezinárodní festival dokumentárních filmů Ji.hlava), known as MFDF Ji.hlava or Ji.hlava IDFF, is a documentary film festival in Jihlava, Czech Republic, normally held in late October. Foto: Ji.hlava 2020. [2] More than 1,000 film professionals took part in the Ji.hlava Industry Programme, which includes projects such as Emerging Producers, Festival Identity,[3] and Conference Fascinations. The Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival is a significant European festival of artistic and critically reflective documentary work. ", https://www.ji-hlava.com/festival-identity, https://www.ji-hlava.com/programove-sekce/konference-fascinace, https://dokweb.net/database/organizations/about/9727c1b2-4df0-47fd-8302-9218891feb12/doc-dream-spolek-pro-podporu-dokumentarniho-filmu, http://www.ji-hlava.com/tiskove-zpravy/vitezove-22-ji-hlavy-uzamceny-svet-i-volny-pokoj, https://variety.com/2018/film/spotlight/ji-hlava-docu-festival-focuses-on-emerging-producers-1203006449/, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jihlava_International_Documentary_Film_Festival&oldid=1007491400, Documentary film festivals in the Czech Republic, 1997 establishments in the Czech Republic, Articles lacking reliable references from October 2017, Articles needing additional references from April 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2018, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 February 2021, at 12:01. The regular non-competition sections are: Another feature of the festival is its accompanying programme, comprising thematic exhibitions, awards for the best festival poster, music and theatre performances, authors' readings, radio documentaries and documentary theatre plays or a special Laboratorium installation. The 25th edition of the festival will run from 26 to 31 October 2021. Es hat sich natürlich vieles … The festival's motto is "Thinking Through Film". Jihlava (Czech pronunciation: [ˈjɪɦlava] ; German: Iglau) is a city in the Czech Republic. Read more. The 18th year will take place from 23 to 28 October 2014 in Jihlava. Nicht viel, sagt Festivaldirektor Marek Hovorka – und die langjährigen Festivalbesucher unter den Gästen der Eröffnungsveranstaltung können sich das Lachen nicht verkneifen. All rights reserved. Letos pouze v online podobě. Im Programm wurde aber nicht gekürzt. 25th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, Submit your film(s) to the 25th Ji.hlava IDFF, 24th Ji.hlava in (record-breaking) figures. Beim Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival wird Fonja als Best World Documentary Film 2019 und Special mention prämiert. Festival otevře Nová Šichta Jindřicha Andrše, diváci se mohou těšit také na první ukázky z dokumentu o Milanu Kunderovi a také velkou přehlídku filmů Karla Vachka. „Jan Gogola junior benutzt eine sehr persönliche Kameraeinstellung, die den Fluss der Zeit einfängt, zeigt wie Realität entsteht und … [citation needed]. The 24th Ji.hlava IDFF will take place on October 27 to November 1, 2020. Ji.hlava Industry Programme encompasses activities focused on film professionals and has been a significant part of the festival for the past sixteen years. It draws attention to documentaries notable for their innovative visual style and a deeper social reflection and confrontation. Since 2001, the festival has been organised by the Jihlava Association of Amateur Filmmakers, which in 2015 was renamed DOC.DREAM - the Association for the Support of Documentary Cinema. Wegen der Corona-Pandemie musste es sich aber ins „digitale Asyl“ begeben, wie die Organisatoren sagen. The Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival is the largest festival of creative documentary films in Central and Eastern Europe. Festival Jihlava online: Dokumentarfilme für Zuhause. Durch die Stadt führt die Europastraße 59 (l/38), die nördlich von Jihlava an der Autobahn D 1/ E 50 ihren Anfang nimmt. Internationale Dokumentarfilmfestival Jihlava. Länge 3:47. Each submitted film has to comply with the following conditions: Festivalleiter Marek Hovorka gründete als 17-jähriger Gymnasiast das Filmfest, das nächstes Jahr die 24. • Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu Mezinárodní festival dokumentárních filmů Jihlava na Wikimedia Commons It works closely with six other European documentary film festivals through the Doc Alliance, whose Doc Alliance Films website, devoted to documentary and experimental movie online distribution, is an original project of the festival. More info here. [5] Ji.hlava IDFF is a co-founder of Doc Alliance, a coalition of seven large European documentary film festivals. Marek Hovorka (Foto: Milan Kopecký, Archiv … Long live Ji.hlava IDFF! Every October Jihlava turns into a big film house with many different rooms that open doors to variety of programs: film screenings, masterclasses, seminars and forums. The festival is famous for its informal atmosphere, discussion character and full screening venues – more … Jurymitglied Petr Fischer beschreibt, was den Film so besonders macht. Filmfestival Jihlava: Ein Bild unters Volk bringen. Sie zeigen, wie das gewünschte Image beim Wählervolk ankommt. I confirm that I agree with Principles Relating to Personal Data Processing for Ji.hlava IDFF. Die Stadt befindet sich auf der Böhmisch-Mährischen Höhe an der Einmündung der Jihlávka (Kleine Igel) in den Fluss Jihlava (Igel), der die alte Grenze zwischen Böhmen und Mähren bildet, etwa 78 Kilometer westnordwestlich von Brünn. Since its launch in 2010, the Festival Identity (FI) has become an important international platform for festivals' representatives. Tyto webové stránky používají soubory cookies, které nám pomáhají zlepšovat naše služby, personalizovat reklamy a analyzovat návštěvnost. It also participates in DOC.STREAM projects for film professionals, Eastern European documentary East Silver Market, and, in collaboration with the Czech Institute of Documentary Film, the Ex Oriente Film project. Academia film Olomouc; C. CineFest; D. Doc Alliance; I. Internationales Filmfestival Karlovy Vary 1980; Internationales Filmfestival Karlovy Vary 1997; J. Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival Jihlava; K. Internationales Filmfestival Karlovy Vary; N. Neiße Filmfestival Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 27. 22nd Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival October 25 – 30, 2018 The Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival is a celebration of creative documentary film and the largest event of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. Später war er in Italien, Großbritannien und den USA tätig. The festival was founded in 1997 by a group of Jihlava high school students led by Marek Hovorka, who has been the director of the festival since then. The main festival consists of 7 competitions: The festival annually nominates one film to be added to the pre-selection for the European Film Academy (EFA) award for Best Documentary Film of the Year.