If you are not part of an academic institution but want to use z-Tree for research purposes, please contact us. https://tube.switch.ch/switchcast/uzh.ch/events/ab1b5a59-b095-470b-9f97-91cc9c010fd8 At current position The LLM/MLaw Double Degree Programme allows students to complete two master degrees, one from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the other from the University of Zurich (UZH), in 2 to 3 years, depending on the study mode of the student. admission@uzh.ch www.uzh.ch Application for matriculation at the University of Zurich – Master’s degree for applicants with foreign qualifications Begin of Studies Fall semester Spring semester Type of matriculation I have already been matriculated at a university abroad ter of Law UZH. SNSF Doc.Mobility: The SNSF-funded Doc.Mobility fellowships was discontinued at the end of 2020. INTRODUCTION HARRI VEIVO, UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI CHRISTINA LJUNGBERG, UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH Literary semiotics is entering a new period of development. Double Degree Master’s Programs. Ein Double-Degree-Programm ist ein integrierter internationaler Studiengang, in welchem die Studierenden ihr Studium zum Teil an der deutschen Heimathochschule und zum anderen Teil an der ausländischen Partneruniversität (oder andersherum) verbringen. Master of Law UZH (Double Degree University of Amsterdam, RVO21) Due to the focus on international law, the program at the University of Amsterdam is particularly recommended for students who are interested in a career in an international organisation or institution. Research Talent Development Fund (FAN) The Research Talent Development Fund (FAN) - supported by UZH Alumni - supports outstanding, innovative young researchers. M Law UZH ohne Schwerpunkt: Studierende, die vor HS 21 den deutschsprachigen Studienprogramm ohne Schwerpunkt begonnen, aber noch nicht abgeschlossen haben und nicht endgültig abgewiesen wurden, sofern ein Mastermodul an der RWF erfolgreich absolviert wurde, wechseln ab HS 21 in das Double Degree Studienprogramm … If you are enrolled at one of our partner faculties, you will find further information under Incomings. Are you interested in Globalisation and Law, but do you find the specialisation tracks too restrictive? Starting in Fall Semester 2021, the Double Degree Master's Program is expected to be composed of the following two study programs: M Law UZH Rechtswissenschaft M Law UZH International and Comparative Law. Please note that z-Tree may only be used for academic purposes. Mobility Office Raemistrasse 74/2 Im August 2010 wurde die … Would you like to know more about human rights and corporate and commercial law?Or would you like to combine courses from corporate and commercial law with … The University of Zurich (UZH) is Switzerland’s largest university, with a leading position in the European Research Area. Master of Law UZH (Double Degree Doshisha University, RVO21) Master of Law UZH (Double Degree UC Berkeley, RVO21) Master of Law UZH (Double … In an environment of cultural diversity, students are given the opportunity to broaden and deepen their knowledge of the Swiss legal system, the legal system of the country of the respective partner faculty and international law. While the new Framework Ordinance has been approved by the Faculty Council, the approval process has not yet been completed and the new Program Regulations have not yet been adopted. Contact Incomings. The goal of the double degree programs at TU München is to integrate the strengths of its individual partner universities’ degree programs – unaltered – into the joint program. Master of Law UZH (Double Degree UC Berkeley, RVO21) The LL.M. As a result, it offers a unique “mix” for Master’s programs in terms of languages and legal culture. 2007 to 2011 BA studies in Political Science and Sociology at the University of Göttingen, from 2009 to 2010 at the University of Geneva. Not all degree and study programs can be changed for the Spring Semester. Dekanat. Application. Entfernungen schrumpfen, Jobs und Kulturen rücken … UZH Doc.Mobility: With a UZH Doc.Mobility grant, PhD students can fund a stay abroad of 6 to 12 months. Admission quota. Double Degree Programme University of Zürich – Amsterdam Law School. Wenn Business-Schulen einen Double Degree anbieten, schlagen sie ein paar Fliegen mit einer Klappe. Mit Universitäten in Chile, Mexiko und Kolumbien werden Doppelabschlussprogramme angestrebt. www.ius.uzh.ch Zur Gäste Verfügung stehen zwei Doppelzimmer mit Ehebett und ein Double bedient zwei Badezimmer Wohnzimmer mit Kamin und Deckenventilator, große Wohnküche mit … Studiengang: Master of Law UZH (Double Degree Université de Strasbourg, RVO21) Allgemeine Beschreibung Zulassungsvoraussetzungen Berufsperspektiven ECTS Credits Abschluss Teilzeitstudium HF-/NF-Kombinationen Benotungsvorschriften. A double degree program is a joint study program offered at two universities that culminates in a degree at both universities. 3 Feb 2021 Für einen erfolgreich absolvierten Double Degree Studiengang wird der folgende akademische Grade der RWF UZH sowie der entsprechende Grad der Partnerfakultät verliehen: Derzeit unterhält die Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Zürich Double Degree Abkommen mit folgenden Partnerfakultäten: Home A joint doctorate at the Faculty of Science of the UZH and the ETH Zurich is possible for students whose responsible professor, with the right to confer a PhD at the Faculty of Science, has a double professorship at the UZH … If you apply to the University of Zurich, you will find further information under Outgoings. Für die Zulassung zu einem Masterstudiengang ist die Kanzlei bzw. Contact bw-shanghai.de. Mobility Grants for SNSF Projects Rämistrasse 74/2 1 Im Fall des Abbruchs eines Double Degree Master-Stu-diengangs ist vor Wiederaufnahme das gesamte Bewerbungsverfahren erneut zu durchlaufen. 2 Es besteht kein Anspruch auf einen Studienplatz. bw-shanghai.de. Dabei studiert man je ein Jahr an der UZH und in London. Wenn Sie an einer unserer Partnerfakultäten eingeschrieben sind, finden Sie weitere Informationen unter Incomings. Ein Double Degree Studiengang ist ein gemeinsames Studienangebot zweier Universitäten, welches zu je einem Abschluss der beiden Partnerinstitutionen führt. A joint doctorate at the Faculty of Science of the UZH and the ETH Zurich is possible for students whose responsible professor, with the right to confer a PhD at the Faculty of Science, has a double professorship at the UZH and ETH Zurich. Information on admission can be found here. Kontakt Outgoings For a successfully completed Double Degree Program, the following academic degree from the Faculty of Law UZH as well as the corresponding degree from the partner faculty are awarded: Currently the Faculty of Law of the University of Zurich maintains Double Degree Master's Agreements with the following partner faculties: The Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London (Great Britain), Faculty of Law, Maastricht University (The Netherlands), Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (People's Republic of China), Faculté de Droit, Économie, Gestion et Sciences Politiques et Sociales, Université de Strasbourg (France), Berkeley Law, University of California (U.S.A.), Faculty of Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Graduate School of Law, Doshisha University (Japan), Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Home In addition, the program-specific admission requirements of the respective partner faculties apply. Es wird … System-oriented Natural Sciences. As of fall … The academic requirements consist of the knowledge and skills you are expected to have acquired in the course of your Bachelor's degree to qualify for admission to a consecutive Master's program. Ab HS 21 setzt sich der Double Degree Masterstudiengang voraussichtlich aus den folgenden zwei Studienprogrammen zusammen: Innerhalb dieser Studienprogramme müssen Studierende an der RWF UZH folgende Module im Umfang von 60 ECTS Credits absolvieren: Double Degree Masterstudienprogramm Rechtswissenschaft (deutschsprachig), Double Degree Masterstudienprogramm International and Comparative Law ohne Schweizer Vorbildung (ausschliesslich englischsprachig), Double Degree Masterstudienprogramm International and Comparative Law mit Schweizer Vorbildung (ausschliesslich englischsprachig). Eligibility for admission. When you report results of experiments conducted with z-Tree, the licence requires that you mention it's use in the publication and cite the article … Master of Law UZH (Double Degree Université de Strasbourg, RVO21) Master of Law UZH (Double Degree Universiteit Leuven, RVO21) Master of Law UZH (Double Degree Universiteit Maastricht, RVO21) Master of Law UZH (Double Degree University of Amsterdam, RVO21) Master of Law UZH (Double Degree University of Hong Kong, RVO21) Sprachnachweise. Sitemap Die UZH kennt verschiedene Formen struktureller Kooperationen in der Lehre: Joint Degrees, Double Degrees und den geregelten Modulaustausch. Glossary for Applications to a Master's Program. Sitemap Om3ga Om3ga. Sample Motivation Letter For Masters Degree in Engineering. Prinzipiell sind alle drei genannten Kooperationsformen mit Partnerinstitutionen aus dem In- und Ausland möglich. 2015 –Heute 5 Jahre 11 Monate. The Double Degree Master’s programmes are full-time courses. Mobilitätsstelle hen für einen erfolgreich absolvierten Double Degree Master-Studiengang den akademischen Grad «Master of Law (MLaw) der Universität Zürich (UZH)» der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät sowie den entsprechenden akademi - schen Grad der Partnerfakultät als Double Degree gemäss den Anhängen. Before applying to a Double Degree Master's Program, students must first complete the regular application procedure of the University of Zurich.. Information on semester enrollment for students of the RWF UZH can be found here.. Information for applicants with a degree from other universites on admission to the Master's programs can be found on the Admission Office's web … Das mit der Partnerfakultät gemeinsam durchgeführte Double Degree Masterstudium bietet den Studierenden die Möglichkeit, ihre … This joint program constitutes the linkage of the individual degree programs of the respective universities. Studienprogramme bis FS 21. Within the framework of the Double Degree Master's Programs, students acquire two degrees within only two years. Kontakt Incomings. Koki KOBAYASHI, Double Degree Doshisha University (Japan) of University of Zurich, Zürich (UZH) | Contact Koki KOBAYASHI The PhD degree will be awarded by the University of Zurich or the ETH Zurich. Confirm that you have the right to the file and click ‘Unlock PDF!’. Professional Track study program was designed for law students with an educational background from outside the United States who would like to complete an internationally recognized Berkeley Law degree. The Double Degree Master’s Programs, jointly offered in collaboration with our partner faculties, enable students to graduate with two Master's degrees in a relatively short period of two years. Die neue Studienordnung wurde noch nicht verabschiedet. Studierende erhalten die Möglichkeit, in einem Umfeld kultureller Vielfalt, ihre Kenntnisse der schweizerischen Rechtsordnung, der Rechtsordnung des Landes der jeweiligen Partnerfakultät und des internationalen Rechts zu erweitern und zu vertiefen. The curricula, however, are not the same. University of Zurich CH-8001 Zurich The PhD degree will be awarded by the University of Zurich or the ETH Zurich. 06.09.2019 Studieninformation & Beratung Vereinbarkeit von Studium und Spitzensport fördern Studieninformationstage 2019 Marilen Matter (Swiss University Sports) Ulrich Frischknecht (UZH) Studieninformation & Beratung Zielbild Athletinnen und Athleten sind … The program is designed to start in the fall semester and generally starts at the home university.