… The Institute of International Education defined Double Degrees as “[…] study programs collaboratively offered by two (or more) higher education institutions located in different countries. How do Covid-19 lockdown policies affect employment and GDP in different countries? Exchange. Two degrees in one Within the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, students can combine any two of the three major degrees into a double degree plan: Recreation and Sport Business (co-op or regular stream) Therapeutic Recreation (co-op or regular stream) Tourism and Parks Management (co-op or regular stream) It's like a joint honours degree within our own department. Ange-Emmanuel, Double degree. During the third and fourth semesters in the United States, you study one of three corresponding profiles (Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering) and write your Master’s thesis. The purpose of the trip was to present their research activities at several conferences and to get to know the Chinese Tianjin University better. Copy of the BA diploma. The ZHAW School of Engineering in partnership with Washington State University has offered a Double Degree programme for full-time master’s students since 2016. Different disciplines or specialization: Studying two different programs helps students to broaden their knowledge in different disciplines. Campus information : From 8 February 2021, courses gradually resumed on campus.Students are informed of the terms and schedules of the courses by their programmes for a resumption of classes one day per week, subject to compliance with the 20% rule and health instructions. 07/14/20. Double Degree Programmes at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. University (public, private, number of students, number of international students) ZHAW is a public university providing education 10660 students. Lecturer in Numerical Mathematics and Scientific ... : +41 71 224 2324 E-mail: lamis.elfarra@unisg.ch Helen Obrist Programm Manager SEMP & Swiss Federal scholarships Guest students transcripts Office 58-317 Phone. Degree programmes. Australie. During Master’s degree studies you will deepen your knowledge of your chosen academic discipline and specialise in one or more of its aspects. Exchange. Company Logo ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, return to home page, Business Administration - Accounting, Controlling, Auditing, Business Administration - Banking and Finance, Business Administration - Economics and Politics, Business Administration - General Management, Business Administration - Risk and Insurance, Business Administration - Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Business Administration - Public and Nonprofit, Study Year Abroad BSc International Management, Admission Requirements and Application Process, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Banking, Finance, Insurance, International NGO Law and Policy Project (INLPP), H2020- SONNET Social Innovation for the Energy Transition, NETFLEX - Efficient Network Tariffs for Flexible Consumers, ODYSSEE MURE II: Monitoring EU Energy Efficiency First Principle and Policy Implementation, Re@dy4 sustainable electricity? Our degree and continuing education programmes have close connections with research, thus providing synergies between architects and civil engineers. ETH Zurich offers both consecutive and specialised Master’s degree programmes. Network: Apart from getting to know different academic approaches in different countries, students will gain valuable insights into different business practices and have the chance to build a foundation for a career in the global business market. You complete your first two semesters in Switzerland along with fellow students from America. Individuals and companies can utilise our findings in their living and working environments. We are very proud to offer Double Degree and Joint Programs to students from our partner universities. What were the possibilities of consulting with lecturer, how Google prevents Google maps from being used anonymously. I learned to adapt to a new environment and to flexibly address new challenges each day. The Bachelor of Music is available through the Dual Degree Program in Science and Music. I love to discover new things ! ZHAW Jeremia Konutgan. Google prevents Google maps from being used anonymously. The double degree course is certainly more Students spend the first two semesters at the ZHAW School of Engineering and then transfer for another two semesters to Grand Valley State University, where they write their Master’s thesis. ZHAW Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russian: Российский экономический университет имени Г.В. We use scientific methods to clarify psychological problems in the field of applied psychology. Technikumstrasse 9 SGH Warsaw School of Economics is also partner of the … Time-saving: The two degrees can be completed in a shorter period then it would be possible obtaining them as stand-alone qualifications. After a first part of studies at UniTrento, mobility abroad is foreseen at the partner university, from 1 to 4 semesters, depending on the agreements. Queensland University of Technology; RMIT University; SP Jain University; University of Newcastle ; 19/03/2017 19/03/2017 Louis Buseine. Due to the higher workload compared to the ordinary Master study tracks at the partner institutions, only highly qualified students shall be selected for the double degree program. Double Degree student: Rennes School of Business and ZHAW School of Management & Law Rennes, Bretagne, France 429 relations. They typically feature a jointly developed and integrated curriculum and agreed-on credit recognition. Research. The double degree is arranged on a bilateral basis meaning students will only have to pay fees to either SGH or ZHAW. The double degree is arranged on a bilateral basis meaning students will only have to pay fees to either SGH or ZHAW. 28.03.2017 Double Degree Programmes MPPD –praca magisterska 6 Gutenberg School of Management and Economics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany University of Economics, Prague, Czech Rep. … EDHEC offers a unique international experience, in line with the global challenges of business. Key R&D focus areas are energy, mobility, information and health. During the recent years university strengthened its international programmes that led to an increase in number of international students. Ange-Emmanuel, Double degree. – that’s our credo. ", Dominic Thaler, graduate of the Double Degree programme and Structures Design Engineer at Aurora Swiss AerospaceClick here to view graduate profile. We are one of the leading Swiss competence centres in the fields of nutrition, health, society and the environment. Official course transcript or diploma supplement with grades received (in English) Document certifying fluency … Lagerstrasse 41 More could soon come out of the newly established relationship. Kehinde Oyegunle. Double Degree Program with Grand Valley State University. Degree: Master of Science in Life Sciences ECTS points: 90 / 120 (double degree) Studying mode: Full-time and part-time School days: Monday to Friday Teaching language: English Place: Muttenz Stay abroad: optional Application fee: CHF 200 Currently learning After Effects, 3D modelling and animation on my free time. Die ZHAW School of Management and Law hat gemeinsam mit ihren Partnerschulen … SGH/ZHAW Double Degree Application Process and Next Steps 24.10.2016 ZHAW Information Event at SGH Slide 21. Motivation letter addressed to Selection Commission to double degree programme between ZHAW School of Management and Law and Warsaw School of Economics (in English, max. The Master’s thesis is worth approximately 12 ECTS credits (equivalent to 6 US credits). It is a joint study program between two or more universities that allows you to obtain two or more diplomas that can be spent in their respective countries. It reflects our global mindset and our commitment to quality education, research, and consulting. Students gain the competence needed to apply their management knowledge and methodological know-how in the context of practice-oriented research and consulting projects. International double degrees, where qualifications are gained from more than one country, provide a unique opportunity for students to achieve a competitive advantage in a global business market. Degrees in facility management are targeted toward students who have an interest in architecture, interior design, sustainability, construction management, project management, real estate, and systems management. Individuals and companies can utilise our findings in their living and working environments. YouTube (owned by Google) prevents you from watching videos anonymously. Start 2016/17 ZHAW MSc International Business linked to the SGH Master in Global Business, Finance and Governance At least 123.5 ECTS achieved by SGH students for the double degree Specific modules to be gained at ZHAW and at SGH, plus Master thesis He has been CFO of STARTUPS.CH since … The rationale behind the Master in Management program is in line with the School’s mission and strategy and aims at educating and training future managers, helping them to acquire the professional and personal skills, knowledge and competencies required to manage an organization efficiently, and to contribute therefore to the creation of economic value within the context of a global economy. Double degree (DD) programmes allow students to obtain two diplomas (from the host and partner university) during a single cycle of studies. Events. We use scientific methods to clarify psychological problems in the field of applied psychology. Queensland University of Technology; RMIT University ; SP Jain University; University of Newcastle; Catégorie : Double degree. ZHAW School of Management and Law has developed a range of double degrees with its partner universities. ISM University of Management and Economics is one of the top-ranked business universities in the Baltics, founded by BI Norwegian Business School. Cost Breakdown: Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) Dual Degree Business This is the estimated budget for this study abroad program. 3. Double Degree Msc Student at ZHAW School of Management & Law and Audencia Business School Lyon. School of Management and Law Masterstudierende können dadurch ein gekoppeltes Studium in der Schweiz und in den USA absolvieren. If you use Google Maps, Google will register it. Depending on the university, this could be a wide combination of degrees, such as two types of bachelor's degrees, a bachelor's and a master's, or two master's/professional degrees. The main goals through these double degrees are to broaden students’ knowledge in different business subjects and enable them to benefit from a unique international learning experience. Alternatively, students can explore in depth a particular single subject. Administrative office master's degree programme, Grand Valley State University’s Padnos College of Engineering and Computing. Courses done within double degree (description of courses you participated in: form of class, method of final assessment [exam or paper]. Asset Pricing; Banking; Financial Analysis; Fiscal Economics EN . The double degree program will provide the opportunity to graduate students from both institutions to simultaneously pursue the Master degree from SGH and ZHAW. We offer Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in social work, as well as continuing education courses, services and research in our focus areas. among top 5% of business schools world-wide) 2. Now it's official: The ZHAW and the @[296550546237:274:Universität Witten/Herdecke] are opening new career paths for nurses and midwives with a Double Degree agreement. Christophe DALBAN. Two-year Double Degree program - one year at each Business School. Exchange / Double Degree. Presentations of the Partner Universities: European University Viadrina. Bálint Farkas graduated from the University of St. Gallen (HSG) with a double master's degree in accounting and finance as well as in international management. The directors of the institutes double as professors of the University of St. Gallen. Mälardalen University; Océanie. This double degree program enables graduate students at the ZHAW School of Management and Law (ZHAW) and Grand Valley State University (GVSU) to pursue a Master’s degree at both institutions simultaneously. Crossing Borders." Inscrivez-vous pour entrer en relation Signify. 07/06/20. and an M.A., simultaneously. requirements. However, Grand Valley State University generally offers the prospect of a scholarship grant and a part-time job in one of its departments to help fund tuition. ... Exchange / Double Degree. michael.farley@zhaw.ch. School of Engineering Double Degree student at Rennes School of Business (Master in management) and ZHAW (Msc in International Business). The two-year Double Degree programme is aimed at full-time students. 1 page) CV of the Applicant in the Europass format. See the whole programme. It runs joint degree programmes with universities such as Smith College and Yale University, and is Harvard Kennedy School's only partner institution to co-deliver double degrees. Students write their Master’s thesis in English at the partner university in the United States. My master class was formed of 47 students. 8400 Winterthur, +41 (0) 58 934 46 15 What is the Double Degree? SGH is the oldest university of economics in Poland, and is regarded as the leading school of economics and management in Central and Eastern Europe. We are one of the leading Swiss competence centres in the fields of nutrition, health, society and the environment. I love to discover new things ! The ZHAW School of Engineering maintains Double Degree agreements with Washington State University and Grand Valley State University that enable Master’s students to pursue a combined study programme in Switzerland and the United States and to earn both a Swiss university of applied sciences degree and a US university degree. Hello everyone, my name is Ange-Emmanuel Kadjo. If you are applying to any of the double degree programs, you must indicate your intent to do so on our application form. They allow students the opportunity to specialize and go in depth into a particular field of study, or to follow a new subject. We are very proud to offer Double Degree and Joint Programs to students from our partner universities. The ZHAW School of Engineering maintains Double Degree agreements with Washington State University and Grand Valley State University that enable Master’s students to pursue a combined study programme in Switzerland and the United States and to earn both a Swiss university of applied sciences degree and a US university degree. ZHAW has around 5000 students. the possibility of a university degree thanks to the Double Degree with our partner university in Slovenia «We need unconventional, interdisciplinary solutions to problems that manifest themselves at the interface between society, nature, and technology. Hello everyone, ZHAW School of Management and Law; Suède. Victoria Eveillard. 21. 8004 Zürich, +41 (0) 58 934 45 41 The Double Degree agreement with Grand Valley State University’s Padnos College of Engineering and Computing was signed in 2019. 28.03.2017 Double Degree Programmes Double Degrees –Contact persons Dean’sOffice for Graduate Studies 13 Contact person for Double Degrees M s . mse.engineering@zhaw.ch. Christophe DALBAN Indépendant chez CR3dim Grenoble et … The ZHAW School of Engineering now also has a double-degree agreement with Washington State University. The students are given the opportunity to study in one of our two campuses, in Lille or Paris . March 2019 Double Degree Information - SGH/ZHAW 1. – that’s our credo. : +41 71 224 2759 E-mail: helen.obrist@unisg.ch Felicitas Strittmatter Management Partner Universities Agreements Managemnt Content … La mobilité internationale en Master Two awards: After successful completion of the double degree, students are awarded with two degrees, which build on and complement each other. Designed for the globalized economy (Swiss & … Enrollment as a part-time student is possible in principle, accordingly lengthening the duration of the programme. Mälardalen University; Océanie. A double degree consists of two degrees awarded by two different universities. Loving sports and motorbikes, dirt and street ones. Our degree and continuing education programmes have close connections with research, thus providing synergies between architects and civil engineers. Upon successful completion of the double degree program, graduates are awarded the following titles by the partner … Signaler ce profil À propos Student in double degree International Business and Law at the IESEG School of management in partnership with the Catholic University of Lille. Specialisations. The agreement on the establishment of Master Double Degree Programme between Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) and ZHAW School of Management and Law (ZHAW) has been signed on 8th of August 2016. Florian Baertsch, from Winterthur, Switzerland, recently gained his double master’s degree with Washington State University and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW. We guarantee excellent degree and continuing education programmes in engineering disciplines. ZHAW School of Management and Law [master] Switzerland Globalny biznes, finanse i zarządzanie (governance) Global Business, Finance and Governance International Business. The double degree program will provide the opportunity to graduate students from both institutions to simultaneously pursue the Master degree from ZHAW School of Management and Law (ZHAW) and Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). 8400 Winterthur, +41 (0) 58 934 74 60 PULLMAN, Wash. – Washington State University and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in Switzerland have launched an international, double master’s degree program designed to graduate globally educated professionals to assume leadership positions in technology-driven, multinational corporations. Double Degree DM2-FGV-SSE Office 58-321 Phone. Students who are approved in this double major option must satisfy all degree requirements for a B.Sc. Home Sweet Home – Back in Switzerland. - Consumer preferences for renewable energy sources, SNIS - Effective Carbon Market Regulation, Umweltbundesamt - Influence of market structures and market regulation on the carbon market, Publication series Innovation in Higher and Professional Education, Sounding Board International Management Institute, Leadership in Times of Crisis - An Interview with Jens Fritsche, Center for International Industrial Solutions, Digital Transformation in the Public Sector, Professional and Methodological Competencies, [Translate to english:] Gemeindemonitoring, Public Performance Management and Digital Transformation, Data Online Access to Bloomberg and Refinitiv, Master Global Business, Finance and Governance, Master of Science in Business Administration with a major in Business Analytics, Master “Droit Européen et International des Affaires“, Master of Laws in Accounting and Taxation (LL.M.). Washington State University in the United States waives tuition fees for Double Degree students, but does charge some minor administrative fees. Canada - Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo. Administrative office master's degree programme Double Degree student in both Rennes School of Business and ZHAW School of Management & Law Bretagne, France. HSG … The students are given the opportunity to study in one of our two campuses, in Lille or Paris . Colombia - Universidad del Rosario, Bogota. Student exchange (E) and Double Degree (DD) partners per country (2019) For FEB students: For information on the actual availability of exchange places per partner, please check the Study Abroad pages in the FEB Student Portal (Study Info > Study Abroad/FEB, login required) Countries: A Argentina Australia Austria B Belgium Brazil C Canada Chile China Colombia Croatia Czech … 2020 - 2021. A double degree program, sometimes called a dual degree, combined degree, conjoint degree, joint degree or double graduation program, involves a student's working for two university degrees in parallel—either at the same institution or at different institutions (sometimes in different countries)—and completing them in less time than it would have taken to earn them separately. The multidisciplinary master’s programme in Fiscal Economics is ideal for anyone with an interest in taxation, as well as the economic and legal consequences of it. Technische Universitat Berlin. Victoria Eveillard Etudiante PGE - ESC Rennes Rennes et périphérie. School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering. Academic programs range from certificate offerings to master’s degrees. Candidates for the double degree program will be selected by their home institution according to selection criteria jointly defined and agreed upon by UPD and ZHAW. Room 56 build. It reflects our global mindset and our commitment to quality education, research, and consulting. From Grand Rapid to … Double Degree student at Rennes School of Business (Master in management) and ZHAW (Msc in International Business). When you play YouTube ZHAW … The programme will provide you with the knowledge … 3. You must also apply separately for the Master's programs as follows: JD + MBA double degree program - Juris Doctor / Master of Business Administration Curriculum for campus-based and online degrees can vary by school and the level of degree … [11] [12] The school is a member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA), a group of schools that specialize in public policy, public administration, and international affairs. Double Degree available for this programme! Thanks to its relevance to the business world, its academic recognition, EDHEC has built over the years sound academic partnerships with leading business schools and universities. Presentations of the Partner Universities: ... ZHAW School of Management and Law (ZHAW) Below is the list of global academic partners open to welcome you for either an academic exchange, a double degree … All students admitted to the Double Degree programme with Washington State University under a bilateral arrangement enroll and pay tuition and other required fees at ZHAW. "The year overseas was a very good personal experience for me. We deal with key issues in the fields of language, communication and media so that linguistics can be effectively applied in business and society. Jeremia Konutgan Master of Science in International Business Zürich, Schweiz. major in one specialization, including all Faculty of Science B.Sc. Optional double degree at a partner university in Finland; Academic Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Business | BA or B.A. JFIF ExifII* ( 1 2 ; i & NIKON CORPORATIONNIKON D200 - ' - 'Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows2016:10:26 08:58:45Picasa ' " ' 0220 $ 8 @ H ,P 32 32 32 0100 } | - ! } Currently learning After Effects, 3D modelling and animation on my free time. It allows students to earn a Master of Science in Engineering from Grand Valley State University in the following profiles: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Manufacturing Operations, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering. ZHAW School of Management and Law. Now it's official: The ZHAW and the @[296550546237:274:Universität Witten/Herdecke] are opening new career paths for nurses and midwives with a Double Degree agreement. Japan-Meiji University, School of Commerce, Tokyo. Małgorzata J A C U KOW I C Z M S c . Navigation. The language of DD is however described in the agreement of each programme. 6 Double Degree Programmes in Numbers According to Study Majors Available Study major Bachelor Master Zarządzanie (Management) [PL] 2 8 Management [EN] only on Bachelor level … Graduates are well-prepared for … WSU, Zurich university launch double master’s degree December 1, 2015 PULLMAN, Wash. – Washington State University and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in Switzerland have launched an international, double master’s degree program designed to graduate globally educated professionals to assume leadership positions in technology-driven, multinational corporations. ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. We guarantee excellent degree and continuing education programmes in engineering disciplines. 3 nouveaux double diplômes proposés au parcours EXPAND: – Russie: Moscow State Institute of International Relations MSc in International Business / Master in Marketing of goods and services / Master in International Relations ; – Taiwan: NCTU National Chiao Tung University MBA International Business ; – Taiwan: National Taïwan Universtity of Science and technology MSC … Natural Sciences & Mathematics. An extension to Computer Science and Data Science is planned. If you use Google Maps, Google will register it. Translated Die Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW und die Universität Witten/Herdecke eröffnen Master-Studierenden mit einem Double Degree-Abkommen neue … It serves as an estimated cost of attendance for your semester or year abroad. ZHAW School of Management and Law; Suède. "Building Competence.