Fat 53g. A DD Smart donut (because somehow this classifies as eating smart). Viele der Keks- und Eissorten bieten 500 Kalorien oder mehr. With hundreds of diets plans categorized by calories, time & weight, FatLossPot brings you highly informative articles covering diet, exercises, workouts and other fat loss related issues. It’s safe to say that Dunkin’ has this one down to an art. Calories in Frosted Donut based on the calories, fat, protein, carbs and other nutrition information submitted for Frosted Donut. FatLossPot is your ultimate source to make the best decision of your life about your fat loss mission without any confusion. Dunkin’ Donuts’ new Lemon Croissant Donut is a glazed Croissant Donut with lemon filling, finished with icing drizzle and graham cracker crumbles. Daily Goals. Find out how many calories are in Dunkin'. CANTON, MA (June 28, 2016) – Summer season is in full swing, and Dunkin’ Donuts is serving sweet new donuts inspired by favorite seasonal citrus flavors. Lemon Glazed Donut Kalorien, Vitamine, Nährwerte. ... Dunkin' Donuts Chocolate-Frosted Donut (1 serving) Calories: 200, Fat: 9g, Carbs: 29g, Protein: 3g. How does this food fit into your daily goals? Dunkin Donuts Dunkin Donuts - Frosted Lemon Cake Donut. 51 %14 gFat. 46 %28 gCarbs. About; Food; Drinks; Bestellung; Storefinder; About; Food; Drinks; Bestellung; Storefinder CalorieKing provides nutritional food information for calorie counters and people trying to lose weight. The Chocolate Frosted takes the crown because it is the perfect balance of puffy pastry and more pronounced chocolate frosting. Dunkin’ gives fans the chance to experience the deliciousness of the fabled holiday flavor with the introduction of the new Sugarplum Macchiato and the new Frosted Snowflake Donut. There are 270 calories in 1 donut of Dunkin' Donuts Lemon Filled Donut. 240 Cal. 12. Serving Size : 1 donut. Peanut Butter and Jelly Donut: 360 Calories Photo courtesy of @mdperu on Instagram. 240 / 2,000 cal left. Served hot or iced, the new Sugarplum Macchiato features the bright berry flavors of blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, and plum, highlighted by notes of vanilla and rounded out […] Log Food. Calorie Goal 1,760 cal. 3 %2 gProtein. Sodium 2,150g. 14 / 67g left. 13,2% des Tagesbedarfs (Frau, 35 Jahre): ca. 13. Kalorientabelle, kostenloses Ernährungstagebuch, Lebensmittel Datenbank Dunkin' Donuts, Lemon Glazed Donut Kalorien - Süsswaren - Fddb : Calorie breakdown: 49% fat, 45% carbs, 6% protein. Wenn Sie Dunkin ‘Donuts besuchen Zum Frühstück geht es mit einem Donut noch besser als mit einem Frühstückssandwich. My Homemade Dunkin' Donuts Chocolate Glazed Donut recipe is delicious, yeasted, fluffy, fried, and everything that makes a storebought Dunkin' donut so good. Frosted Lemon Shell 1 donut 1255 300 16 8 36 19 1 3 270 Cinnamon Powdered Apple Shell 1 donut 1004 240 13 6 27 11 1 3 270 Powdered Strawberry Shell 1 donut 1004 240 13 6 27 11 1 3 270 Frosted Strawberry Shell 1 donut 1130 270 13 6 33 17 1 3 290 Frosted Heart Shell 1 donut … ENJOY YOUR MOMENT. Chocolate Frosted Cake Donut: 350 Calories Photo courtesy of @sugarcoatedcarter on Instagram Blueberry Cake Donut with Lemon Glaze is an easy homemade donut recipe that will get your breakfast (or dessert) kicked off in the right direction. Die Wurst, das Ei und der Käse auf einem Croissant zum Beispiel liefern satte 650 Kalorien. I guess PB&J is actually good for you, according to Dunkin. Fitness Goals : Heart Healthy.