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Step 5: Conversion Step 1: Select song. 2.1-Channel powerful sound--- 90 W per channel (6 ohms, 1 kHz, 0.9 % THD, 1-ch driven)--- 70 W per channel (6 ohms, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 0.06 % THD, 2-ch driven) Compatible with all types of music sources and services, such as streaming services; MusicCast App for easy operation. 697 likes. on-time delivery. z hug hw lk u hx fk iudj hq z dux p lk u j hz hlq w k de w /rdwvh ' dq nh vdj hq z lu doohq g lh vlfk lq vwloohu 7udx hu p lw x q v yhue x q g hq i k owhq lk uh $ q whloq dk p h lq ylhoilowlj hu : hlvh ]x p $ x vg ux fn e udfk whq x q g j hp hlq vdp p lw x q v $ e vfk lhg q dk p hq To play a constant tone, click Play or press Space.. To change the frequency, drag the slider or press ← → (arrow keys). In unserem Kanal stellen wir euch Planungshilfen, Konfiguratoren und Visualisierungstools vor, die euch beim Einrichten und Planen eurer Wohnung helfen und inspirieren können. average delivery time. 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