Nearly half of them, she added, have "ghosted" their landlords -- that is, they have not been at all communicative. Visitation at the City Jail is suspended. Donate blood. All his regular shows have vanished. Events have to be reviewed by local health authorities and approved by appropriate state agency -- the same process that was in place prior to the Statewide Pause. Tens of thousands of people die every year in the USA from the flu and flu related complications but nobody seems too worried about that.. Good handwashing is the first line of defense against germs so wash your hands frequently, keep them away from your face and … On Feb. 11, Governor Sisolak announced a timeline for a safe reopening â which starts February 15, and goes through May 1. Donât trust anyone who offers financial help and then asks for money or personal information. In-custody transport of defendants to Municipal Court will also be suspended during this time and will be accommodated through telecommunication and/or video conferencing. "We were still getting a bunch of daily tips," said Gordon, 37. The YouTube views for "Coffee with Cullotta" -- Morse's idea -- have dropped off. Whether you’re visiting today, next week, next month, or even next year, there’s guaranteed to be an almost-endless variety of events and entertainment to enjoy. The slow and incomplete return of tourists continues to imperil the city’s overall economy and experts haven’t begun to analyze how new restrictions put into effect on Tuesday to contain the spread of COVID-19 could jeopardize efforts to bring back the concerts, conventions and trade shows that traditionally draw visitors to Las Vegas, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported. Organizations may begin submitting large gatherings plans beginning on Feb. 15, but no events can resume until March 1. After months of unemployment, Arroyo finally landed a job as a "bud tender" at a cannabis dispensary. The city will waive sewer bill late fees and property liens normally filed on delinquent sewer bills until 30 days after the current city emergency declaration ends. Official information about travel and major events via the LVCVA. Many cell towers outside of the U.S. have been set on fire as a result; 5G technology does NOT cause coronavirus. If you see a scam, please report it to the Federal Trade Commission: To file for unemployment in the State of Nevada, please use the online application available 24/7 at By July, she was living on the couch of a friend who'd just tested positive for Covid-19. Caesars Palace, the Flamingo and Harrah’s Las Vegas … Eventually, the symptoms kicked in for Flowers, and he -- like his parents and Cullotta -- tested positive. All restrictions are statewide. Las Vegas Shows & Events. The 6-foot-5 Flowers said he lost 20 pounds in two weeks. Libraries, museums, art galleries, aquariums and zoos, Medicinal and recreational cannabis establishments, Community/recreational centers (incl. Please check your email for the confirmation message and click on the activation link! Las Vegas has certainly felt the full blow of the economic catastrophe caused by the spread of the coronavirus even more acutely than many other destinations, due to its reliance on bringing large groups of people together to mix, mingle, gamble and have a good time. (CNN)In those long-ago days of early 2020, business was cranking for Adam Flowers, a former street magician with an enterprising mind. ", Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, A couple of Las Vegas hotels are offering a work-from-Vegas travel package. Standard precautions already in place at the Courtyard Homeless Resource Center include frequent cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, making hand-washing stations available and providing alcohol-based hand sanitizers. There’s no better time than now to get yourself to the theater district and discover a fantastic current Vegas show. Claimants will have a dedicated call center for all PUA related questions with a new phone number: 1-800-603-9681. On July 9, Flowers' father -- John Flowers, a former firefighter and amateur magician who inspired his son to pursue showbusiness -- died of Covid-19. Reservations will no longer be required and the maximum number of patrons per table will increase from four to six. It's a lot to process in a place that remains traumatized by the foreclosure crisis of 2008, which. If you test positive for COVID-19, you will receive a text message from 844-990-0029 with additional information. Fill out this form:, Big or small, if it makes you smile, we'd like to know about it! For a full list from FEMA, visit In your email, please provide the following information: Phone: 702-229-6011 Avid fans may even want to make multiple trips to Vegas over the course of a year to take in a few different shows. When Sapphire closed in March because of the virus, she found herself filing for unemployment for the first time in her life. "The long arc of this challenge is going to be painful," he said. "It's not going to be long before it gets pretty dire," he said. Las Vegas is known for its bright lights, great shows and over-the-top nightlife. Nextdoor, the private social network for neighborhoods, has a. Our version of a matinee, Las Vegas afternoon shows fill the void between a brunch time wakeup and pre-dinner cocktails. The show expected about 90,000 to attend. Out-of-work Las Vegas showgirls take act online, ... A screenshot from "The Socially Distant Show" shows a dancer performing in front of the Bellagio Resort and Casino on the Las Vegas … But she's getting antsy: "We need to be on stage. "There's different ways we can change the services around to still accommodate people.". The pandemic killed the music in mid-March and it hasn't turned back on. Outdoor dining will not have a capacity limit, but will have to adhere to social distancing requirements. This is a SCAM. LAS VEGAS SHOWS. Now, he's on unemployment. As the US struggles to contain a virus and shore up its battered economy, few states are facing a Catch-22 as stark as the one in Nevada: Reopen the bars and large entertainment venues and risk an upsurge of deadly infections. I never felt that before; it was terrible.". Las Vegas continues to reopen resorts and restaurants but, like California, has rolled back some pandemic rules. Three Square is offering grocery delivery for those in need that are 60+. Nextdoor, the private social network for neighborhoods, has a help map where you can ask for help or offer help to your neighbors. "People are going to be a little more strapped," she said. The following individuals may be eligible for PUA: Claimants must also be able and available for work as defined in state law, must have prior earnings in Nevada or a job offer to work in Nevada and must not be eligible for any UI benefits, including regular UI, Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, and State Extended Benefits. Cirque du Soleil has suspended all Las Vegas productions as well as its international shows in response to the spread of the coronavirus. Public areas, including the traffic violation windows, at Municipal Court are closed until further notice. Faster speed (due to no ads) Detailed 15-min forecasts. To pay for groceries, they opened a credit card. Or subscribe to the weekly CDC newsletter. The most common symptoms of the disease are fever, persistent cough and shortness of breath. Is It Legitimate? Since the shutdown Slonina said he has participated in a quarantine cabaret online and made a chunk of change on tips. There have been reports that scammers are pretending to be the government, contacting people by robocall, text message, email and other outreach. Although we are doing our … ASD Market Week 2020, which will take place March 22-25, will go off mostly as planned. It turned out to be Covid-19, which would give her double pneumonia, leaving both of her lungs infected. To help families who might be struggling, fees will be waived for when the owner picks up their lost pet as long as ownership can be verified and required documentation provided. The Adobe Summit 2020 was scheduled for March 29 through April 2. Check out all of the best Las Vegas shows in 2021. Covid-19 has taken a toll on Sheri's Ranch, one of the largest legal brothels in Nevada. Most people with COVID-19 will have a mild disease but some people will get sicker and may need to be hospitalized. To ensure your water meets or surpasses drinking water standards, we also monitor water quality around the valley 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Some entertainers are finding creative ways to stay physically fit. Not everyone thinks a tidal wave of evictions in Nevada is imminent. Three Square Food Bank has emergency food centers at 15 schools and 43 other locations for anyone who needs help. But Covid-19 infections and deaths in Nevada rose steadily through July. Practice social distancing, wear a mask, and wash your hands. Preventative healthcare is always a focus at a facility that cares for the homeless. Online users can refer to the resources listed on and the updated NV Unemployment Insurance (UI) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQâs) document at "You know, we were still making more than the person working at Target.". 1 /10 10 of the best hotels in Las Vegas. Those with questions regarding sewer bills may email or call 702-229-1289. A full recovery, Aguero said, is between 18 and 36 months out. Governor Steve Sisolak instructed the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), Employment Security Division to waive the work search requirement and the 7-day wait period for approved unemployment insurance benefits. Follow the Health District on Twitter. "We took our masks off, and we sat there and ate," he said. Information, Gyms, fitness studios, yoga studios, martial arts studios, and similar establishment, Arcades, racetracks, bowling alleys, pool halls and similar activities. The city of Las Vegas and the Las Vegas Municipal Court's top priority is health and safety of our staff and visitors. Federal and local disaster workers do not solicit or accept money. This sent Gordon looking for another rental unit for her and her 11-year-old daughter. The city has made adjustments to its services in response to the coronavirus outbreak. The state's eviction moratorium is set to expire September 1 and housing advocates are worried about an eviction tsunami. The link will be active for 7 days. Nightclubs, shows, dining. At the same time, Flowers said, "How long can everybody just sit? ... How long can the government keep printing money? The Southern Nevada Water Authority & Las Vegas Valley Water District do not anticipate any current scenario that would interrupt water availability to our community. "I'm scared to death," said Stacey Lockhart of HopeLink of Southern Nevada, a nonprofit that helps people living in poverty. Public areas in City Hall, and the Development Services Center are closed until further notice. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by a new virus called SARS-CoV-2. The line will give callers automated options on weekends. Before the pandemic took its toll, Harry Shahoian was one of the busiest Elvis Presley impersonators in Vegas. This voluntary document is intended to help landlords receive delinquent rental amounts while helping keep tenants in their homes or places of business under a payment plan for back due rents that they can afford. public pools). He even participated in an adult-only, paid-service version of the cabaret -- with more nudity. Shahoian said he easily made six figures in normal times. Las Vegas is known as the Entertainment Capital of the World, and it’s easy to see why. Things were going well at home, too. A screening of symptoms for the coronavirus will take place before an individual can continue into the building. You don’t have to be walking the Strip in that heat. "I lost my father, so I know this disease -- it's a real thing," he said. He says he's leaving Vegas for Reno, where it's cheaper. Ferraro’s, other Las Vegas restaurants close temporarily. Harry Shahoian was one of the busiest Elvis Presley impersonators in Vegas, but at the moment, he doesn't feel like The King. Dena believes the sex trade in Nevada has been unfairly overlooked, noting how other businesses that involve human contact -- such as massage parlors and nail salons -- have been allowed to reopen. When they lost the ability to pay rent, HopeLink came to their aid. We are taking precautions due to COVID-19, including extending continuance to those who are not comfortable visiting the Regional Justice Center, who may be exhibiting potential signs of illness or who are in a high-risk category. Use this tool to quickly find a resource or task. "You go there to be reckless and have fun.".,, Inmate To pay rent, he and his wife took out loans. Search, Jail Flowers asked John if he was OK. "He's hard of hearing -- and with the mask on, he couldn't hear me," Flowers said. If you have a Clark County business license, please email His breathing seemed labored. The usual 24/7 tide of tourists and traffic jams was replaced by a smattering of pedestrians and local families on bicycles, and LED marquees … We offer several ways to reach our journalists securely. "It's a lot to have happen to you all at once," Flowers said. "Everybody was canceling their trips out here.". This applies to animals that are picked up by city of Las Vegas Animal Control officers and taken to the Animal Foundation. This voluntary document is intended to help landlords receive delinquent rental amounts while helping keep tenants in their homes or places of business under a payment plan for back due rents that they can afford. ", Showbusiness has come to a standstill in Vegas. Listen to the city coronavirus podcast update. Las Vegas is open! Follow the Health District on Twitter. Donate blood. There is a dire need in our community right now. The pandemic has also ravaged one of Nevada's best-known industries: that of legalized prostitution, which isn't legal in Las Vegas but is elsewhere throughout the state. Please click here if you think you have been exposed to or are developing potential symptoms. Learn about how our hotels and resorts are being smart during COVID-19 too.