Most of it seemed to be working, including the acute and grave accent to the left of the backspace key which might be handy sometimes.. I can not get |, @, ~ symbols. Had selected German keyboard layout on Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela. Greetings BUT, ALT-GR + q = @ and ALT-GR + e = € were not, neither were {[]} on the 7,8,9,0 keys or ²³ on the 2 and 3. When Windows sends the left CTRL scan code together with the right ALT scan code, the Linux virtual machine does not interpret these scan codes as the AltGr key. I have the … We both have Linux based systems and run Manjaro. Usually I experience this in remote Desktop but not on my local machine. thanks This only happens in KDE. Getting ALT GR key to work in BASH My keyboard works fine in X, but it doesn't in the shell. I am using English locales, but with a german Keyboard. Hello all. Any help please? From any Linux Distro to any Linux Distro, with AnyDesk 6.0.1 and older versions, Alt Gr combinations does not work, for example is not possible to write: "€@#[]{}". Hi, i'm using lenny, the key alt-gr is not working in my spanish kbd. So my girlfriend got a Keychron K6 and she absolutely adores it. after upgrading Debian to Sarge the AltGr key stop working properly. It looks like the AlgGr does not work in that particular case, because the two keys combination (AltGr+q=@ or AltGr+e=€) works perfectly. Last night, she was going to write an e-mail and noticed that she couldn’t get the @ symbol to work. However, the Linux virtual machine expects to receive the right ALT scan code only. There’s an old bug that causes the Alt-Gr button on your keyboard to mysteriously malfunction. For example, while using the Shift key to control the second allocation, you can use the Alt Gr key to access third allocations. Now this is not more working. I encountered this problem several times. What can you do if the button does not work… As if I didn't press the AltGr key. They are now : Go to In my specific case I use Linux Mint 20 to Raspberry Pi OS "raspios_full_armhf-2020-08-24". Alt Gr key is not working – what to do? This is an old problem which still persists on Windows 10. Everything works just fine, but my "Alt Gr" Button on my keyboard is not working. It’s a small form factor 65% keyboard. I tried xmodmap -e "keycode 113 = Mode_switch" but it also did not help Feb 12, 2021; 132; 0; The Alt Gr key replaces in part the key combination Ctrl + Alt. This bug has … The "Alt Gr" key is working in the terminal, but not in apps like Chromium or any other under X. The Alt Gr key has no function on its own – if you press the key alone, it does not execute a command. I have the same problem only on IntelliJIdea.... ALT-GR is not recognised. I've tried 'alt-gr', 'alt:gr' but it's not correct, does anybody know what i should enter? With Alt Gr, you can make use of alternative key assignments quickly and easily. I checked a lot of websites and posts on message board, but could find a proper solution. It’s a nordic layout, so the key combination would usually be Alt Gr (alt button to the right of the spacebar) + 2. A combination with AltGt+0164 does not work as well. Getting the Right Alt key (Alt GR) to work in Ubuntu Linux I've been bothered for a while now that my right alt key labelled 'Alt GR' doesn't work in Ubuntu. I want to use a character accessible using the AltGr Key but for some reason it doesn't work. I have an ABNT2 keyboard on my netbook with a lot of removed keys and the only way to use slash (/) is by pressing ALT GR + q but, as it doesn't work, I've been using the American layout and guessing where the keys are. In Konsole everything works fine. In 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg there is a kbd section where i should include the option but i don't know how to include it. If the Alt Gr key stops working, close Remote Desktop Connection if it is open. I am using German Keyboard. Try it out now! Before upgrade I could use key combination Alg Gr+~ and then n to enter that character. I tried to choose different keyboard layouts in Control Center but it did not help.