55 likes. ), later Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix genoemd, was een Romeins politicus, veldheer en dictator ten tijde van de Late Romeinse Republiek. The life of Sulla is one of stark contrast and yet striking similarities to those of Marius, and later, Julius Caesar. In late 82 he assumed the name Felix in belief in his own luck. Funeral in Roman Forum "No … Lucius Cornelius Sulla in der antiken Erinnerung: Jener Mörder, der sich Felix nannte: Eckert, Alexandra: Amazon.nl Although Marius continued to use Sulla in the war against the invading Cimbri, in 103 bce his jealousy became obvious, and Sulla transferred to the service of Marius’ co-commander, Quintus Lutatius Catulus. 138 v.Chr. He became one of the two consuls—the highest office in the republic—in 88 and was placed in command of the war against King Mithradates VI of Pontus in Asia Minor. Public Figure. After service as a Roman praetor (one of the chief magistrates) in 97 bce, Sulla fought in the Social War (90–89 bce), the struggle of Rome’s Italian allies to obtain Roman citizenship. Lucius Cornelius Sulla (natus 138–134 a.C.n. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix synonyms, Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix pronunciation, Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix translation, English dictionary definition of Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix. Sulla marched on Rome and Sulpicius was killed, but Marius escaped. Mithradates’ general, Archelaus, was pursued into Boeotia and finally defeated in two battles in 86. His mother was Sextia and his older brother was Faustus Cornelius Sulla … Lucius Cornelius Sulla in Greece sacking … Er heiratete um 110 mit Iulia , Sie bekamen ein einziges Kind. In 86 the former consul Lucius Valerius Flaccus was sent to replace Sulla in the Asian command. Most commonly accepted is the view that Sulla’s resignation was an act of honesty by a man who had pledged to step down as soon as his reforms had been carried out. Lucius Cornelius Sulla purge the Romans refusing to serve the will of Rome and the enemies of the state, destroy the powers of the tribunes, and restore the Senate. Hij was de eerste dictator wiens ambtstermijn niet was bepaald en veel van zijn hervormingen zouden leiden tot het ontstaan van het principaat. He had the rare distinction of holding the office of consul twice, as well as that of dictator. By the spring of 87 most of Greece was in his power, and after a long siege he captured Athens in 86. πρὸς δὲ τοὺς αἰτιωμένους τὴν ἐπὶ τοσοῦτον ὀργὴν ἔφη καταμαθεῖν ἐκ τῆς πείρας, ὡς οὐδέποτ´ ἂν εἰρήνην ἀγάγοι Ῥωμαίων οὐδὲ εἷς, ἕως ἂν συμμένωσι καθ´ ἑαυτοὺς Σαυνῖται. In the summer of 83, Sulla, after a lengthy stay in Athens, returned to Brundisium in southern Italy with 40,000 men and enormous plunder. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Please select which sections you would like to print: While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Early Life Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix 138 B.C. This action caused a sensation in Rome; many different explanations have been given, starting with the classical writers. He began his military career serving as a quaestor under Gaius Marius, and in 107 BC aided in the capture of Jugurtha of Numidia.He then served as praetor in 94 BC, and fought in the Social War (90-89 BC), a conflict which focused on the struggles of the Italian Allies to win … He had the distinction of holding the office of consul twice, as well as reviving the dictatorship. Thanks to Sulla's own personal memoirs, which have been lost to history, though preserved through the works of others, such as Plutarch and perhaps Appian, we actually know a great deal about him and the time period. From the long-term perspective Sulla’s actions seem meaningless; but viewed in their historical context they are justified by the transitional character—both in its military and political aspect—of his age. But Sulla’s luck did not desert him; Flaccus was murdered by his lieutenant. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix is geboren in het jaar 138 BC, zoon van Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix/Gaius Marius (157-86 BCE) (2) Thursday Next/Landen Parke-Laine (1) Acheron Hades/Thursday Next (1) Julius Caesar/Marcus Licinius Crassus (1) Julius Caesar/Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (1) Julius Caesar/Calpurnia Pisonis (1) … He was a consul ordinarius in AD 33 as the colleague of Galba, the future emperor. As Mariusgradually captured Jugurthine strongholds and routed his armies, he tasked Sulla with negotiating with the vacillating King Bocchus of Mauretania whose allegiance was subject to change. Hij is overleden in het jaar 78 BC in Puteoli. The Senate gave Sulla the command of an army against Mithradates, who was threatening Roman control of the east, but Marius, through his alliance with the tribune Publius Sulpicius Rufus of the popular party, succeeded in being appointed commander instead. 1 synonym for Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix: Sulla. « Aristocrate de vieille lignée, doté d'une profonde culture grecque, mais aussi stratège et diplomate hors du commun, Sylla est un homme d'exception. From Brundisium, Sulla began his march on Rome, joined by opponents of the popular regime, including Marcus Licinius Crassus and Pompey. Hij werd pas echt rijk toen hij … He was also notorious for his personal relationships and appearance. Veel van zijn hervormingen zouden mee de basis vormen voor het latere principaat. Roman soldier and statesman. Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Beiname Felix (138 v. Chr. in Campania), e gente Cornelia ortus, habuitt nomen “Felix” quod putavit se esse felicem, fuit dictator Reipublicae Romanae.Cognomine ᾿Επαφρόδιτος "Epaphroditus" in Graecia usus est; Romae anno 81 a.C.n., triumpho nuper acto, cognomen "Felix" reclamavit. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 30 nov 2020 om 10:46. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix was a Roman senator of the first century AD. e. 138 – Puteoli, Kr. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (138 î.Hr.-78 î.Hr.) Antonyms for Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix. In the speech delivered at the close of the ceremony, he chose for himself the name of Felix (Epaphroditos in Greek documents). Author of. It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Through most of the ensuing civil war Sulla was opposed by the consuls Gnaeus Papirius Carbo and the younger Marius (whose father had died in 86). His laws were repealed, his house was destroyed, and his family and friends fled to join him in Greece. was a major figure in the late Roman Republic.He's remembered best for bringing his soldiers into Rome, the killing of Roman citizens, and his military skill in several areas. Sulla provine din bogata familie de patricieni Cornelius. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix - Roman general and dictator Sulla … Lucius Cornelius Sulla (ca. Patrician family Poor financial state Close relationship with plebeians Good education Finis (Tandem!) Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix , known commonly as Sulla, Roman general and statesman, held office of consul twice and revived the... lucius cornelius sulla felix, 138 bc - 78 bc - lucius cornelius sulla felix stock illustrations. ; mortuus 78 a.C.n. El însuși a trăit în condiții financiare modeste având însă o pregătire școlară bună. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Vote Sulla for dictator of Rome. Hij leefde in zijn jonge jaren in goedkope huurwoningen en verdiende geld als acteur. Sulla’s victory of Colline Gate in the northern environs of Rome and the fall of Praeneste at the end of 82 ended the war, which was followed by massacres and proscriptions. ), römischer Staatsmann und Feldherr, Anführer der Optimaten während des römischen Bürgerkrieges.. Biografie. Retired after second consulship Wrote memoirs Died in 78 B.C. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix: lt;div class="hatnote"|>This article is about the Roman dictator Sulla. 138 v.Chr. als Quästor unter Gaius Marius den Jugurthinischen Krieg … He was one of the canonical great men of Roman history. Zijn geliefde uit zijn jeugd Nicopolis was een plebeische vrouw (niet van adel), maar uit een rijke familie. – 78 v.Chr. Corrections? Noun 1. Chr. Lucius Cornelius Sulla, cognominated Felix ("lucky"), was born in 138 BC and died in 78 BC at the age of 60. Sulla was a skillful general, achieving numerous successes in wars against different opponents, both foreign and Roman. Of value were the increase of the number of courts for criminal trials; a new treason law, Lex Cornelia Majestatis, designed to prevent insurrection by provincial governors and army commanders; the requirement that the tribunes had to submit their legislative proposals to the Senate for approval; and various laws protecting citizens against excesses of judicial and executive organs. Updates? While he didn't necessarily begin the "Fall … Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). What are synonyms for Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix? The opinions held by modern writers cover a spectrum ranging from Sulla the enigma (because of his resignation), to Sulla the monarch, to Sulla the honest reformer. His spectacular capture of Jugurtha by trickery marked the start of his feud with Marius. During his absence Sulla had been declared a public enemy by the ruling popular party. Sulla, a soldier and a politician, a dictator and a reformer, and a man of contradictions in an age of contradictions, is the subject of contradictory opinions expressed by both classical and modern writers. Sulla was cunning and ruthless when necessary, but a brilliant politician and formidable commander as well. ), later Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix genoemd, was een Romeins politicus, veldheer en dictator ten tijde van de Late Romeinse Republiek.Hij was de eerste dictator wiens ambtstermijn niet was bepaald en veel van zijn hervormingen zouden leiden tot het ontstaan van het principaat. Varane sõjaline karjäär. Kriege Erster Marsch auf Rom Kimber & Teutonen Jugurthinischer Krieg - Neubürgerfrage und Freigelassene sollten gleiches Stimmrecht bekommen - Flucht beider Konsuln - Sulla suchte Schutz bei dem Heer des Marius, musste dort allerdings unter Gewaltandrohungen den Forderungen des Inspired by a glorious past, interpreting an extremely volatile present, and heralding a future faithful to tradition, Sulla played a historical role, conclusively shaping and epitomizing the republican ideal shortly before it became submerged. - 78 v. Hij was de eerste Romeinse dictator wiens ambtstermijn niet was beperkt. Toen had Sulla veel geld, maar nog altijd niet genoeg. By his extensive program of constitutional reform he intended mainly to reestablish the supremacy of the Senate in the Roman state, and his administrative reforms did indeed survive to the end of the republic. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). Over de Sulla-receptie in de Nieuwe Tijd, zie: Een overzicht van de receptiegeschiedenis vindt men in: P. von Möllendorff - A. Simonis - L. Simonis, Lex Pompeia Licinia de tribunicia potestate, Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, https://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Portaal:Oudheid/werkplaats/Lucius_Cornelius_Sulla_Felix&oldid=57647546, Dit artikel of een eerdere versie ervan is een (gedeeltelijke) vertaling van het artikel. He early showed a taste for luxury and aspired to a political career, which he began in 107 bce, under the command of Gaius Marius, as a quaestor (financial magistrate) in Africa in the war against King Jugurtha of the Numidians. He left behind two children by Metella and a posthumous daughter by his fifth wife, Valeria. By his marriage—his fourth—to Caecilia Metella, the widow of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, in 88 bce, he formed important alliances. Lucius Cornelius Sulla once again must put down populist revolts in Rome and restore order in Rome. Sulla was the son of a politically unimportant patrician family. At a meeting in 85 between Sulla and Mithradates at Dardanus on the Hellespont, the latter accepted a punitive treaty. Roman … Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Henceforth a private citizen, he continued to write his memoirs. a fost un general și om politic roman, care, ca dictator, prin încercările lui de a constitui o formă nouă de stat, a contribuit de fapt la destrămarea Republicii Romane.. Biografie. Omissions? Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. e. 78) konzervatív római politikus, hadvezér, a patrícius származású Cornelia gens tagja volt. Er heiratete um 90 mit Cloelia . Take advantage of our Presidents' Day bonus! ; kurz Sulla, manchmal auch Sylla oder Silla geschrieben) war ein römischer Politiker, Feldherr und Diktator in der Spätphase der Republik.. Korruption sowie Konflikte um die Landverteilung und das Bürgerrecht hatten die römische Republik in einen Zustand innerer Gewalt geführt. [...] Homme d'État attaché aux valeurs traditionnelles qui ont fait la grandeur de la Cité, il tente de désarmer ceux qui veulent la guerre à outrance. Eventually, Boc… But … Toen hij jong was was Sulla erg arm, zijn vader dronk te veel wijn volgen Romeinse bronnen. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Er ist verstorben im Jahr 78 in Puteoli. – 78 v.Chr. In 88 Sulla set off for Greece in charge of the war against Mithradates. The state was reorganized and the new legislation enacted in 81, at the start of which year (January 27–28) Sulla celebrated his victory over Mithradates. Et lorsqu'il a acquis la victoire définitive, il exerce un pouvoir absolu, probablement d'une façon moins s… Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (* um 138 v. Lucius Cornelius Sulla (ca. Sulla, in full Lucius Cornelius Sulla or later Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, (born 138 bce —died 79 bce, Puteoli [Pozzuoli, near Naples, Italy]), victor in the first full-scale civil war in Roman history (88–82 bce) and subsequently dictator (82–79), who carried out notable constitutional reforms in an attempt to strengthen the Roman Republic during the last century of its existence. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix wurde geboren im Jahr 138, Sohn von Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Uitspraakgids: Leer hoe je Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix uitspreekt in het Latijn met een moedertaaluitspraak. Sulla was born into an impoverished patrician family. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Leginkább Caius Marius elleni polgárháborújáról és véres dictaturájáról ismert. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Because Sulla recognized that he was lucky in his accomplishments, he added 'Felix', meaning the fortunate one, to the end of his name, Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Synonyms for Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix in Free Thesaurus. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix Engelse vertaling. Lucius Cornelius Sulla in der antiken Erinnerung: Jener Mörder, der sich Felix nannte (Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies 60) (German Edition) eBook: Eckert, Alexandra: Amazon.nl: Kindle Store Er heiratete um 80 mit Valeria Messala , Sie bekamen ein einziges Kind.. Er heiratete im Jahr 88 mit Caecilia Metella Dalmatica , sie bekamen 3 Kinder. ; † 78 v. View the profiles of people named Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix. Sulla. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix entstammte einer wenig bedeutenden Patrizierfamilie.Weithin bekannt wurde er, als er 105 v. Chr. But he was mistaken about the significance of his reforms: he was a temporary dictator because he wanted no one else who might follow him to become a dictator for life; yet by his example he unwittingly paved the way for Julius Caesar. Order was restored in Asia and Greece, and Mithradates became a vassal of the Romans again. ; died 78 B.C. Lucius Cornelius Sullæ Felix (c. 138 BC – 78 BC), known commonly as Sulla, was a Roman general and statesman. The classical writers of Sulla’s time or shortly thereafter found it difficult to form an opinion of him; they noted the discrepancy of the Sulla “who follows up good beginnings with evil deeds.” Generally their attitude was a negative one, with references to despotism, slavery, cruelty, and inhumanity, and the absence of any principle of good government. Chr. Sulla was the exponent of a decadent patriciate that tried everything in its power to save itself by instituting reforms that, while not without democratic aspects, lacked inner vitality. Active to his very last days, Sulla was struck down by a fever in the spring of 78. Chr. Sulla was appointed dictator under the Lex Valeria (Valerian law), which vested constituent, legislative, military, and judicial power in him, without, however, for the first time in Rome’s history, limiting the duration of his dictatorship. At the beginning of 79, Sulla resigned and withdrew to the neighbourhood of Puteoli in Campania. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix , known commonly as Sulla, was a Roman general and statesman. [3] Felix was the son of Sulla Felix, a member of the Arval Brethren who died in AD 21, thus a direct descendent of the famed statesman Lucius Cornelius Sulla. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Sulla, UNRV History - Biography of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Toen ze jong stierf zonder kinderen erfde Sulla al haar geld en ook haar huis kreeg hij na haar moeders overlijden. Hij is getrouwd met Caecilia Metella Dalmatica, ze kregen 1 kind. Lucius Cornelius Sulla (ka Sulla Felix 'Sulla Õnnelik'; mõnikord kirjutatakse kujul Sylla; 138 eKr – 78 eKr) oli Vana-Rooma riigimees ja väejuht. Deze informatie is onderdeel van van op Genealogie Online. Sulla raised and ably led a cavalry contingent during the Numidian campaign, during which he won great popularity within the ranks for sharing the common legionary’s hardships. Professor of Greek and Latin Grammar, University of Genoa. Sulla, in full Lucius Cornelius Sulla or later Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, (born 138 bce—died 79 bce, Puteoli [Pozzuoli, near Naples, Italy]), victor in the first full-scale civil war in Roman history (88–82 bce) and subsequently dictator (82–79), who carried out notable constitutional reforms in an attempt to strengthen the Roman Republic during the last century of its existence. Lucius Cornelius Sulla , later Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix genoemd,[2] was een Romeins politicus, veldheer en dictator ten tijde van de Late Romeinse Republiek. The Roman military and political leader Sulla "Felix" (138-78 B.C.E.) Sulla, Lucius Cornelius Born 138 B.C. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (Róma, Kr.