Casa Musicale Sonzogno di Piero Ostali di Milano. The latter has remained in opera house repertories because of its loving, … Werther 'Drame lyrique' in four acts and five tableaux by Jules Massenet (1842 - 1912) Libretto by Edouard Blau, Paul Millet and Georges Hartmann after Goethe First performance in Viena, Hofoper, 16 February 1892 Note: All items cited here that are located on Emily Ezust's Lieder Page are linked from here to that main page rather than to the specific link. Werther : melodramma tragico in tre atti U.S. RISM Libretto Project. List Werther est un drame lyrique en quatre actes et cinq tableaux de Jules Massenet, sur un livret d'Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet et Georges Hartmann inspiré du roman épistolaire de Goethe, Les Souffrances du jeune Werther.Créé à Vienne le 16 février 1892 dans une traduction allemande de Max Kalbeck [1], puis dans sa langue originale à Genève le 27 décembre 1892 [2], il est … Werther is een opera in vier bedrijven van Jules Massenet op een Frans libretto van Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet en Georges Hartmann gebaseerd op de Duitse roman Die Leiden des jungen Werthers van Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.. De opera van Massenet veroorzaakte grote ophef in Wenen, omdat er ten opzichte van de roman van Goethe zo veel veranderd was in het verhaal. Werther (Libretto) The libretto for Werther, written in French by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hartmann (who used the pseudonym Henri Grémont) for the opera by Jules Massenet. Edouard Blau, Paul Milliet und Georges Hartmann nach Goethes Die Leiden des jungen Werther Premiere. La diretta resterà disponibile online fino alle ore 24 di sabato 14 novembre. Despite it being July, Bailiff, who is widowed, is busy teaching his children a Christmas carol in their garden. Misc. Werther ist eine Oper („Drame lyrique“) in vier Akten und fünf Bildern von Jules Massenet, die am 16.Februar 1892 in der deutschen Fassung von Max Kalbeck an der Wiener Hofoper uraufgeführt wurde. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on In opera: Later opera in France. They are watched by their neighbors, Schmidt and Johann, who find it very amusing. It is loosely based on the German epistolary novel The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, which was based both on fact and on Goethe's own early life.Earlier examples of … Werther, capolavoro di Jules Massenet che sarebbe stato al Fraschini a metà novembre, sarà trasmesso in live streaming gratuitamente (dal Teatro Grande di Brescia) dalle 20.30 del 12 novembre su 8 people found this helpful. Jules Massenet Werther Drame lyrique en quatre actes et cinq tableaux Libretto von Édouard (d.i. Non poche sono le libertà, sicuramente decise d’intesa con il compositore, prese nei confronti dell’originale di Goethe, le più importanti delle quali riguardano il … 16 February 1892, Vienna (Hofoper) Cast. Goethe’s novel Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers (The Sorrows of Young Werther) was a sensation when it appeared in 1774. Werther Dramma lirico in quattro atti Musica: Jules Massenet (1842 - 1912) Libretto: Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet e Georges Hartmann da Die Leiden des jungen Werthers di Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Ruoli: Charlotte, una giovane donna (mezzosoprano) Sophie, sua sorella (soprano) Werther, un giovane poeta (tenore) Includes English translation. Massenet, including Manon (1884) and Werther (1892; libretto derived from Goethe’s Leiden des jungen Werthers; “The Sorrows of Young Werther”), were phenomenally popular in their day, as was Gustave Charpentier’s Louise (1900; libretto by the composer). In some cases also texts of other vocal pieces similar to operas are included. The title role is entrusted to Francesco Demuro, an internationally renowned tenor, guest of major theaters, from the Metropolitan of New York to the Paris Opera. Musica di G. Massenet Milano Casa Musicale Sonzogno Via Pasquirolo N. 12 (c) 1892 Heugel e C. -- Parigi. Werther, by Jules Massenet, Lyrical drama in four acts and five pictures Libretto by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hartmann after the letter novel The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Cast: Werther: , Albert: , Le Bailli: , Charlotte: , Sophie: , : Kinderchor der Oper Stuttgart, Musiker*innen des Staatsorchesters Stuttgart, Musical Direction: Marc … Jules Massenet's 'Werther' Massenet's Werther is thrilling, tuneful, and one of the saddest operas ever composed — it ends with a suicide on Christmas Eve. Setting of Werther: Massenet's Werther takes place in Wetzlar, Germany in the early 1780s. Werther, ACT 1. Jules Massenet. Quest’edizione contiene il romanzo “I dolori del giovane Werther” e la traduzione in lingua italiana del libretto dell’opera di Jules Massenet, “Werther”, tratto dal romanzo di Goethe. versi di E. Blau, P. Milliet e G. Hartmann ; versione ritmica di G. Tergioni-Tozzetti e G. Menasci ; musica di G. Massenet. Musica di Jules Massenet. Paperback: 40 pages Publisher: G. Schirmer, Inc. (2013) Dimensions: 6.8” W x 0.1” D x 10.5” H WERTHER. "Great Performances at the Met" Massenet: Werther (TV Episode 2014) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Drame lyrique in quattro atti su libretto di Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet e Georges Hartmann. Libretto. WERTHER (tenor) CHARLOTTE (mezzo-soprano) ALBERT (baritone) LE BAILLI (bass) SCHMIDT (tenor) JOHANN (baritone) SOPHIE (soprano) BRUHLMANN (tenor) KATCHEN (sopran) Act I … Werther is an opera (drame lyrique) in four acts by Jules Massenet to a French libretto by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hartmann (who used the pseudonym Henri Grémont). Werther Drame lyrique in four acts Libretto. Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet und Georges Hartmann schrieben das Libretto nach dem Briefroman Die Leiden des jungen Werthers von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Edouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hartmann, based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s novel Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (The Sorrows of Young Werther) Sung in French with projected English translations. Jules Massenet, Werther by Klaus Schultz, 1978, Bayerische Staatsoper edition, in German / Deutsch Check out Massenet: Werther by José Carreras & Frederica von Stade & Isobel Buchanan & Sir Thomas Allen & Robert Lloyd & Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Sir Colin Davis on Amazon Music. Orchestrazione di Petter Ekman. Read more. Jules Massenet Werther GENERAL MANAGER Peter Gelb MUSIC DIRECTOR James Levine PRINCIPAL CONDUCTOR Fabio Luisi Libretto by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet, and Georges Hartmann, based on the novel Die Leiden des jungen Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Saturday, March 15, 2014, 1:00–3:40 pm New Production Last time this season Directed by Claus Viller. It would be more efficient to check her page regularly for newly added song composers and songs rather than to check here. Music / Jules Massenet (1842-1912) Libretto / Edouard Blau, Paul Milliet og Georges Hartmann, basee on Goethe’s novel «The sorrows of young Werther» Norwegian translation / Per E. Fosser Conductor / Frédéric Chaslin Stage director and designer / Antony McDonald Choirmaster / Håkon Matti Skrede Concertmaster / Melina Mandozzi Per il libretto Massenet e l’editore Hartmann si rivolsero a Paul Milliet, affiancato dal fido Edouard Blau. Stream review of Werther (Jules Massenet, Libretto by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hautmann, based on the novella by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) from Met Opera on Demand at Metropolitan Opera House, New York - reviewer: Robert Tanitch They are ordered by composer and name of the opera. PERSONAGGI Werther Alberto Il Potesta Schmidt Johann Bruthmann Carlotta Sofia Katchen In some cases we have included scores of operatic works, mainly for most important works, or if a libretto was not available. Stanislas Viateur) Blau, Georges Hartmann und Paul Milliet Uraufführung: 16.02.1892, Hofoper, Wien Personnages Werther Albert Le Bailli Schmidt Johann Brulhmann Charlotte Sophie Kathchen Les Enfants (six): Fritz, Max, Hans, Karl, Gretel, Clara Notes The plates for this edition were likely engraved by G. Hartmann at the time of the opera's composition (ca.1887) but were not used until following the premiere of the opera in 1892, by which time the Hartmann catalog had been acquired by Heugel.The existing plates were used in the first edition printing, without being issued a new plate number by Heugel. Composto più per soddisfare una propria esigenza interiore . Jules Massenet Werther In Focus Premiere: Hofoper, Vienna, 1892 One of opera’s greatest depictions of impossible love, Werther is based on one of the most influential masterpieces of European literature. che per compiacere le richieste di un pubblico e di una critica diventati sempre più esigenti dopo i successi di Manon e Hérodiade, Werther è forse il capolavoro di Jules Massenet, sicuramente la sua partitura meno ‘convenzionale’ e meno costretta entro schemi rigidi e prefissati. Copy has handwritten notes on cover, legal notice--p. 2; "Argomento"--p. 3-4. Werther è un dramma lirico in quattro atti di Jules Massenet su libretto in francese di Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet e Georges Hartmann, tratto dal romanzo epistolare I dolori del giovane Werther di Goethe Storia. Werther es una ópera en cuatro actos con música de Jules Massenet y libreto en francés de Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet y Georges Hartmann, basada en la novela epistolar Los sufrimientos del joven Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werthers), de Goethe.. Es uno de los papeles capitales para la tesitura de tenor y uno de los más difíciles; se lo llama "El Tristán francés" como … Dal romanzo epistolare I dolori del giovane Werther di Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. MASSENET - Werther - Music ... Be warned that the libretto is in French only, so unless you know the opera very well or are fluent in French, this should not be your only recording of this opera that some feel is Massenet's best. With Philippe Jordan, Marcelo Álvarez, Adrian Eröd, Alfred Sramek. Several of Massenet's operas were premiered by the Opéra-Comique in Paris, first at the second Salle Favart (Favart 2), followed by the Théâtre Lyrique on the Place du Châtelet (Lyrique), and then the third Salle Favart (Favart 3).. This is a complete list of operas by the French composer Jules Massenet (1842–1912). The Story of Werther. Versione ritmica di G. Targioni-Tozzetti e G. Menasci. WERTHER: dramma lirico in tre atti e cinque quadri Versi di E. Blau, P. Milliet e G. Hartmann. Massenet’s Werther is the result of a new co-production between Opera Lombardia and Modena, Reggio Emilia, Ferrara and Pisa theaters. This is an index of libretto pages in the Internet known to me.