He met Arthur and Merlin when the two of them fought in a tavern brawl, commenting in the aftermath that he had joined the fight because he liked the odds. Kara was put on trial before Arthur and the court, where she proudly admitted her role in the Saxon attack, her loyalty to Morgana and her desire to help Morgana in destroying Camelot and Arthur as revenge for how the Pendragon rule had persecuted many of Kara's loved ones. Agravaine kept his cover as a seemingly loyal kinsman to Arthur until the penultimate episode, "The Sword and the Stone, Part One", when he cleared the way for Morgana and the warlord, Helios, to invade Camelot, even joining in the fighting during the battle. It is revealed in "The Last Dragonlord" that she cared for the fugitive dragonlord Balinor, who turns out to be Merlin's father. Gaius and Gwen help Merlin regain control, and he then goes to Morgana's hovel disguised as Dragoon to destroy the enchantment, defeating Morgana in a magical duel. After helping Merlin recover, the Dragon consoled him about Morgana's defection. He even carved a wooden dragon and left it beside Merlin for him to find. After Arthur's death by Mordred a grief-stricken Leon proclaimed Guinevere the new queen. Morgana was outraged that Uther did not tell her that he was her father by the adulterous relationship. Merlin intervened by heating the dagger in Aredian's hand and in the ensuing scuffle, Aredian fell out of a glass window from a high tower to his death. Geoffrey of Monmouth (portrayed by Michael Cronin) is Uther's court genealogist, keeper of Camelot's Library and an old friend to Gaius. In the second-season premiere, "The Curse of Cornelius Sigan", it was revealed that he was executed for his use of evil magic. Camelot soon falls to Morgana as the sorceress takes the throne once more, forcing Arthur and Merlin to flee her clutches. After Camelot was Uther's again, Arthur trusted his four new knights (and Leon) on every mission he went on. On more than one occasion in "The Hunter's Heart", he even threatened to send Merlin to join Gwen in exile. Arthur did not remain regent of Camelot long after this when Uther was struck down by an assassin trying to kill Arthur in "The Wicked Day". In recognition of his bravery, Arthur knighted Percival as a knight of Camelot despite his lack of noble birth. In the first-season episode, "The Gates of Avalon", he and his daughter, Sophia, seek to return to Avalon, the land of eternal youth, after they were banished to Camelot to live as humans as punishment for Aulfric killing another Sidhe. He is left for dead by Morgause shortly afterwards, but is rescued by the Great Dragon, and learns Morgana is now his nemesis. Merlin (TV Series 2008–2012) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. In the Netflix series Cursed, Merlin is played by Gustaf Skarsgård. Throughout the fourth season, Agravaine influenced Arthur heavily in matters of state, even encouraging the young king to go against his own instincts and wishes, such as killing the king of another kingdom who had been raiding inside Camelot's borders and distancing himself from Gwen in the episode, "His Father's Son". Uther reveals to Gaius in secret that Morgana is in fact Uther's daughter; when Gorlois was away in battle, his wife Vivienne grew lonely which led to an affair between her and Uther, the product being Morgana. Gwen restores his confidence by telling Arthur he has a good heart and shouldn't change for anybody. Lancelot's life after leaving Camelot was not an easy one, and he was forced to sell his sword skills for the entertainment of others. Merlin later returns to her when their village is attacked by raiders. From then on, Merlin continually thwarts Morgana's schemes, even devising an alter-ego "Dragoon the Great" to save Guinevere from accusations of seducing Arthur with magic. … However, the fortress is soon alerted to the presence of an intruder, and the pair confront the unarmed king in the fortress. The dying king tells Merlin that he is thankful for everything he has done — something which Arthur had never said before. In the episode, "Love in the Time of Dragons", it was revealed that she and Gaius were more than very close friends before the Great Purge due to their shared interests, and were even engaged to be married. It was left uncertain as to Cedric's ultimate fate. At the start Morgana describes Gwen as "the most kind and loyal person you would ever meet". Gaius tells Merlin she suffers from nightmares, and the young warlock often brought her the physician's latest sleeping draught. However, the spell cast begins to kill Merlin's mother instead. She instructs Agravaine to help her find and destroy Emrys. The four eventually made it to Ealdor, where Arthur was treated for his wounds and had a brief moment of reconciliation with Gwen, who had since come to stay with Merlin's mother, Hunith. Towards the end of Series 2, Gwen and Arthur became slightly more comfortable around each other in public places. Gwen accepted this, but also realises that she cannot be Arthur's queen. Helios abducts an exiled Gwen, and unbeknownst of her connections with Arthur and Camelot, keeps her as his own. Now, more crazed than ever to kill Arthur, Morgana travels to the Lake of Avalon after learning that Merlin is attempting to save Arthur there. Morgana finally corners Gwen and uses her magic to transform Gwen into a deer, as Arthur is hunting in the woods and will kill Gwen unknowingly on sight. Alator realises from Gaius' words that Merlin is destined to unite the lands of Albion and bring peace to all those with magic and that Morgana is only destined to bring about darkness and tyranny to the land. It is also shown that Mordred's magic is powerful enough to kill four or five armed soldiers with a single spell. King Arthur is poisoned by a mysterious culprit and Gwen tells Camelot that Merlin is responsible. He casually asked about it, and Arthur stated that the bracelet was the token of someone dear to him, but Grettir did not set him straight and laughed before disappearing. However, Morgana becomes Queen of Camelot when Morgause creates an immortal army using the "Cup of Life" with her ally Cenred. Anhora later stated that when Arthur showed true remorse for killing the unicorn, proving himself pure of heart, the unicorn that had been killed at the start of the episode was given the chance to live again. She told him that he was just like Uther, but Arthur retaliated by saying that she was too, which visibly angered her. As Gwaine helped Arthur face the monsters in the kingdom, Merlin confronted the Fisher King prior to his death, Arthur subsequently claiming the King's trident. It emerged that Sophia and Aulfric were Sidhe, magical creatures exiled from the land of eternal life and condemned to live as humans as penalty for Aulfric murdering another Sidhe. Merlin and the others find a village which was slaughtered on the outskirts of Queen Annis's kingdom. In truth, 'Sir William' is really a farmer from one of the outer villages. When Merlin used magic to spear a wild boar that attacked Arthur during a hunt, Cedric took credit for the kill and was rewarded with a position in the royal household. But then they were attacked by some Saxons. King Rodor (Portrayed by James Fox) is Princess Mithian's father. He is also the first of the "Knights of the Round Table" that is shown in the series. He survives the battle, and is subsequently seen with the others dressed as a true knight of Camelot. Morgana, it transpires, has been mortally wounded in the battle and escapes the castle. In the first season, Arthur began as a spoiled bully, shown throwing knives at a terrified servant, and picking a fight with Merlin on multiple occasions just for a laugh. Many people died as a result of Morgana and Morgause's actions, including Lancelot, who also acted as a willing sacrifice to seal the Dorocha away again. Morgana then sent Lancelot one final order via Agravaine - to kill himself, so that he would never reveal the plot to Arthur or anyone else. When Arthur and his group were reunited with Gwen and Leon and rescued by Lancelot and his friend, Percival, they retreated to a castle once owned by the old kings of Camelot. Morgana used magic to break his neck, and the noble priest died. When Arthur came to her unarmed, she allowed him, despite her grief, to negotiate a single-combat match and leave her camp unharmed, thus sparing many lives on both sides. Just as Morgana is about to kill Gwen, Merlin uses his magic to cause the ceiling to collapse, blasting Morgana unconscious. In the fourth season, Elyan continued to serve as a knight of Camelot, and seemed to have developed an especially close friendship with Percival. But Merlin attempted to convince Gilli to withdraw from the tournament before anyone got hurt. His final words swore vengeance on Uther. Morgana cares so much for Aithusa to the point where she willingly let Sarrum imprison her to prevent harm from coming to Aithusa. In the episode "Lancelot du Lac", Morgana brings Lancelot back from the dead when she hears that Arthur intends to marry Gwen. This activity led him to come into contact again with Guinevere, who had been abducted by the henchmen of the warlord Hengist in the second series episode "Lancelot and Guinevere". Merlin Cast: Where Are They Now? He held the two of them for two years in an abandoned and long dried up well causing damage to both of their minds and also physically stunting the white dragon's growth. ... As the forces of fate cast a shadow over Camelot, Merlin must confront his darkest fears. He also inquired as to the whereabouts of Magic and Strength, demonstrating some element of foresight as these were later shown to be Merlin and Gwaine respectively. Sigan then left Cedric's body and attempted to possess Merlin's, but was then trapped back in the jewel that had been his previous prison. Central to this retelling is a young Lady of the Lake, played by Katherine Langford. In the series 4 episode The Wicked Day, Uther protects Arthur from an assassin (hired by Odin) by placing himself between his son and the assassin's knife. When Merlin was injured protecting Arthur, he volunteered to take the wounded man back to Camelot while Arthur and the others continued with the quest. Some time later whilst Camelot flourishes in peace, Morgana and Aithusa are imprisoned by the Sarrum, a warlord who is dedicated to wiping out magic. Their efforts would ultimately come to nothing. Elyan was one of the four subsequently knighted in recognition of his loyalty to Camelot, despite his lack of noble birth. Merlin prevented them both from finishing the sacrifice and killing Arthur, using Sophia's discarded magical staff to kill both Aulfric and his daughter. Arthur Pendragon (portrayed by Bradley James) was the king of Camelot and formerly the prince. Guinevere ("Gwen"; portrayed by Angel Coulby) enters the story as Morgana's personal servant, and eventually becomes the Queen of Camelot. Hiding Freya in the catacombs, Merlin brought her food and told her about his magic, the two being drawn together due to Merlin's relief at having someone who understood him and Freya's gratitude at meeting someone who did not consider her a monster. After killing Agravaine, Merlin visits the Dragon for help in assisting Arthur (devastated after the betrayal of Agravaine) in proving to himself that he can be the king that Camelot so desperately needs. Given that Merlin made up the name on the spot, there is speculation that he based it on a variation of "The Great Dragon" (Kilgarrah). Merlin. The Dolma!". 9. However, Merlin quickly discovers she is now in league with Morgause to have Uther and Arthur killed, only returning to Camelot as a spy. In the second-season episode, "The Nightmare Begins", he, with the assistance of Mordred, rescued Morgana from a group of serkets, and later healed the injury she sustained from one of the creatures. He doubted his destiny, saying that he was only good at wielding a sword and was a terrible king. George (portrayed by Leander Deeny) is a servant in Camelot. As Arthur and Merlin returned to Camelot, Gwaine parted company from them on the land's borders in accordance with Uther's decree, Arthur apologising to Gwaine about Uther's ruling even as Gwaine assured him that he understood. Morgana Pendragon (portrayed by Katie McGrath) is the heretofore unknown daughter of Uther Pendragon and Vivianne- the wife of his close friend and leading military commander, Gorlois; she is the half-sister of Arthur Pendragon and Morgause. This included slaughtering the dragons until only the Great Dragon is left as a prisoner beneath the castle. Anhora (portrayed by Frank Finlay) is the guardian of the unicorns. Merlin. Teenaged Merlin becoming Arthur’s manservant as punishment is not only highly amusing, but also a much-welcomed fresh take on the already-beloved story. Merlin: Colin Morgan, Angel Coulby, Bradley James (II), Katie McGrath, Richard Wilson (III), Anthony Stewart Head, Nickolas Grace, Robert Addie Merlin - Cast, Crew and Credits - TV.com … In "The Poisoned Chalice", Bayard and many of his knights visited Camelot with the intention of signing a peace treaty with Uther. Later in the season, the mysterious Morgause arrives in Camelot- her arrival is feared by both Uther and Gaius. Kilgharrah says that the destiny of Albion and Arthur lies only in Merlin's hands, inspiring him to have Arthur draw Excalibur from the stone. Olaf challenges Arthur to a fight to the death when he and Uther discover Arthur and Vivian kissing. Merlin was eventually able to destroy the creature and the gargoyles, revealing himself as a sorcerer to Sigan. The show will air on BBC One for the … Merlin's first encounter with Morgana has her put him under her thrall to kill Arthur. Arthur offered Kara a reprieve from her death sentence at Merlin's urging if she repented her crimes, but she was blinded by her beliefs and saw Arthur as no better than Uther. Disguised as an old woman, she met with Morgana to discuss Arthur's coming of age quest. Mordred finally turns against Camelot when the girl he loves is executed for trying to kill Arthur. The cast of Merlin still meet up as BBC drama gets “new lease of life” thanks to Netflix. Thus, the Great Dragon's prophecy of Mordred and Morgana 'uniting in evil' finally comes to pass. including a twin named Merlin, and has been dating Daisy Ridley since 2017. In the present day, Merlin is shown to be still alive and waiting for Arthur to rise. As such, he finds George very irritating. By the end of the season, though, Arthur decided to throw caution to the wind, even kissing her in front of others on more than one occasion in "The Coming of Arthur, Part Two". In the episode, Alice returned to Camelot, supposedly hoping to see Gaius again. The obvious bond that had grown between Lancelot and Gwen caused some jealousy from Arthur, who was also developing feelings for her. Arthur reaches his hand to touch Merlin's hair, knowing it is the last time he ever will. Apart from Merlin at times, Gwen seems to be one of the few people who Arthur respects the opinion of. He returns at the beginning of the fourth season to help Merlin fight the Dorocha spirits released by Morgana. Netflix Netflix. In the battle Mordred succeeds in wounding Arthur, however Arthur then stabs him dead. He had a brief alliance with Morgana. Gwen continues to be charmed and impressed by the changing nature of Arthur as the series continues, witnessing him blatantly defy his father's orders when told to impose unnecessary taxes. De serie is geïnspireerd op de legende van Koning Arthur en gaat over de vriendschap tussen tovenaar Merlijn en Prins Arthur. Once free from the Sidhe's influence, Elena was still willing to go through with marrying Arthur, for the sake of her father's wishes, but when Arthur asked if she was genuinely in love with him, she confirmed that she was not. However, his use of magic was revealed by Merlin and Arthur killed Knight Valiant in the finale of the tournament. Percival was one of Uther's target's when Uther was a spirit, taking vengeance on Arthur's 'bad choices'. His fabulous wealth was buried with him and was later discovered during an excavation ordered by Uther. Elyan came with them. Shortly thereafter, Arthur truly forgave Gwen for what had happened in "Lancelot du Lac" before finally marrying her and crowning her Queen of Camelot. He even sent a pixie, Gruinhilde, to serve as Elena's nurse and guard the Sidhe inside her. Although his actions did indeed prevent Arthur reaching the Lake of Avalon in time, peace was brought about when Merlin killed Morgana. Gwaine returned when Merlin sought his assistance when Arthur went on a quest to the realm of the Fisher King, Morgana having given Arthur an enchanted bracelet that would drain his life-energy and make him weak. Aulfric bargained with the Sidhe elders for Sophia to return, and they ordered that she sacrifice the soul of a mortal prince to appease the elders. He appeared to not care much about his kingdom as he was willing to leave it when he wanted more land. After two years in captivity, Morgana begins to lose her mind and she becomes mentally unstable as does a crippled Aithusa. Alice (portrayed by Pauline Collins) is a sorceress who lived in Camelot before the Great Purge, possessing a great natural power with a specialty for healing spells. However Arthur gives Gaius the Royal Seal, telling him to give it to Guinevere as he hopes she will succeed him. The fate of the real Catrina was left uncertain, although Uther stated in "Beauty and the Beast, Part One" that her city was devastated by invaders. Arthur also spent part of the third season being targeted for assassination at Morgana's hands. In the second-season premiere, "The Curse of Cornelius Sigan", Cedric sought to gain access to Arthur's personal rooms in order to steal the keys to an underground burial chamber where a great treasure had been discovered. Unfortunately Agravaine found them so Arthur could no longer remain in Ealdor. Note: All characters are listed in alphabetical order by their first name. Ruadan (Portrayed by Liam Cunningham) was a Druid leader who owned the fortress of Izmir. Anhora set a variety of 'tests' for the prince, the second of which Arthur failed when he 'killed' a thief for insulting his pride and honour. James was perfectly cast as the good-hearted but arrogant Prince - later King - of Camelot and he's put that screen charisma (and those razor-sharp cheekbones) to good use since Merlin ended. Gradually, he develops a close bond with his servant Merlin and makes him his trusted confidant. When the Tier finds this out, Gwen stabs and kills him. They hid in a series of caves and, unbeknownst to Arthur, Merlin killed Agravaine at that time. Grettir (portrayed by Warwick Davis) Along the way, Merlin was struck by one of the spirits after he threw himself in front of Arthur, and Arthur was visibly relieved when Merlin miraculously survived. Tom (portrayed by David Durham) was the father of Guinevere and Elyan. With Gwaine having been injured in the fight, Arthur had him brought to Camelot to treat his wounds. Netflix has a bit of form when it comes to movies about wine - last year’s Wine Country was easy-watching and a whole lot of fun – and Uncorked is another delectable little number. Excalibur was the only weapon that could kill the immortal army of Morgana and Morgause's doing. In the fourth-season finale, "The Sword in the Stone, Part Two", Agravaine was chased into a series of caves by Kilgharrah. Netflix Netflix. JOIN NOW SIGN IN. Merlin, Arthur, and a patrol of knights are heading to Ismere, where Morgana has been capturing patrols of knights to help her find the diamere - a key to all knowledge which will help her learn of 'Arthur's Bane'. He said he couldn't find where they were, but he guessed that they would be in Ruadan's castle. He urged her to leave him behind while he fought them off and Gwen ran, though not before swearing to him that her feelings for him "would never fade". Merlin was wounded while saving Finna from Morgana and reluctantly leaves her so that Morgana would not see him before Finna's death. Several years before, he fought in the Battle of Denaria and survived which implies that he was skilled in battle. He laughs in shock and tries to deceive Merlin with words of praise so he can stab him, but Merlin sees through the ruse and kills Agravaine with a second attack. She turned out to be working for Morgana, and was soon executed - to the obvious pain of Gwaine. Arthur explains at the end of the episode that his father would never approve of their relationship, something which Gwen understands. Percival caught Guinevere when she was sneaking out to meet Morgana, but when she said she was going to the town because it reminded her of her brother, Percival showed sympathy and promised not to tell anyone that she had been gone. At Morgana's orders, Mithian unwillingly lures Arthur on a mission to rescue her imprisoned father, however Morgana is thwarted once more when Arthur manages to rescue Rodor and Odin forms an alliance with Arthur. She stripped him of his crown and throne, and then directed Morgana's coronation after her sister revealed her knowledge of her true parentage. Mad with grief, Uther convinced himself Nimueh knew the enchantment would kill his wife, and began the Great Purge to destroy all magic in the world. He also appears to be very formal, a state of affairs Arthur is not used to from Merlin. They share a kiss when it seems Lancelot will not return from fighting the bandits. Merlin put her body on a boat and gave her a Viking-like funeral, clearly mourning his inability to save her. Although his magical abilities are limited when compared to Merlin's, his greater experience is nevertheless of great benefit to Merlin, as he learns how to control and refine his abilities, while his knowledge of other such topics as mythology and medicine commonly provide Merlin and his friends with vital information in dealing with the current threat. It is Arthur's victory that sees Annis end her alliance with Morgana, who is accused of being more like Uther than she would like to think herself not to be. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Edwin attacked Merlin then, but was defeated when Merlin magically returned an axe Edwin had thrown at him, hitting him in the head. The book-turned-series makes her …