It is superior, in my opinion, to anything else offered by NAA. More bang than a 380 at close range and intimidatingly loud for its size. × Was surprised at the accuracy with such a short barrel. This handgun is very reliable and dependable to place your shot where you want it. Of course, this construction is rather bulky, and its frontal view really seems like the bottom of the pepperbox with numerous holes. This Pug doesn’t have a trigger guard as none is needed. These are NOT considered weapons or firearms by the U.S. ATF. Shopping with us is absolutely safe - you never have to worry about credit card safety when shopping here... Share your latest AR build or photos from the range with #RangeDayFriday for a chance to win a new firearm! I’VE OWNED THE 22 MAGNUM “PUG” FOR APPROX. This .22 Magnum is a last-ditch effort in defense. So we went through the mechanics of the gun as well as how to hold it. No one wants to get shot. But a 3” grouping at 5 yds is easily attainable, just be cautious with your first use as the gun wants to jump behind you somewhere, and there isn’t much to hang on to. Cock the hammer, press the trigger and the revolver fires. I was a detective at the Valley County Sheriff’s Department in Idaho. My Black Widow model came with both 22lr and .22 mag cylinders. 9mm. While the caliber isn’t noted for effectiveness, the mini revolver is a good backup and offers some protection when nothing else may be worn. It is, as mentioned by the other commentators, a very good weapon for that ”close up and personal” moments in your life. It has been a wonderful little jewel that i carry with me anytime I’m out and about. If not, the hammer nose will rest on the primer section and the revolver may fire if dropped. Latest News from. So… I bought with great effort to find one a Wasp .22 mag! Easy to conceal . Its not as powerfull as my S&W 38spl, but it’s much lighter I have a NAA .22wmr with the .22lr cylinder fitted with a laser aiming device. The Ranger II is the latest, and perhaps the coolest, pistol in North American Arms’ mini-revolver line. €90 Gas Pistol ekol Firat Magnum PA92 black cal. Of course, that is enhanced by practice at the range or elsewhere. 15 Its an “up close and personal” weapon but I wouldn’t be without it. It will only fire if the hammer is cocked and the trigger pressed. My groups are noticeably better for the extra practice. 182 sold. The pistols are much more controllable with aftermarket grips. Massive improvements has been made from the V1, now it is more robust and hits harder than ever. While this is a rarity, the .22 Magnum is a powerful cartridge. The barrel is so short that fingers may come into contact with the muzzle! I prefer the Revision grips made by CVang. I gave my son in law a 1 5/8″ Mini 22 Magnum for killing Copperheads on their property. Then I decided I needed the magnum so I got it and carried it for years. I always keep it in my pocket just in case my main carry semi auto pistol fails me. The revolver may slip and the muzzle goes upwards if you do not have a good, solid firing grip. Safe shooting you all. For safety, when handling this revolver, be certain you keep your fingers away from the muzzle. Stocks, Combs & Cheek Pads. Finally, the revolver features some of the best sights I have seen on a small handgun. North American Arms Folding Grip/Holster for the 22 Magnum Mini Revolver - GHG-M. $36.96. Sure it is more expensive than the inexpensive small automatics, but it is reliable and well made. $149.00. I did find that I did better if I used my middle finger on the trigger and my index finger over the top to keep it from trying to jump out of my hand. A major advantage to the NAA revolvers in California is that they are actually legal to buy. All stainless steel construction. All in all. I too, have been an owner of North American Arms mini handguns. I was able to qualify on a 40 round course out to 15 yards. I begged the gun dealer to let the pistol sell as I could not afford both the pistol and the belt. It is a top-break design, making it significantly easier to reload than the original NAA mini-revolvers. Building on Colt’s Snake Gun legacy, the legendary double-action revolver returns in stainless steel in 4.25” and 6” barrel lengths. I will agree that I would never try to fire this at much distance, but I disagree with the light recoil (22 mag). What a great look ! Once there, you can verify that the Ruger ® firearm you seek is available through that retailer and order it, subject to all federal, state and local laws.. CBS News. That is customer service! SOLD OUT - XYTHOS-STYLE 6-Shot Revolver-Small Barrel-Wooden $199.90: SOLD OUT - Japan-Little Atom, Nickel Rifles-ALL NEW OLD STOCK $189.90: SOLD:RING GUN v2.0-Luxury Model-2mm Pinfire 8-Shot! With the many current accessories, it is versatile for many applications and is the standard by which other Mini-Revolvers are judged. It will be passed on from generation to generation and still perform flawlessly in a hundred years! I have carefully benchrested the revolver and managed to hit a man-sized target on a regular basis at a long 15 yards. When you load the revolver, be certain the hammer tip — the firing pin in reality — rests in the safety notch in the cylinder. I was impressed with the workman ship and price as the whole rig was under $100. 2150 South 950 East Provo, UT 84606. HP is more than suitable. GP100® : Standard Model 01788 44 Special - Double-Action Revolver Distributor Exclusive Bipods & Monopods Aim is now deadly. NAA 22LR Mini-Revolver 22LR 1.12" 5rd Rosewood Grip Stainless. The group isn’t impressive, but it is a group, not a pattern. So of course as a good husband I gave her mine. They specialize in all types of NAA holsters. Bottom line. Wir kaufen Waffen an z.B. The mini revolver has by and large replaced poor quality and unreliable .25 ACP semi-automatic pistols. Like above,, loaded up with bird shot its a wonderful rattlesnake weapon. I looked back just after he fired it and he was lying on his back flat on the ground. The North American Arms revolver is never seen in the gunsmith’s shop and the revolver seems to never go out of time. The NAA Pug features express-type sights intended for fast work at close range. My practice sessions are limited to 20 cartridges or so due to the slow loading process. Mine is old enough it does not have the hammer notches between shells so just carry it over a empty chamber. Used it that way for years. And now; my wife is licensed and wanted NAA revolver. This five-charge mini-revolver is called Pepperbox. IT’S FUN TO SHOOT AND HAVE FIRED THE GUN APPROX. and smaller for easy carry. The emphasis on quality is evident in both the revolver and the semi auto. Freedom Arms Revolvers For Sale 22lr . I went to hang up my coat, and it slipped off of the coat hook. Please click the reload button and complete the captcha once again. I further improved this handgun’s aim by adding a laser light to it. I’m a father of six and spent a good deal of the time out in the desert of Southern Arizona shooting as a family. Derringer Belt Gun Holster North American Arms 22 Mag Mini-Revolver Seecamp LWS3. The real advantage of the North American handguns is that they are well-made of good material and offer solid reliability. Home » Firearms » Review: North American Arms Mini Revolver. We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders. I have the same 1 5/8″ Mini and also the Black Widow and Mini Master. Slings & Swivels. 40 grain of powder in a 5 oz gun that is shorter than my index finger (pug) is a trick to control. Hornady Critical Defense ammo has been the best as far as my experience with it. Then, one day some years back, I found it, packed away, still in the original black velvet case and I called the company to see what it would take to get it fixed. Brand New. The internet came along and found a repair spring from NNA and fixed it. America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, Review: North American Arms Mini Revolver, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Never had to shoot anybody but several copperheads. Ive enjoyed shooting it and amazed how accurate it is up to 75ft. Traditional western-style, hand-filling grip has long been acknowledged as one of the most comfortable and natural-pointing of any grip style. The only problem I had with it was the hammer is prominent and sharp. The NAA .22 LR and .22 Magnum revolvers are affordable and useful. Used my NAA to run the course. Delivery within 14 days (Times may vary due to COVID-19). I recommend using the revolver as if you were giving the adversary a nasal inhaler. I really liked the look of the thing and I needed a small gun for snakes. Overall these are very well made small revolvers with great customer service if it is needed. What a great company I know someone who was patted down while carrying and the arm was not discovered. 15 YRS AND I LOVE THE GUN. (Sponsored) North American Arms introduces their newest mini-revolver - the Ranger II. The Mission of Cheaper Than Dirt! I carry the Black Widow most every day to take care of any rattlesnakes here in AZ. That is nasty business, but so is getting raped or murdered. In the end, anything is something and something is better than nothing! I own a NAA revolver i purchased seco d hand almost 30 years ago. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. While it is unlikely you would have time to reload in a close-range gunfight, the hinged frame makes for much easier range work. 06421/48075-00 - Fax 06421/48075-99 - Tell us what you thought in the comments section below! €75,20 Gas Pistol Blow CZ75 black cal. That is a neat and light package. Great little revolvers . Ever since the introduction of this little jewel, it has been immensely popular and well accepted. As one of the comments said, it is difficult to shoot well and has a tendency to rotate in the hand at discharge. C1ST does not meet with the minimum size prerequisites referring to the Factoring Criteria for Weapons ATF Form 4590. Around 1959, a pre-production run of around 120 guns were made. Gas Revolver Atak Zoraki R2 3 black cal. Agree with the article well made, very concealable, reliable. Especially if you’re the intended target and you don’t want verify if a mouse gun was indeed being used. Get our latest offers, products and exclusive materials, Our products are NOT considered weapons or firearms by the U.S. ATF, Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, Chicago Palm Pistol Mother of Pearl inlay, Gold Shotgun with Mediterranean Mother of Pearl Stock. For safe carry I like the holsters made by Desert Gun Leather here in Phoenix. Well I turned to help my other Children as he fired the other two rounds. The 2020 Python features modern stainless steel alloys and a re-designed rear sight. VDB, der Verband Deutscher Büchsenmacher und Waffenfachhändler e.V. Exceptional, different and progressive, Miniature Army is composing a whole new world of miniature replicas. Takedown of integrated subassemblies requires no special tools, allowing for easy maintenance and re-assembly. Its been a stow away gun, backup gun or general comforter for a long time. After hearing the shot, I would’ve lost that interest immediately! I’ve had a 22mag ported barrel PUG for a few yrs and I love it. Mr. Tschech, owner of Andres & Dworsky - a watch company, was an Austrian gun admirer and collector, and the first one to create the mini Xythos revolver we have today! ... Bei Waffen Ferkinghoff Kurzwaffen online kaufen - Pistolen, Revolver und Einzellader Herzlich Willkommen im Kurzwaffen Bereich des Online Shops... Freedom Arms Shoot Wouldn’t want to get in a gun fight with it but for quick intimidation it works for me. Vintage - Antique Austria TOY Pistol Mini Cap Gun. I sure do agree on the quality and excellent customer service comments. Laminated rosewood grips. Easy to carry in summer or winter, accurate enough for the job(practice, practice, practice), and a 22 mag. A good friend stitched up a front pocket holster for me.last year and now it goes with me everywhere. I had to go deep into the site to find the laser sight. When it hit the ground it discharged, fortunately into the wall and not into me! I have owned a NAA mini revolver for over 40 years, first the 22 and for the last 10 years or so the Black Widow 22 mag. In particular, the models 22 Long Rifle and the 22 Magnum Black Widow. Changing my grip fixed that. }. Sometimes for larger hands, this may be difficult. 's blog. (6) - North American Arms Mini Revolver Ankle Holster, Smooth, 1 1/8" Barrel HAS. The Revolver G2 by G.I Mods is the newest version of one of the most sought after mod of 2016 the Revolver V1. The grip is important in order to effectively keep the hand stabilized as you cock the hammer and fire the revolver. Well my 12 year old Son wanted to shoot it. I also have a couple of these in black powder. It really is an extremely well made mini firearm. Buy It Now +$4.12 shipping. Don’t miss your chance to be included in the final list for this special discounted Pre-Order price. Its very comfortable to shoot and easy to control as i have small hands. Shooting a qualification course my .38 revolver developed a problem. I have owned one of these in 22LR for many years but found it difficult to shoot (broad side of the barn comes to mind), but I do get it out to just shoot for fun. (Geschäftsstelle Gisselberger Straße 10, 35037 Marburg - Tel. Ruger is the fourth largest firearms manufacturer in the United States. I bought one of these in .22LR that mounted in a belt buckle about 30 years ago. North American Arms. Windage- and elevation-adjustable rear sights help put you on target and keep you … The cylinders are recessed for safety in the event of a burst case head. Sure wish now I had gotten the belt also. The handgun is small and it is a good solution to the problem of excess recoil and indifferent accuracy. While the caliber isn’t noted for effectiveness, the mini revolver is a good backup and offers some protection when nothing else may be worn. The Ruger Single-Six is a western style single-action rimfire revolver. I don’t plan to add it to my CCW; my LC9 is by far a more appropriate item for edc, I bought the first model NAA mini revolver in 1987 from Oshmans sporting goods on sale for I have had the NAA mini revolver for 25 years. While recoil isn’t great, muzzle flip is, and this grip helps control the handgun. I carry it in the little belt clip holster that came with it, and with the uncertain times we are having, . As for ammunition performance, the Fiocchi 40-grain JHP breaks about 850 fps in a one-inch barrel. Shoots great and so far has been very reliable while practicing with it. Ruger Single-Six Revolvers. I would not wax poetic over the North American Arms revolver save for one point, it is so well made it is a good example of the gunmaker’s art. Long story short, I sent it in, they fixed it, good as new, even put new scales on the grips, and all it cost was the shipping I paid to get it to them. We were extremely careful to follow Range Rules wherever we were shooting. But the facts are that the 45 grain 22 Magnum caliber is formidable and has been used to bring down the mountain cat in hunts with one shot. Almost makes me want to find a snake…. Excellent service. Bought mine around ’75 for general protection, especially for snake protection using snake shot ammo. I have several NAA pistols. Ruger firearms have a limited lifetime Manufacturer Defect warranty. . 526 sold. Additionally, when the 22 magnum is fired at someone, the explosive sound generated is not distinguishable from a 9mm, .38, or 10 S&W. This .22 Magnum is a last-ditch effort in defense. I find that the folding grip makes it much easier to shoot accurately. NORTH AMERICAN ARMS Mini Revolver .22 Long Rifle, 1.125 Inch Barre, Matte Finish, 5 Round The most famous tiny pistol in the world! As for accuracy, the best way to practice is to quickly bring the revolver to bear and snap a shot at the target. Loaded with just a primer and a .22 air rifle pellet it makes a cheap practice piece. Time limit exceeded. Somehow, something inside broke and it was retired for many years, probably at least 20. Good choice at night. CNET. Please click the reload button and complete the captcha once again. The North American Arms revolver is never seen in the gunsmith’s shop and the revolver seems to never go out of time. Somewhat accurately. 9mm. My example is 4.5 inches long and only three inches tall. It was nicecto have it in my pocket. 9mm. Please be respectful of others. Have you ever shot a North American Arms Mini Revolver? I got one about a year ago, mainly because I liked it’s looks. The base pin is removed and the cylinder pressed out to load the revolver. An 85-grain JHP at 1100 fps from a four inch barrel is the standard for this caliber. All in all I give 5 Stars for reliability and excellent manufacturing. The laser component did not increase the footprint of the gun’s dimensions significantly. The Hornady 45-grain Critical Duty is purpose-designed for defense use. And the grips work. I pack the Black Widow 22 magnum as a back up. All comments are held for moderation and will appear after approval. 100 TIMES AT THE RANGE. I have carried it almost daily for the past 45 years. Uniforms are pricey therefore it had to go. Neither has the type of power I am comfortable with, that begins with the .38 Special, but any handgun is sufficient for a threat. Have owned an NAA Wasp for several years. Brand New. It was sometime in the mid 1970s at a gun show I saw my first NNA mini pistol held in a belt buckle. I purchased one of their 380 semi-auto pistols recently and had the pleasant experience to deal with their customer service people directly. At seven yards, a quick five-shot group puts all five shots into 4.75 inches, impressive for such a small handgun. I have wads of keys bigger than this is. Multiple Ruger Revolvers have been in the spotlight earning Handgun of the Year awards for the following; 1993 Vaquero, 1997 Vaquero Bisley, 2001 Super Redhawk, 2009 LCR Here are grips made here in West Tennessee for the standard size North American Arms Mini Revolvers, chambered in .22 Short, in .22 Long Rifle... (read more) Gun #: 931298777 North American Arms NAA-22LR. I carried it hammer down at the half way notch between shells so if it was dropped, it could not discharge accidentally. Like the comment above,, a spring broke inside and would only cock holding it just at the right angle. Required fields are marked *, Time limit exceeded. five Still only shot snakes. I normally carry a .45, and to me, this kicks more, but is a fun and easy edc, I did get the pocket holster as well so I keep my cash in same pocket, While interesting in concept, I’d rather have something with a little more oomph in it. IF THE FIRED ROUND DOESN’T GET THEM THE FIRE THAT COMES OUT OF THE BARREL WILL SCARE THE HELL OUT OF THEM, THE GUN IS ALSO QUITE LOUD, LOVE IT!