How to analyse and compare between your favourites. Embed Share. 8 Reba II Sniper Rifle. The Power Snipers can hit a person upto 3x, in turn dealing a damage of 207 with 3 shots and after all this it becomes evident that it’s 10% to 20% better in hitting than others. Buy Online keeping the vehicle safe transaction. Found it here, thanks for the advice. Jump to: ... Reba II (+50 damage against Mirelurks and bugs) Help Barney during "Barney Rook" quest: Reba 2 is self explanatory: stonger vs lurks and bugs, same dmg as a non legendary vs anything else. Menu. Trigger: Removed Restricted area from Downtown, since it caused more confusion rather than immersion for some users. If you’re tired of searching for a half-decent rifle, Reba 2 is right up your street. It might be worth it to take with you where you know you'll encounter mirelurks (such as Far Harbor or even just to clear out the Castle) or if you really don't have anything better. 10 Peizoneucleic Power Armor Chest Power Armor Chest. Got to the location, took the quest, spent about 2 hours running aroun mirelurks ( I was lvl 16 at the time, that's why 2 hours of runnig around). Help adding legendary effect to weapons & armors - posted in Fallout 4 Creation Kit and Modders: Hello, ive been looking into the Creation Kit recently in order to start modding and, while some basic mods like modding stats and making new items in Skyrim was easy, i cant figure out how the whole legendary system works in the creation kit. 2 weeks ago. Upon impact, cryo grenades have a high chance to temporarily slow targets down that are caught within their blast radius, frozen in a cloud of vaporized and super chilled nitrogen gas. Constitution Quest. Add this game to my: Favorites. Fallout 4: How to get the Reba II sniper rifle. 9 Broadsider Hand Cannon. Wish List. Using the right sniper is important though! Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Helping out Barney Rook to deal with mirelurks. 10 Best Pets in Sea of Thieves. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts – Fallout 4 Unique Weapons Guide. Notify me about new: Guides. It shoots the .308 round but it can be modded to fire either the .38 round or the .50 caliber round. Fallout 4 - Finding REBA 2 Rifle (Night Vision Rifle Location) - How to find a Night Vision Rifle - REBA 2 - Best Weapons in Fallout 4||||| DESCRIPTION |||||Make your way to the "Rook Family House" on the right side of the map. Created by Barney Rook, Reba is an ordinary hunting rifle. There are no unique variables related to this weapon. The rifle was 0.308 caliber, NOT 50 Now the questions are. Cheats. This item is very nice product. Skyrim Perk IDs. Fallout 4: Kremvhs Tooth. Questions. At USS Constitution after finishing Last Voyage of The U.S.S. A simple quest is required to obtain this weapon, simply visit Salem and speak to Barney Rook. Reba. EliteSnipersRF Published January 21, 2016 80 Views. Reba_2_Fallout_4 Ryan McKenna. Entertainment. Welcome to the world of Fallout 4, the ambitious fourth game in … 4 days ago. As far as i know the mod works still. For Fallout 4 on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Fallout 4 Reba and Reba II". from Fallout 4. The weapon comes with random mods that vary with your level once you encounter Barney Rook. When you approach the house you will see Barney on the roof defending shooting Mirelurks. Many of Fallout 4's unique weapons are given to the player as quest rewards, but others can also be discovered in the inventory of specific, select vendors scattered all around the Commonwealth. Fallout 4 PlayStation 4 . accuracy Item codes from DLCs start with a different code called a DLC Code. 1 rumble. Rumble / Gaming — The Reba II can be found in the Rook family house in the town of Salem, in a locked back room in the basement. Fallout 4 (PC) Cheats. PC Xbox One PC. 10 Best One For All Champions – League of Legends. Find below a searchable list of all Fallout 4 item codes for items, objects and gear in on PC (Steam), XBOX and PS4.. Finding REBA 2 gun. By default, cryogenic grenades can be crafted at a chemistry station. In the second room to the east you’ll find a hole in the wall to the north, which leads to another room, which you can exit to return to the hallway to get around some rubble blocking the way. These can be used in console commands such as player.addperk. So Ok, see stuff in youtube and thought it would be fun to go after this rifle. Today we collect am unique sniper called Reba ll. If you are searching for read reviews Fallout 4 Reba 2 Ammo And How To Make Ammo Boxes In Fallout 4 Workshop price. It's spawns random modifications, based on the level of the Sole Survivor is upon encountering Barney. x6-88 prototype mk 2 gun. 001ABC92. Most of these weapons work well with mods and perks. Entertainment. Reviews. This rifle can be found in Salem on the north east part of the map. Type the cheat code or name of an item into the search box to instantly filter 2891 IDs.For help spawning items using these ID codes, please see our spawn item help page.. In Rook Family House Basement. We would recommend this store in your case. The cryogenic grenade is an explosive weapon in Fallout 4. Now THAT WAS A BUMMER. Reba 2 50 Cal Ammo Fallout 4. Fallout 4 cheats, Passwords, Unlockables, and Codes for PC. Although some weapons exist more for fun than utility, there are a select few that are more than worth going the extra mile for. Reba II is just a hunting rifle with Exterminator's prefix and preset name. It is the personal weapon of Barney Rook. Fallout 4: Broadsider. All I … Top 10 Best Sniper Rifles in Fallout 4. If you searching to evaluate Fallout 4 Reba 2 Ammo And How To Make Ammo Boxes In Fallout 4 Workshop price. Item codes from DLCs start with a different code called a DLC Code. Economy: Edited the buying price of mirelurk Eggs from 0 to minimum 2. If anyone wants to take control of the mod, you can PM me ... Zao's Sword and Reba have no legendary effects like in vanilla. Poor hip-fire accuracy. Info: I no longer play fallout 4, so i can not provide support or updates. Now Playing. After discussing the types of rifles Fallout-4 has now we will have a quick look on the potential rifles. Fallout 4 Legendary and Unique Weapons and Armor guide. Fallout 4 is an incredible first person shooter but one of the most satisfying features is the sniping. Below is a complete list of all perk IDs (S.P.E.C.I.A.L.) Fallout 4: Reba II. Home; Photos; Shop; Contact; tinker tom special vs reba 2 Recent Comments. Press J to jump to the feed. Fallout 4 is an incredibly fun game for players who like using weapons such as sniper rifles. Reba is a unique hunting rifle in name only. Head into the first room to the east and loot a Footlocker near the bed, then grab Mortimer’s Key on a shelf along the eastern wall. New System: New system to reveal NPC name's dynamically (only 7 … 3 weeks ago. June 11, 2018. MILA is a quest item in Fallout 4. - posted in Fallout 4 Discussion: So I was playing some Fallout 4 last night and I decided to take a shortcut through libertalia (no quest) and inside the captains quarters I noticed across from the ladder you take to the top there was a Gauss rifle labeled x6-88 s prototype gun mk2. He’ll need you to switch on 5 turrets, which requires you get past a dozen or so Mirelurks. Latest Posts. If you’re tired of searching for a half-decent rifle, Reba 2 is right up your street. Subscribe 33 Share. Fallout 4 How To Get The Reba 2 Unique Weapon Easy "Reba II Sniper Rifle" this reba II or reba 2 unique fallout 4 unique weapon Reba II is a unique leveled hunting rifle that gives a 50% bonus to damage to mirelurks and bugs. I've seen Reba/Reba II, Overseer's Sniper, Tinker Tom's Special. You also need to complete certain quests for you to enjoy their benefits. 10 Best Monuments in Rust. For Fallout 4 on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Fallout 4 Reba and Reba II'. ... Reba 2. Completed the quest and happily whent into the Barney's Workshop to take the prize. The game allows you to use 15 sniper rifles to conquer your enemies at different levels. Its owner, Barney Rook, refers to it as Reba's younger sister, and is still being perfected by the time the Sole Survivor encounters it. Entertainment. Reba II is known to be one of the strongest sniper weapons in the game and can easily be gained through "Barney's Quest".