And another 30 points: Singers Luca Hänni (25) and Christina Luft (30) made a funny mistake during the rehearsals – but everything went perfectly in the show. That’s why it was only 27 points – even though Mabuse and González each distributed the highest number of points. 30 points! Tijan Njie & Kathrin Menzinger Tango Billie Eilish – Bad Guy: 2. In addition to Paul-Roncalli, actor Tijan Njie (this time 22 points) and singer Luca Hanni (22 points), Hans is suddenly one of the favorites of this 13th season of “Let’s Dance”. Und das tut er! Seinen Tanz zeigen wir im Video. The two got a fantastic 30 points for their more than just sovereign cha-cha-cha. Brenda Boykin – A Cool Cat in Town: Sabrina Setlur & Nikita Kuzmin Cha-Cha-Cha Jennifer Lopez feat. Jury member Motsi Mabuse (39) was “enthusiastic” about the performance by Moritz Hans (24) and Renata Lusin (32). Hier gibt's die Show nachträglich zum Ansehen. Hosted by Byohosting - Most Recommended Web Hosting - for complains, abuse, advertising contact: o f f i c e Wildcard bekommen und ist damit sicher in Show 2. punktgleich mit seiner Konkurrentin Lili Paul-Roncalli. They dusted 28 points for their extreme Charleston. Meanwhile, there were 23 points for a very slow rumba by Hans and Lusin. Dezember 1991 in Herford) ist ein deutscher Schauspieler. Finally, Njie didn’t have enough viewers, so he won’t be dancing in the finals. Trotz zweiten Versuches. Schauspieler Tijan Njie verrät, ob er und Profi-Tänzerin Kathrin Menzinger bei den sexy "Let’s Dance"-Performances auch mal auf andere Gedanken kommen. Tijan Njie begeistert mit einem Tango. Nevertheless, the result was a very good 28 points. Alle Punkte & Tänze von Tijan Njie: 27 Punkte für den Tango zu Bad Guy von Billie Eilish in Show 1 22 Punkte für den Cha Cha Cha zu Don't Start Now von Dua Lipa in Show Don't start now auf Deutsch. View sheikh tijan hydara’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Herford/Köln Let's Dance: Herforder Tijan Njie löst mit Tango Begeisterung bei Jury aus . See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover sheikh tijan’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Omar Njie, Nusrat Senior Secondary School Other teachers involved included: Alhagie Ceesay, JJ Emmanuel, Babou Jobe and colleagues at Gambia Senior Secondary School; Yusupha Jallow, Tijan Gaye and Felix Sambou and colleagues at Kotu Senior Secondary School; ... FERE-CECA Madrid in Spain, A Rocha [Kenya] in Kenya and TANGO in The Gambia. Staffel stehen jetzt kostenlos bei TVNOW zum Abruf bereit. Learn how your comment data is processed. Die bisherigen Folgen der 13. Chiquis Rivera loses ostentatious INHERITANCE due to love affair with Esteban Loaiza, The queen of flow 2: when will season 2 be released by Caracol Televisión and Netflix | Yeimy Montoya | FAME, Outrageous! Abitur machte er 2012 am Königin-Mathilde-Gymnasium Herford. Show; Tanzpaar Tanz Musik Martin Klempnow & Marta Arndt Charleston Tape Five feat. Tijan Njie & Kathrin Menzinger - “Monsters” (Viennese Waltz): 22 Loiza Lamers & Andrzej Cibis - “Naked” (Rumba): 10 Laura Müller & Christian Polanc - “Boyfriend” (Charleston): 10 Luca Hänni & Christina Luft - “Someone You Loved (Contemporary): 38 Martin Klempnow & Marta Arndt - “Tango the Night” (Tango): 10 ... Der Tango hätte sonst niemanden mehr auf den Stühlen gehalten. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. ... Vor allem mit ihrem Tango … "Wow, absolut wow", jubelt sie, "ich raste aus gerade." First, actor Tijan Njie (28) and his dance partner Kathrin Menzinger (31) showed a successful quick step to Johnny Cash’s (1932-2003) “Ring of Fire”, which earned them a total of 25 points. You just noticed how much work the two of them would have invested. Tijan Njie (28) andKathrin Menzinger (31): Slow Foxtrot, “Fly Me To The Moon”, Frank Sinatra Martin Klempnow (46) and Marta Arndt (30) : Slow Foxtrot, “My Girl”, The Temptations In addition to the individual tasks which need to RTL candidate in the Jury team dances to compete against each other. The two scored 24 points for their “energetic” salsa. Njie wuchs mit drei Geschwistern bei seiner alleinerziehenden, tunesischen Mutter auf. The final result was the following: Hänni (87 points), Paul-Roncalli (82 points), Hans (78 points) and Njie (78 points). Before that, however, the four remaining dance pairs in the semi-finals of the current “Let’s Dance” season should appear three times each. Paul-Roncalli and Sinató did a little better. Leben. Nach ihrem Punkte-Jive in Show 4 ist Evelyn Burdecki kaum wiederzuerkennen. Course four: Tijan Njie with 130,000 followers. Each couple performs … They were given 90 seconds of separate preparation time and 30 seconds to coordinate before a dance was assigned to them. Doch ein Direktticket ist für den Schauspieler kein Grund, nicht in der ersten Show Vollgas zu geben. Was für ein Tango von @tijan.njie und @kathrin_menzinger … Let's Dance is a German dance competition television series that premiered on April 3, 2006 on RTL and filmed live in Cologne.The show is based on the British BBC Television series Strictly Come Dancing and is part of BBC Worldwide's Dancing with the Stars franchise.. tango classes on the streets of caminito, buenos aires, argentina - dance dance dance 1st show stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images ... Professional dancer Kathrin Menzinger and Tijan Njie looks on during the 1st show of the 13th season of the … The show is based on the British BBC Television series Strictly Come Dancing and is part of BBC Worldwide's Dancing with the Stars franchise.. "Let's Dance" - Show 1 Tijan Njie fackelt das Parkett ab Von Verena Maria Dittrich. Zu seinem aus Gambia stammenden Vater hat er keinen Kontakt. Ich würde jetzt eine mega lange Story schreiben um meine Gefühle des gestrigen Abends auszudrücken aber ich denke die Bilder und Emotionen haben schon genug für sich gesprochen. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Later, as with Njie, a Paso Doble followed, which Hans did better than his predecessor. Tijan Njie currently has about 130,000 Followers on Instagram, The 28-year-old actor (“Everything counts”) and his dance partner Kathrin Menzinger (31) danced a Jive to “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” by the rock band Queen by the last Show. Then it got extreme with Hänni and Luft, who lost one of her shoes after a few seconds. Auch Motsi Mabuse (38) ist total begeistert. Kathrin Menzinger posted on Instagram: “Teamwork makes the dream work... Charleston with TeeKay Vibez Thank you @tijan.njie for making…” • See all of @kathrin_menzinger's photos and videos on their profile. She expressed joy at the trust and confidence bestowed on them and promised Two young foreigners throw a Peruvian from a bridge: "What died is dead" | Venezuelans | PERU, They criticized Johnny, Jenni Rivera's son, for "visiting" his mother and bringing her junk food, They assure El Alfa has not yet bought a Bugatti luxury car, Mia Khalifa confessed that due to surgery she sacrificed a part of her body, Bundeswehr: This is how a conspiratorial KSK mission in the USA alerted the FBI, Anxiety Triggers the Emergence of Gerd, Really? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tijan Njie und Kathrin Menzinger bringen das Tanzparkett zum Beben und bekommen von den Juroren überschwängliche Kritik. Céline Dion - Affected by an incurable disease, the singer admits everything! Finally, the four couples should perform an “Impro Dance even more extreme”. Knapp am Halbfinale vorbei geschrappt. Former manager of Jenni Rivera breaks the silence about Chiquis and Esteban Loaiza, Inhuman: They throw a young Peruvian from a bridge and viralize video of the crime, It was expensive! Tijan Njie & Marie Denigot Quickstep to “We Are in Love” by Harry Connick Jr. Christine: 10 Danny: 10 Helly: 10 Julie: 10 Total: 40 A spectacular Quickstep from Tijan who earns the first perfect score of the season! A disaster? Surprising final entry. First, actor Tijan Njie (28) and his dance partner Kathrin Menzinger (31) showed a successful quick step to Johnny Cash’s (1932-2003) “Ring of Fire”, which earned them a total of 25 points. Tijan Karim Njie (* 18. Premiere bei "Let's Dance". The format of the show consists of a celebrity paired with a … Page all, Prediction, Probable Formations and How to See it on TV and Streaming, Patricia Paay makes a bid for new job: ‘Judging is the best’, AirBaltic’s maximum annual downtime losses would be 182 million euros / Article / Sendung verpasst? The Family Rights Advancement and Protection (FRAP), a registered NGO, non-political and non-profit making organisation recently inaugurated its Board of … Only the artist Lili Paul-Roncalli together with Massimo Sinato received as many counters. After a little mishap in the dress rehearsal, Lili Paul-Roncalli (22) and Massimo Sinató (39) had no major problems on the show. The 22-year-old didn’t dance at her Contemporary, but flew to 30 points like an angel. 29. Februar 2020 - 1:31 Uhr. Next, according to judge Jorge González (52), it was “so beautiful, so emotional”. sheikh tijan has 3 jobs listed on their profile. Am Ende kann sich Tijan über 27 Punkte freuen - punktgleich mit seiner Konkurrentin Lili Paul-Roncalli. Mit Profitänzerin Kathrin Menzinger (31) tanzt er einen Tango zu "Bad Guy" von Billie Eilish und begeistert damit Jury und Publikum. No. Show Nummer eins nach dem großen Kennenlernen: Jetzt … Mluví o tom (9). Staffel stehen jetzt kostenlos bei TVNOW zum Abruf bereit. With the following tango, the 25-year-old Mabuse said she was a “happy woman”, but Llambi was less satisfied. Let's Dance Evelyn Burdecki und Evgeny Vinokurov scheiden aus. Joachim Llambi (55) findet es faszinierend, dass Tijan während seines Tanzes wohl nicht geatmet hat - zumindest sah es für den Juror so aus. So perfect, in fact, that according to Mabuse and Llambi the two delivered the best jive that “Let’s Dance” (also “TV Now”) has ever seen. After celebrities like Laura Müller (19) and Ilka Bessin (48), Tijan Njie (28) also had to pack his dance shoes on Friday evening. "Das ist wirklich mega, Chico", findet Jorge González (52). Motsi und … Director of TANGO. González was only able to join in and praised the development of Hans, who was able to record a total of 25 points with a slowfox to “Anyway” by Mark Forster (37). Media Agenda yesterday wrapped up a two-day training workshop for 30 journalists on developing messages on voter education. The format of the show consists of a celebrity paired with a professional dancer. Dua Lipa Quelle: Warner Records/Hugo Comte Don't start now deutsche Übersetzung von Dua Lipa. Pitbull – On the Floor: Sie haut mit ihrem Tango alle vom Hocker. The training, held at TANGO conference hall, was part of the US Embassy funded project which aims at reducing voter … Hier gibt's die Show nachträglich zum Ansehen, RTL Fernsehprogramm von heute - aktuelles TV Programm. ••••Sᴏ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴏᴜɢʜ ɢᴜʏ Lɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ʀᴏᴜɢʜ ɢᴜʏ Jᴜsᴛ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ɢᴇᴛ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ɢᴜʏ•••• @tijan.njie @kathrin_menzinger #letsdance #tango #dancegoals #drawing #stepbystep #art #blackamdwhite 8,987 Likes, 217 Comments - Let's Dance | (@letsdance) on Instagram: “Yes, Baby! Tijan Njie and Moritz Hans had to tremble at the decision: In the end, it was the spectators who decided between the two muscular men in one of the highest quality “Let’s Dance” semi-finals “ever” (Motsi Mabuse). Mit einer solchen Leistung in Show 1 hätte sie niemals gerechnet. For Llambi it was “too little Viennese waltz”, as Njie and Menzinger showed, who earned 25 points. As always, however, the final decision was in the hands of the television audience. Tijan Njie and Kathrin Menzinger interpreted “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye in their rumba with a score of 26 points in a very clear, crackling way: “The final part of the dance only comes after midnight, the rest at ‘Temptation Island'”, commented Daniel Hartwich and Joachim Llambi: “I want to see what a couple does at a rumba. Das ist eine FANSEITE für Sophia Thomalla, die Seite wird nicht durch Sophia Thomalla … Die bisherigen Folgen der 13. Let's Dance is a German dance competition television series that premiered on April 3, 2006 on RTL and filmed live in Cologne.The show aired the thirteenth season on 2020. While juror Joachim Llambi (55) criticized a few other little things during the first dance, the later Paso Doble of the two was a “tick too wild” for him. Tijan Njie 7 8 8 23: 4 Ilka Bessin Tango "Hey Sexy Lady" - Shaggy: 5 6 4 15: Sabrina Setlur 5 5 5 15: 5 Aílton Quickstep "Save Your Kisses for Me" - Brotherhood of Man: 4 4 2 10: John Kelly 6 6 5 17: Martin Klempnow 5 5 3 13: Week 1. "Alles was zählt"-Star Tijan Njie (28) hat in der großen Kennenlernshow eine Wildcard bekommen und ist damit sicher in Show 2. "Es war irre viel Energie", sagt er. The extreme athlete received a remarkable 26 jury points. Mrs. Janet-Sallah Njie, the newly elected chairperson of the Board on behalf of board members, thanked ActionAid International The Gambia for giving them the opportunity to contribute to the development of the country. 4 Tijan Njie & Kathrin Menzinger - “Fly Me to the Moon” (Slowfox): 2 Luca Hänni & Christina Luft - “Avant Toi” (Rumba): 1 Lili Paul-Roncalli & Massimo Sinató - “Pon de Replay” (Samba): 48 Wie geht es wohl Kathrin Menzingers (31) Freund, wenn er sieht, was für eine heiße Tanzeinlage sie mit ihrem Schützling Tijan Njie (28) am …