Tina Kraus Illustration. She studied design and illustration at the University of Applied Sciences in Münster, Germany, where she’s based, and lived in Seoul, South Korea, for a while as an exchange student. I will say this the film industry has, for the most part, been a man’s world. factor. Heute arbeitet sie freiberuflich als Illustratorin und Paperengineer. I studied illustration in Münster where I live now. Krikeriki / Kristina Hagl. Two of Tina Kraus's most precious talents are a keen eye for detail and enough patience to dedicate herself to extremely delicate artworks, painstakingly assembled in a time-consuming labour of love. May 11, 2016 - Linda Tordoff, veg, illustration, colour, food, mushroom, cooking, drawing, texture über Münster ilLustRatioN. Nov 12, 2019 - Unicorn Pop-up Birthday Card with golden details, handmade. I’m Tina, a freelance paper Artist and Illustrator living in Münster, Germany. READERS WEEK: The Miniatures of Jacki Gordon. Thanks Sue. Büchertisch der Buchhandlung Die Schatzinsel. Malte Knaack / Illustration & Gestaltung. Cozy Winter vs Thanksgiving Dinner by … 5 Minutes of History: The Rum Rebellion, the only... From the Vault: National Icons - Uncle Sam and Col... Poetry Spot: Saltbush Bill by Banjo Paterson. Around 2017 she started working with fine crepe paper, making sculptures. The Pulitzer and World Press Photos of the Year, c... From the vault: The P & O Sculpture, Sydney. Sign up to receive weekly recaps of all Morbidly Beautiful posts, This is a post from one of our guest authors. Krause graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City with a degree in Graphic Design and 3D illustration. Tina is also the creator of the. Behance is the world's largest creative network for showcasing and discovering creative work However, since childhood, she was in love with papercraft. Mit dabei hat er leckere Früchte, bunte Blätter, aber auch viele Regentage. Hmmm…I’ve seen it change, and I’ve seen things stay the same. Number of pop-ups. You can find my paper artwork here: @faltmanufaktur tinakraus.com Sybille Benedict-Rux. Krause graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City with a degree in Graphic Design and 3D illustration. Aug 28, 2020 - Explore annie zook's board "pop up art", followed by 182 people on Pinterest. Today. I also do children's book and editorial illustration. Krause graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City with a degree in Graphic Design and 3D illustration. Wow! I also lived in Seoul, South Korea for a few months as an exchange student. The decisions that you make now have long-term effects in all things, both for yourself and others. The above link is to the website of Tina Krauss, which has the following quick bio: I’m Tina Kraus, a freelance illustrator and paper artist living in Münster, Germany. The above link is to the website of Tina Krauss, which has the following quick bio: I’m Tina Kraus, a freelance illustrator and paper artist living in Münster, Germany. Gorgeous petite brunette Tina Krause was born on July 29, 1970 in Queens, New York. I mean, I can’t really judge anyone on what they think is good, so to say I won’t do a movie because the storyline or concept isn’t good would be a lie. Harmony Gong. Faltmanufaktur - Tina Kraus - 1.79k Followers, 856 Following, 5739 pins | pop-ups, illustration & more! You all seemed to like them! About a year ago, I posted about the insect sculptures that I created from Italian crepe paper. The Sad Ghost Club. Konstanze von LESEWEIS® Liebe Tina Kraus, Sie haben ein absolut beeindruckendes Pop-Up-Werk vorgelegt – und zwar als Abschlussarbeit Ihres Studiums der Illustration an der School of … Tina Kraus is a freelance paper artist and illustrator, based in Munster, Germany. However, it would be nice â and I believe it is happening â for more and more woman to get truly involved (and I don’t mean acting). Curiosity about her own abilities led her … Probably John Carpenter’s The Thing. Lydia Pollakowski Art & Illustration. My paper artwork includes pop-up books, paper toys and since recently crepe paper art. In fact, I shot my first scene is a WAVE movie that day. A la croisée du papercraft, de l'origami et du scrapbooking, les papertoys envahissent la toile et débarquent dans notre quotidien. Artist . Well, the obvious turnoff is if a person is a creep…yea, that will do it. Für die Videoreihe 'Illustratoren in der Buchbranche' habe ich dem Börsenblatt ein wenig über mich und meine Arbeit erzählt. Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier Tina Kraus direkt bei XING. Paper Art and Fashion by Marta Leshak, Ukraine. 2008 wurde sie für den Paperworld Card Award für innovatives Grußkarten-Design nominiert. Handmade lifelike Paper Sculptures of Insects 2017 Materials: Crepe Paper, Wire, Pastel Chalk, Glue Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus Coronatus) Giant Grasshopper (Tropidacris) Goliath Stick Insect (Eurycnema Goliath) Thorny Devil (Eurycantha calcarata) I also do children's book and editorial illustration. But they all escape and enters a house with a German butcher who only likes to violate them. See more ideas about pop up art, pop up, pop up book. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec … And if the two views combine and work with each other, I believe we are gonna see some very different but amazing movies. Some of the later items may have a connection to Christmas or other earlier dates. Worldwide shipping available Here I will share my work and stuff that inspires me. Pop-Up Card ‘Flower’ featured, pop ups, pop-up cards, Stationery and more. Just kidding… it wasn’t that stupid. Stadtbücherei, Zeitungslesesaal. My Illustrations; Contact; Freebies (Blog) Society6-Shop; Behance; Datenschutz; Impressum; FAQ; 2020 Category: pop ups. Tina Vajagic Miccostumes on Instagram: “⠀ Kacchan ⠀ Cosplay by @sammyscosplay ⠀ Templates by @lorentz_iwood : @vanhoogstratenfotografie ⠀ ⠀ … Firstly, her sculptures resembled traditional flowers. Two of Tina Kraus's most precious talents are a keen eye for detail and enough patience to dedicate herself to extremely delicate artworks, painstakingly assembled in a time-consuming labour of love. I also lived in Seoul, South Korea for a few months as an exchange student. Jason Chan. I’m Tina Kraus, a freelance illustrator and paper engineer living in Münster, Germany. Don’t ask me the name of that movie either… it could be a trivia question one day. Oooohhh the all mighty dollar. Impressum More ideas from . (Alle Fotos: Tina Kraus mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung.) Artist. ComicCabin. Webseite ansehen Aktuelles - LebensART-Treibholz Jürgen Armbrust. Kult Geschichten. BestPopupBooks . Unfortunately the book is […] Design & illustration: Tina Kraus 8.4 Magical! I specialize in live-like and detailed paper sculptures of animals and plants made out of crepe paper, but also paper engineering for pop-ups and paper toys. Tina Kraus Illustrations, Paper Art, Pop-Ups & more She/her. Faites chauffer l'imprimante ️, … Exodus by Zim & Zou, France. Kraus first began using the materials about two years ago, starting with common flowers and moving on to more nontraditional plants such as the Venus flytrap. Karochy. Firstly, her sculptures resembled traditional flowers. Artist. Illustrator and paper artist Tina Kraus sculpts realistic insects, plants, and reptiles out of textured crepe paper, adding colorful details with pastel chalk and paint. Hekate. Paper Articles by Melanie Edwards, UK. Spannend, kann ich nur sagen. Artist. circus zingaro by tina kraus This has to be one of the loveliest books I have ever seen. Bilderbuchsamstag in der Stadtbücherei. Artist. Jun 21, 2013 - Here are my 8 Things to Remember BEFORE Biting Off More Than I Will Be Able To Chew. I studied illustration in Münster where I live now. Im Profil von Tina Kraus ist 1 Job angegeben. Our review. I specialize in live-like and detailed paper sculptures of animals and plants made out of crepe paper, but also paper engineering for pop-ups and papertoys. Interview Tina Kraus. Genre: Vorlesebuch; Der Sommer ist gegangen und der Herbst hat Einzug gehalten. I’m Tina Kraus, a freelance illustrator and paper engineer living in Münster, Germany. Dank Andrea Schütze und Tina Kraus brauchen wir uns nun nicht mehr über kalte Regentage ärgern, sondern können uns richtig an ihnen erfreuen. Sie lebt und arbeitet in Münster. Catabasis. Dec 19, 2016 - An original pop up book that designed, illustrated and written by Vinsze. Mein Regentage-Vorlesebuch. Creepy dudes make me run! Serve up fun artwork and trending designs from independent artists across the world. Maluna Mondschein - Wir retten die Zauberwaldschule!, Andrea Schütze, Tina Kraus, Ellermann im Dressler Verlag. You’re certain to jump out of your bed if Tina Kraus happens to place one of her paper insects in your bed! Having looked up the items and material to make up Readers Week, I realise that I have more than just a week’s worth. German illustrator and ‘paper engineer’ Tina Kraus creates realistic animal and insect sculptures out of delicate sheets of crepe paper. Another point is that they are in the order received, but working backwards. Sieh dir an, was Martina Kraus (tinafmuth) auf Pinterest, der weltweit größten Sammlung von Ideen, entdeckt hat. I’m talking about writing, directing and producing…. Wedding Stationery. A beautiful pop-up book that creates a colorful and mysterious world of circus freaks, geeks and magic. 24 talking about this. Tina Kraus Illustration. Alex Hese - Illustrations & Stuff. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Shilin. Déclinée dans 4 coloris (bleu aqua, vert, rouge, et blanc), ce dragon articulé devrait chasser les plus mauvais esprits et vous assurer paix et prospérité. Suzy Johnson (Tina Krause) and her boyfriend are adding some new kicks towards there sexlife. Tina Kraus. Auf die aktuelle und zukünftige Gestaltung, die Inhalte oder die Urheberschaft der gelinkten/verknüpften Seiten hat Münster ilLustRatioN … See More triangle-down; Pages Liked by This Page. Pop-Up Card ‘Unicorn’ featured, pop ups, pop-up cards, Stationery and more. This week will therefore be Readers Week Part 1, with more Reader Weeks to follow. My paper artwork includes pop-up books, paper toys and since recently crepe paper art. Sa 27.10.2012 in der Kinderbücherei: Ein buntes Programm mit Basteln und Spielen rund ums Bilderbuch * Lesung Daniel Napp 11:00. Krause graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City with a … Artist. Yes, they’re so realistic and lifelike. I started to create this Pop-Up Book during my Design and Illustration studies for my final exam and finished it with some changes a few years later. Four major fairy tales - Alice in Wonderland, Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio and Swan Lake - are used as met… Shop Tina Kraus Society6 store featuring unique designs on various products across wall art, tech accessories, apparels, home decor and other unique lifestyle goods. Kati's Basement. Like I said, if a concept is interesting or different in some way and it catches my attention, then chances are I will work on it. I think it truly depends on the individual “woman” to push which way she wants to go. Tina Kraus from Germany is a freelance Illustrator and Paper Engineer who creates the most wonderful pop-up books, paper toys, pop-up cards, displays and packaging for promotional products. If a concept stands out, then you have my undivided attention, and that’s a draw. Tina Kraus Illustrations, Paper Art, Pop-Ups & more She/her. Harteus Art. Illustrationen für Kinderbücher, Sach-und Kochbücher, Pop-Ups Bücher und Muster-Design Musician/Band. At the time, I was really into FX and gore, and I remembered reading an article about it in Fangoria Magazine. I watched it a couple of times, and from there I wanted to do something in horror industry. Brazen & Bold Productions. Worldwide shipping available Tina Kraus is a freelance paper artist and illustrator, based in Munster, Germany. German illustrator and ‘paper engineer’ Tina Kraus creates realistic animal and insect sculptures out of delicate sheets of crepe paper. OpenTable – Mothers Day by Polly Lindsay, UK. Tina Kraus ist 1985 in Starnberg geboren und im Isartal im Münchner Süden aufgewachsen. Hardcover . I’m Tina Kraus, a freelance illustrator and paper engineer living in Münster, Germany. Mi 17.10.2012 19:30. Artist. First I made plants, then insects and one gecko. Apr 11, 2019 - Pop-up Book ‘Circus Zingaro’, completed version, 2017 For publishing inquiries, please contact me. Emerald Cicada vs Beautiful Demoiselle Paper Sculptures by Tina Kraus, Germany. Artwork. loish. a lot more behind the scenes, more hands on creative work. I studied illustration in Münster where I live now. A deranged medical student clones Suzy 16 times. Pour fêter le Nouvel An chinois, sous le signe du Dragon, l’illustratrice allemande Tina Kraus a réalisé une superbe marionnette en papier. Artist. Δείτε τι ανακάλυψε ο χρήστης zakass (zakass7085) στο Pinterest, τη μεγαλύτερη συλλογή ιδεών στον κόσμο. I also lived in Seoul, South Korea for a few months as an exchange student. Learn how your comment data is processed. 2005 ist sie nach Münster gezogen, um an der Fachhochschule Münster Design zu studieren. Lesung Alexander Steffensmeier 13:00. Shop Tina Kraus Society6 store featuring unique designs on various products across wall art, tech accessories, apparels, home decor and other unique lifestyle goods. “Gorgeous petite brunette Tina Krause was born on July 29, 1970 in Queens, New York. Tätigkeitsfelder: Illustration. Morticia… I used to watch The Adams Family a lot. If you're interesting in writing for our site, please contact us at, Ax Wound Film Festival: Lady Hunters (Short), Bedevilled (2010) and the Many Facets of Women in Horror – Let's Talk Terror, Bedevilled (2010) and the Many Facets of Women, Stephanie Malone, PO Box 152721, Austin, TX 78715. I also do children's book and editorial illustration. Software Company. Paper Art, Pop-ups, Illustrations & more Around 2017 she started working with fine crepe paper, making sculptures. Pinterest. Prinzessin Dachi . Für Anfragen zur Veröffentlichung nehmen Sie gerne mit mir Kontakt auf. Mots recent first. Tina Krause, Actress: Cross the Line. 2009 verbrachte sie ein Semester an der Universität in Seoul, Südkorea, wo sie auch die koreanische Küche kennen und lieben lernte. 1985 in Starnberg, studierte Design in Münster. About two years ago, I started to make paper sculptures with fine colored paper. About two years ago, I started to make paper sculptures with fine colored paper. Marie Doerfler Illustration. Used techniques. Tina Kraus e, die Jugendfeuerwehrwartin, hielt ein kurzes Resümee über das äußerst aktive Jahr der vier Mädchen und acht Jungen. Pages Liked by This Page. “Gorgeous petite brunette Tina Krause was born on July 29, 1970 in Queens, New York. Easy pop-in pop out. A stupid horror convention. My paper artwork includes pop-up books, paper toys and since recently crepe paper art. "A Tale of Inspiration" is a self-written pop up book about my inspiration. Jun 21, 2013 - Here are my 8 Things to Remember BEFORE Biting Off More Than I Will Be Able To Chew. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Tina Kraus im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Design your everyday with peru serving trays you'll love. casketnail.arts. Bezaubernd. You can find my paper artwork here: @faltmanufaktur tinakraus.com Impressum. Artist. I specialize in live-like and detailed paper sculptures of animals and plants made out of crepe paper, but also paper engineering for pop-ups and paper toys. Paper art from McDonald’s Happy Meal Series by Ceres Lau, Malaysia. Tina Kraus ist Illustratorin. Story telling. Artist. The work with paper as a medium fascinates me because it is so versatile and easily obtainable. Mar 7, 2011 - This has to be one of the loveliest books I have ever seen. The effort and skill that goes into the work is commendable, and it is fascinating to see incredible art created from one of the oldest materials the world has to offer. Today’s item is the result of an email from Sue P, who regularly sends me suggestions and snippets. First I made plants, then insects and one gecko. Es wurden insgesamt 37 Dienste. Artist. Mar 2, 2014 - Sarah Pinyan posted Circus Pop-Up book by Tina Kraus to her -Papercraft- postboard via the Juxtapost bookmarklet. I’m Tina Kraus, a freelance illustrator and paper artist living in Münster, Germany. Gorgeous petite brunette Tina Krause was born on July 29, 1970 in Queens, New York. We're always looking for people to contribute great content to our site and/or join our team of staff writers. Denn mit ihrem Vorlesebuch lassen sich diese Tage toll verbringen. I’m writing a movie called Sshhh, so I hope to shoot that in the summer or rather the end of the summer. When I began working with crepe paper, I started with creating traditional flowers, but I was curious about what kinds of unique art I could do with it. Kraus studied illustration in Münster, Germany, and also got the opportunity to stay in Seoul, South Korea for a few months as an exchange student. There are a few movies in the works, including one called Trap. But Suzy ends up dead after an experiment with chloroform and electrocution. Here I will share my work and stuff that inspires me. Vegan. Sarah Deters - Design & Illustration. Artist. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Tina Kraus und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. I find that interesting only because a woman’s view may be different from a man’s point of view on all aspects. Author. Aug 19, 2017 Comments off. Tina Krause, Actress: Cross the Line. Sascha Vievers. There will always come a time where you will be judged. Sausages – 3D Paper Miniature by Tònia Boske, Spain. Out of all the paper artists that we have exhibited, no piece of work is the same, which is the huge appeal and joy of Paper Art. Eng zusammengekuschelt können Eltern hier heitere Geschichten und fröhliche Gedichte vorlesen, die für jeden Geschmack etwas bereithalten. It’s hard to say what pulls me away from something, only because you may work on a crappy project just because you have to pay bills. “Kraus first began using the materials about two years ago, starting with common flowers and moving on to more nontraditional plants such as the Venus flytrap. My sister wanted a Jason mask, so I took her to Chiller (on my ex’s ticket hahaha) and, while wondering around, I was discovered by WAVE. Curiosity about her own abilities led her to work with the not-so-traditional Venus flytrap. When I began working with crepe paper, I started with creating traditional flowers, but I was curious about what kinds of unique art I could do with it. “Kraus first began using the materials about two years ago, starting with common flowers and moving on to more nontraditional plants such as the Venus flytrap. Kati's Basement. Circus Zingaro – A pop up book (finished) featured, pop ups, pop-up books, slide. Münster ilLustRatioN erklärt hiermit ausdrücklich, dass zum Zeitpunkt der Linksetzung keine illegalen Inhalte auf den zu verlinkenden Seiten erkennbar waren. Since then, I have created many more and I wanted to share a few of my newest creations with you. Vegan. Tina Kraus, geb. Faltmanufaktur - Tina Kraus - 1.79k Followers, 856 Following, 5739 pins | pop-ups, illustration & more!