Uni Siegen; Adolf-Reichwein-Str. Auf dieser Seite möchten wir Ihnen die wichtigsten Informationen zur Verfügung stellen, die Sie zu Beginn Ihres Psychologiestudiums in Siegen brauchen. A letter of motivation in which you should outline your motivation for applying to our master’s program (maximum two A4 pages or 3000 characters). Master's students are welcome to become involved in these projects (e.g., Master's thesis, student projects), and excellent students get the opportunity to pursue a PhD in one of these projects in Siegen. To access this information please click on the corresponding link on the left of this site. Master of Arts / M.A. We will not accept applications by regular mail (post)! Classic usability often works with (quantitative) lab studies. Practical and context awareness. Master Computer Science Silvia Niet-Wunram Paul-Bonatz-Str. Admission restricted (Z): yes. Email: andreas.kastenmueller(at)uni-siegen.de 57068 Siegen. Welcome to the homepage of the Master in Economic Policy Siegen (MEPS) We are pleased about your interest in the M asters Program in E conomic P olicy at the University of S iegen, MEPS. Bachelor of Science / B.Sc. University students and faculty, institute members, and independent researchers Corporate, government, or NGO researcher Technology or product developers, R&D specialists, and government or … The Master of Science in Psychology: Psychological Intervention (MSc) is a two-year taught master's course. Course organisation. Herzlich willkommen zum Studium der Psychologie in Siegen! The master's degree in Psychology provides you with advanced psychological knowledge. And also get our infopack. 2a. E-Mail-Verteiler Bachelor * E-Mail-Verteiler Master * * Eintragung ist NUR mit "Uni-Siegen-E-Mail" möglich! Keywords: Type: Discipline: Country: 1. University Directory worldwide » Masters Degrees worldwide » Academic institutions in Germany University of Siegen » Masters Degrees, University of Siegen, (Germany) current page: 1 ( total entries: 39 ) 1 2. Course offered: Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie. A German or English certification of your degree and current summary of achievements (Transcript of Records) regarding the course of study (Diploma/Bachelor) qualifying you to study this course (qualifications see above). In the HCI Master in Siegen, students acquire a solid and vast basis of methods and techniques for conception, design and implementation as well as the testing of IT systems for humans. 9-11, Building H, Room 102 57076 Siegen Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany niet-wunram@zess.uni-siegen.de telephone: +49 271 740-3400 fax: +49 271 740-4018 On the following pages we want to provide you with all relevant information about this program. Master Computer Science Silvia Niet-Wunram Paul-Bonatz-Str. Architektur - Planen und Bauen im Bestand. It builds upon a bachelor's program that conveys the necessary skills and expertise for the master program based on the content of the Bachelor program in Siegen. The University of Amsterdam offers an outstanding two-year Research Master’s programme in Psychology. Forms for registration for the final thesis, for cancellation of examinations, etc. WICHTIG: Diese E-Mail-Verteiler sind nicht identisch zu dem E-Mail-Verteiler des FSR! Uni Siegen. bottom group. The students of MEPS (Master of Economic Policy Siegen) as well as the Alumni and professors of economics met together on the 16th of October to celebrate the very first MEPS Annual Ceremony. 9-11, Building H, Room 102 57076 Siegen Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany niet-wunram@zess.uni-siegen.de telephone: +49 271 740-3400 fax: +49 271 740-4018 middle group. The Online application for Winter Term 2021/22 for the following Courses is now possible: Applied Geosciences - Deadline. Adresse: Universität Siegen. Marine Geoscience - Deadline: 28.02. University of Siegen is a research university located in Germany that was established in 1964. A Master of Science degree in Mechatronics will be awarded upon successful completion of the program. Students benefit from studying and learning in small groups in a department with a good staff-to-student ratio at a university that offers an outstanding psychology reference library – possibly the best of its kind in Germany. Master of Science / M.Sc. Semesters Master Psychologie (Hauptfach)! Zum Master-Studium werden unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen auch Absolventinnen und Absolventen von Fachhochschulen mit Auflagen zugelassen. The Master's programme in Economic Policy at the University of Siegen (MEPS) is designed to prepare its students for the challenges which an increasingly globalised economy imposes on businesses, economic policy and society. 2a; 57068 Siegen; Phone: +49 271 740-4485; Website of the department; Online application; Student body ; top group. Architektur. The wide range of research activities includes basic and applied research across all faculties. The Master's programme in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the University of Siegen is a two-year 120 ECTS English-language degree programme offered to national and international students. Adolf-Reichwein-Str. The programme offers different specializations. You will find. More than 50 participants attended the ceremony, following presentations of alumni students, enjoying a … Master of Science Weiterbildung Die Technische Universität Darmstadt bietet Master-Studiengänge zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung an. 9-11, Building H, Room 102 57076 Siegen Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany niet-wunram@zess.uni-siegen.de telephone: +49 271 740-3400 fax: +49 271 740-4018 Program overviews; Description of the modules. Master’s Program Economic Policy. Admission Requirements: Information for Applicants for the Master’s Program “Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie" Welcome to the Master Portal of the University of Bremen. Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. 9-11, Building H, Room 102 57076 Siegen Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany niet-wunram@zess.uni-siegen.de telephone: +49 271 740-3400 fax: +49 271 740-4018 Marine Microbiology (MarMic) - Deadline: 15. You can start your own practice, or work at a healthcare institution, a court or a sports organisation. Saarland University provides students on the Master's degree programme in psychology with an excellent environment for academic study and research. Siegen, Germany. Master Computer Science Silvia Niet-Wunram Paul-Bonatz-Str. The University of Amsterdam offers various Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Psychology. master thesis, students projects) and excellent students get the opportunity to pursue to a PhD in one of these projects in Siegen, e.g. Become a research expert in the area of individual differences and assessment, such as personality, character, and temperament.. Study how such differences affect people's lives in the domains of work and health. Required Languages (Level): German (C1) at the time of application, German level C1 must be proven. Uni Siegen › Studienangebot. 2. University of Siegen participates and leads research projects in healthcare, automotive, industrial control, avionics and home automation. The course provides a broad-based training programme in psychology, covering theory and methods in core domains of psychology reflecting particular research strengths within the department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences. "Wie steht es um die Digitalkompetenzen deutscher Erwachsener? In Mensch und Gesellschaft im digitalen Wandel : Psychologie, Gesellschaft, Politik 2018, 15–25. Wicht, Alexandra, Clemens Lechner, and Beatrice Rammstedt. Psychologie (Dutch) Psychology; Master Tracks Psychology. The Master program in Chemistry at the University of Siegen is an international master program which is a consecutive study program. The University of Siegen participates and leads research projects in healthcare, automotive, industrial control, avionics and home automation. Master students are welcome to become involved in these projects (e.g. From accounting to visual computing, University of Siegen offers a broad choice of subjects. 2013-05-15. 2013-05-15. After you’ve completed a master's in this field, you can become a clinician, a researcher, a study advisor, or a manager. The University of Göttingen offers more than 100 master’s programmes in the natural and life sciences, as well as the humanities and social sciences. Master of Science / M.Sc. Master’s programme in Göttingen: Multi-faceted, international, research-oriented. Accounting, Auditing And Taxation (Master Of Science) University of Siegen. Research Master in Individual Differences and Assessment. 28.02. You will also gain practical experience through projects and lab work. Please note that the programme option in Cognitive Neuroscience is the only one that is taught entirely in … It focuses on modern aspects of the science and technology of nanoscopic systems, ranging from basic knowledge to applications and devices. Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft: Kommunikation und Fremdsprachen im Beruf. : eine empirische Analyse mit dem Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)." All documents are required to be send in PDF format. 50.875773 8.019489. Bauingenieurwesen. Fakultät II: Department Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie at the Uni Siegen. If you want to apply please send your application documents via e-mail to meps@uni-siegen.de. Bachelor's programmes. Master of Science / M.Sc. Examination regulations. The grades and credit points of the Mechatronics program are based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) which guarantees high international acceptance of the Master degree. An overall grade of … The university later merged with the Technical University in 1972 making it more comprehensive and whole as one of the top universities of Germany.. Bitte tragt euch daher sowohl in den FSR-Verteiler, als auch in einen der unten genannten Verteiler (Bsc oder Msc) ein. Today the University of Siegen The University of Siegen offers a 108 degree programs across four different faculties. Fast facts. 03. E-Mail-Verteiler des Instituts für Psychologie der Uni Siegen. Raum: AR-NB 112. In this section you will find some general information on the structure of the Master’s program in Economic Policy (MEPS: Master Economic Policy in Siegen). This Master Program was established in autumn 2001 as interdisciplinary courses offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences in cooperation with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and is exclusively held in English. MEPS Annual Ceremony – Meet for the very first time, Artur-Woll Haus, University of Siegen. Psychologie (overview page)(Dutch) Psychologie: Training & Development (track)(Dutch) Psychology: Behavioural Data Science (track) Psychology: Brain & Cognition in Society (track) Psychology: Coaching & … 2018. International Graduate Studies in Mechatronics We appreciate your interest in our degree progam International Graduate Studies in Mechatronics. Master Computer Science Silvia Niet-Wunram Paul-Bonatz-Str. Read more about the Bachelor in Psychology. Basic information. not grouped. Are you looking for a suitable master’s programme? Die Studiengänge sind nicht-konsekutiv, kostenpflichtig und berufsbegleitend. We as the first HCI programme in Germany with our long-term expertise in this area. Telefon: 0271/740- 3439. Deadline: 15.07. Bachelor of Science / B.Sc.