What you have for lunch? 1. to Who were you ? Levels of Difficulty : Elementary Intermediate Advanced How many cats do they have? We don't need to use inversion. Resources and materials for ESL teachers including free ESL handouts and quizzes, PDF lesson plans, teacher articles and a directory of teaching and reference resources. When did _____ take place? Word Order in English SentencesWord Order in Positive SentencesWord Order in NegativeSentencesWord Order in SubordinateClausesPosition of Time ExpressionsPosit… Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. 1 meat you eat do In an indirect question, the subject comes before the verb. Almost all questions … Present Simple Questions (Question word) DO / DOES SUBJECT MAIN VERB (THE REST) Do you like techno music? Also provides access to questions from students and teaching forum topics. 3325 Word order – Sentences, Questions – Complex Test 3321 Word order in statements – Exercise 3323 Word order in statements with expressions of place and time – Exercise 2 a You’re going to read a social media post by Magda. questions to test both logic and reasoning skills and word knowledge. In the same way as with reported 'wh' questions, we use the question word and the word order of a normal positive sentence to make indirect 'wh' questions. Check your grammar: rewrite sentences – question words Write the questions adding the word in brackets. What sort of things do you share? Is the restaurant closing now? Higher Order Thinking Skills Question Templates Recall Note: Any question becomes a recall question if the answer has already been explicitly provided to the student in class or in the text. Look at her photos. Word order exercises. Word order in questions in English Interrogative structures in English How to form correctly ordered questions in English See also : tag questions 1. Where does Tracy live? - Direct question: Can you tell me: if the restaurant is closing now? - Direct question: Questions and Negations. 1 Do you share information online? Put the sentences in the correct order. ... Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. EXAMPLES OF WORD ORDER FOR INDIRECT QUESTIONS THE RULES Correct: Joe asked Phil who the 40th president of the U.S was. When the direct question is a yes or no question, we use 'if' and the word order of a normal positive sentence. Grammar: word order in questions Vocabulary: question words 1A Getting to know you Reading and vocabulary 1 Work in pairs and discuss the questions. All downloads are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. - Indirect question Does Sophia live in New York? Does she play table tennis? Again, we also don't usually need to 'backshift' (change the tense of the verb) as we do with reported questions. ... Higher Order Thinking Skills Question Templates.PDF Free grammar exercises for beginners. A Order the words to make questions. 2 How and why do you share this information? 1. Don’t forget the questi on mark. In order to solve analogy questions, you must first have a clear understanding of the words’ definitions and then use that understanding to determine how the words are related. Don't forget to change capital letters if necessary. These questions ask test takers to identify relationships between pairs of words. Indirect questions – when you report a question that somebody else asked (The Senator asked the President when the war would end.)